Melissa Fleming: A boat carrying 500 refugees sunk at sea. The story of two survivors
Мелисса Флеминг: 500 зорчигчтой усан онгоц далайд живэхэд амьд гарсан хоёрын түүх
Melissa Fleming sheds light on their devastating plight and remarkable resilience of refugees. Full bio
Double-click the English transcript below to play the video.
of people fleeing for their lives,
зовлонт түүхүүдийг сонсдог.
and unfriendly seas.
that keeps me awake at night,
in Egypt working day wages.
өдөржин ажилладаг байсан.
of his thriving business back in Syria
өртсөн бизнесээ
was still raging in its fourth year.
дөрөв дэх жилдээ үргэлжилж байлаа.
that once welcomed them there
tried to kidnap her.
түүнийг хулгайлах гэж оролдов.
thinking only of her future,
сурагч охин
with a fellow Syrian refugee named Bassem.
дүрвэгч залууд хайртай байсан юм.
and he said to Doaa,
Доад хандан:
the promise of a new life."
шинэ амьдрал бүтээцгээе" гэв.
for her hand in marriage.
they had to risk their lives,
амиараа дэнчин тавьж,
notorious for their cruelty.
амиа даатгана гэдгээ мэдэж байсан.
She never learned to swim.
үргэлж л айдаг байсан.
and already 2,000 people had died
Газар дундын тэнгисийг
all the way to Northern Europe,
they consented,
2,500 dollars each --
хүн тус бүрийн 2500 долларыг
when the call came,
hundreds of people on the beach.
тэнд зуу зуун хүн ирсэн байв.
onto an old fishing boat,
хуучин загасны завь руу аваачиж
Africans, Muslims and Christians,
Мусульман болон Христийн шашинтнууд
little Sandra, six years old --
ой хагастай Маса нар багтсан байв.
crammed together shoulder to shoulder,
шахцалдаж суусан
crammed up to her chest,
they were sick with worry
санаа зовох, давлагаа хоёроос
from the rough sea.
"I fear we're not going to make it.
"Please be patient.
we will get married
were getting agitated.
санаа зовж эхлэв.
"When will we get there?"
and he insulted them.
the shores of Italy."
a smaller boat, 10 men on board,
жижиг завь ойртож,
hurling insults,
to all disembark
more unseaworthy boat.
завь руу суу хэмээв.
for their children,
санаа зовж,
refused to disembark.
in the side of Doaa's boat,
цоолж эхлэв.
and Bassem were sitting.
гэхийг сонсов.
as the boat capsized and sank.
аврал байсангүй.
of the boat as it sank,
was cut to pieces by the propeller.
аймшигт явдлыг харлаа.
will kill you, too."
алчихна шүү дээ" гэлээ.
her arms and her legs,
гар хөлөө хөдөлгөсөөр
Bassem found a life ring.
in swimming pools and on calm seas.
хэрэглэх зориулалттай хөвөгч дээр
dangling by the side.
in groups, praying for rescue.
аврал эрэн залбирч байлаа.
life vests off and sank into the water.
with a small baby perched on his shoulder,
бяцхан хүүхэд суулгасан
to stay afloat, and he said to them,
түшиж хөвж байгаа тэр эр
the courage anymore."
over to Bassem and to Doaa,
хоёрт өгөхөд
Doaa, Bassem and little Malek.
Доа, Бассем, бяцхан Малек 3.
in this story right here
take these kinds of risks?
давдаг юм бэ?
in exile, in limbo.
гарах гарцгүй амьдарч байна.
from a war that has been raging
үргэлжилсэн дайнаас дайжиж,
амьдарч байна.
have been completely destroyed.
into neighboring countries,
for them in the desert.
дүрвэгсдийн оромж барьдаг.
live in camps like these,
millions, live in towns and cities.
that once welcomed them
мэдэхгүй болж.
water systems, sanitation.
ахуйн хангамж хүрэлцэхгүй болсон.
could never handle such an influx
маш их хэмжээний хөрөнгө оруулалтгүйгээр
four million people over the borders,
хил давсан бол
are on the run inside the country.
зугтах гэж байна.
the Syrian population
талаас илүү нь
гэсэн үг.
countries hosting so many.
хөрш орнууд
has done too little to support them.
туслахгүй байна гэж үзэж байгаа.
months into years.
to be temporary.
and Bassem was getting very weak.
Бассем их сульдаж байв.
to say to Bassem,
to our future. We will make it."
Доагийн ээлж байлаа.
that I put you in this situation.
оруулсанд уучлаарай.
as much as I love you."
их хайрлаагүй юм шүү" гээд
drowned before her eyes.
өөрийн нүдээр харлаа.
small 18-month-old daughter, Masa.
дагуулсан ээж ирлээ.
in the picture earlier,
everything in her power
"Please take this child.
"Охиныг минь аваач.
I will not survive."
Би амьд гарахгүй нь"
who was terrified of the water,
of two little baby kids.
and they were agitated,
to them from the Quran.
and turning black.
цогцсууд хөвж байлаа.
this is how Doaa probably looked
Доа хоёр хүүхдийн хамт
and approached her
and the mother drowned,
ээж нь живэхэд
to find you water and food."
олохоор явсан" гэж хэлсэн.
the little boy into the water.
явуулах ёстой болсон.
crossing in the sky.
hoping they would see her,
гараа далласан ч
as the sun was going down,
нар жаргах үед
let them rescue me."
туслаач" хэмээн
like she shouted for about two hours.
but finally the searchlights found her
хайгуулын гэрэлд түүнийг олж
clutching onto two babies.
эмэгтэй байхад нь ихэд гайхлаа.
they got oxygen and blankets,
хүчил төрөгч, хөнжил өгч
to pick them up
"What of Malek?"
did not survive --
in the boat's clinic.
been pulled up onto the rescue boat,
бяцхан охины инээмсэглэхийг
that wreck, of the 500.
11 нь л амьд гарсан.
investigation into what happened.
эрэн сурвалжлага хийгдээгүй.
about mass murder at sea,
hospital on Crete,
Her kidneys were failing.
бөөрний дутагдалд орсон.
in their medical power to save them,
singing her words.
and said pretty words to her in Arabic.
Араб хэлээр ярьсан.
about the miracle baby,
дөрвөн өдөр юу ч идэж, уугаагүй ч
without food or anything to drink,
from all over the country.
үрчилж авах хүсэлтүүд ирсэн.
was in another hospital on Crete,
орсон байлаа.
home as soon as she was released.
гэртээ хүлээн авсан.
about Doaa's survival,
талаар мэдээ тарж,
was published on Facebook.
what happened to my brother?
мэдэх үү?
Do you know if they survived?"
Тэд амьд болов уу?"
my little niece, Masa."
гэдэг би итгэж байна" гээд
to Sweden with his family
with him in Sweden,
дахин уулзана гэж бид найдаж байна.
in a beautiful orphanage in Athens.
түүнийг халамжилж байна.
about her survival, too.
about this slight woman,
амьд гараад зогсохгүй
she could survive all this time
most prestigious institutions,
Афины академи
with her family there.
and her father and her younger siblings
улс төрч болж
or a politician
fight injustice.
тэмцэхийг хүсдэг.
ёсгүй бол яах вэ?
боломж байгаагүй вэ?
for her to study in Europe?
an airplane to Sweden?
program for Syrian refugees,
муухай дайны хохирогч болсон
нүүлгэх хөтөлбөр байхгүй вэ?
in the 1970s. Why not now?
тусалсан. Яагаад одоо биш гэж?
in the neighboring countries
хөрш орнуудад
хийж байна вэ?
the wars, the persecution
дүрвэхэд хүргэсэн
зогсоохын тулд
so many people
хайсаар л байна.
their economies, the changes of culture.
соёлын өөрчлөлтөөс эмээж байгаа.
than saving human lives?
аврахаас илүү чухал гэж үү?
fundamental here
хөндсөн асуудал юм.
crossing a sea to reach safety.
on those dangerous boats
өсөж дэвжих боломжтой бол
that dangerous journey
хүүхдүүдээ хооллох чадалтай бол
for themselves and their children.
500 хүний өмнөөс
who drowned with them,
did not die in vain?
төлөө хамтдаа тэмцэж болох уу?
in which every life matters?
Melissa Fleming - Voice for refugeesMelissa Fleming sheds light on their devastating plight and remarkable resilience of refugees.
Why you should listen
Almost 60 million people in the world today have been forcefully displaced from their home - a level not seen since WWII. As many as four million Syrian refugees have sought refuge in neighboring countries. In Lebanon, half of these refugees are children; only 20 percent are in school.
Melissa Fleming, Head of Communications and Spokesperson for the High Commissioner at UN's High Commission for Refugees (UNHCR), calls on all of us to make sure that refugee camps are healing places where people can develop the skills they'll need to rebuild their hometowns. Investing in this, she says, may well be the most effective relief effort there is. This inspires her and the teams at the UNHCR to tell stories of the individuals who are displaced.
Fleming's 2017 book, A Hope More Powerful Than the Sea, was born out of the story of Doaa Al Zamel, told her in TED Talk.
Fleming was named senior advisor and spokesperson for UN Secretary-General, António Guterres, in October 2016.
Melissa Fleming | Speaker |