Angela Lee Duckworth: Grit: The power of passion and perseverance
Angela Lee Duckworth: Celesi i suksesit? Te kesh kuraje
At the University of Pennsylvania, Angela Lee Duckworth studies intangible concepts such as self-control and grit to determine how they might predict both academic and professional success. Full bio
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si konsulente manaxheriale
klasave te shtata
kuocienti i inteligjences nuk ishte
mes nxenesve te mire dhe atyre te dobet.
ne testin e kuocientit.
nuk shkonin aq mire.
ne matematiken e klases se shtate,
duke i dedikuar kohen e mjaftueshme.
se ajo qe i nevojitet sistemit shkollor
nxenesit dhe mesimdhenien
me me shume sukses
po sikur suksesi ne shkolle e ne jete
shpejt dhe me lehtesi?
per t'u bere psikologe.
shkuan ne West Point Military Academy.
se cilet prej kadeteve
dhe cilet do t'a braktisnin ate.
(konkurs germezimi)
cilet prej femijeve do te qendronin
per te kuptuar
te jepnin mesim
te nxenesve te tyre?
per te kuptuar
te mbanin punen e tyre?
dhe as kuocienti.
ne arritjen e objektivave afatgjate.
t'i qendrosh besnik te ardhmes
si nje maratone, dhe jo si nje sprint.
ne shkollat e mesme
do te diplomoheshin.
ne cdo karakteristike te matshme,
qe ndjenin femijet ne ambientin skollor.
Por edhe ne shkolle,
t'a braktisin ate.
ne lidhje me kurajen
mbi menyren se si ajo krijohet.
nje etike te forte pune?
ne afatgjate?"
Nuk e di. (te qeshura)
nuk te ben kurajoz.
kuraja nuk eshte e lidhur,
me talentin.
ne lidhje me krijimin e kurajes
ne Stanford University
nuk eshte kostante,
ne baze te perpjekjeve.
kur femijet lexojne dhe mesojne
pas deshtimeve,
per te krijuar kuraje.
gjetjet me bindese,
te deshtojme, te gabojme,
Angela Lee Duckworth - PsychologistAt the University of Pennsylvania, Angela Lee Duckworth studies intangible concepts such as self-control and grit to determine how they might predict both academic and professional success.
Why you should listen
In her late 20s, Angela Lee Duckworth left a demanding job as a management consultant at McKinsey to teach math in public schools in San Francisco, Philadelphia and New York.
After five years of teaching seventh graders, she went back to grad school to complete her Ph.D. in psychology at the University of Pennsylvania, where she is now an assistant professor in the psychology department. Her research subjects include students, West Point cadets, and corporate salespeople, all of whom she studies to determine how "grit" is a better indicator of success than factors such as IQ or family income.
Angela Lee Duckworth | Speaker |