Susan Pinker: The secret to living longer may be your social life
Susan Pinker: El secret de viure més anys pot ser a la vida social
Susan Pinker reveals how in-person social interactions are not only necessary for human happiness but also could be a key to health and longevity. Full bio
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of six to eight years longer than men do.
entre 6 i 8 anys més que els homes.
va publicar un article
de països rics
de morir que les dones
com les dones.
as many centenarians
viuen tant com les dones.
where men live as long as women.
and the habits of the place,
i els hàbits del lloc,
25 percent of their longevity.
el 25 % de la seva longevitat.
to live to 100 or beyond?
per viure més de 100 anys?
is an aerial view of Villagrande.
una vista aèria de Villagrande.
of the blue zone
is not its main virtue,
la bellesa arquitectònica
constantly intersect.
s'entrecreuen constantment.
que m'observaven
of pairs of eyes watching me
without its walls, without its cathedral,
sense les seves parets, la seva catedral,
defined its design.
defineix el seu disseny.
towards the industrial revolution
en apropar-nos a la revolució industrial
esdevingueren el risc diari.
became the risk of the day.
is the public health risk of our time.
de salut pública dels nostres temps.
amb qui poden comptar.
now as a contrast
He's 102, a supercentenarian
Té 102 anys, un supercentenari
of the village of Villagrande.
del poble de Villagrande.
on the forest floor
who also lived past 100,
que també va viure més de 100 anys,
in a small, homey kitchen
a la petita cuina familiar
Angelo and Domenico,
Angelo i Domenico,
and looking after their father,
very suspicious of me and my daughter
desconfiaven de mi i de la meva filla
on this research trip,
en aquest viatge de recerca,
d'estrangers i forasters.
en absolut desconfiat.
to live to be 100 or beyond,
per a viure més de 100 anys,
que mai he conegut.
to live a long life.
per viure una llarga vida.
under hooded eyelids and he growled,
les parpelles caigudes i va remugar,
and looked after him
this obvious loss of her freedom,
per la seva manca de llibertat,
to interview these centenarians,
a entrevistar aquests centenaris,
to bring fresh fruits and vegetables.
a portar fruita i verdura fresca.
mentre la gent envelleix,
by extended family, by friends,
de família i amics,
the barkeeper, the grocer.
el taverner, el botiguer.
to live solitary lives.
of the developed world,
del món desenvolupat,
loving, caring family in another city."
sol·lícita família en una altra ciutat".
vaig conèixer dones,
how to make the local specialty,
com fer la especialitat local,
with high-fat ricotta and mint
molt greixosa, i menta,
how to make just the right crimp
correctament les vores
with her daughters every Sunday
cada diumenge
by the dozens to neighbors and friends.
entre veïns i amics.
baixa en calories i sense gluten
a low-fat, gluten-free diet
to live to 100 in the blue zone.
per viure 100 anys a la zona blava.
along with the science that underpins them
junt amb la ciència que les sosté
some questions too,
algunes preguntes,
and how can I put that day off?
i com puc posposar tal dia?
the answer is not what we expect.
la resposta no és el que s'espera.
at Brigham Young University
a la Universitat de Brigham Young
de persones de mitjana edat
aspect of their lifestyle:
del seu estil de vida:
sat tight and waited for seven years
van esperar durant 7 anys
of dying the most?
les seves possibilitats de morir?
predictor to the strongest.
fins al més fort.
you can stop feeling guilty about this,
no cal sentir-te'n culpable,
and you're in rehab and exercising,
i estiguis fent rehabilitació i exercici,
protects you more than doing exercise?
protegeix més que no pas fer exercici?
or if you did, whether you quit,
ho has deixat,
that you can call on for a loan
a qui demanes un préstec
if you're not feeling well
if you're having an existential crisis,
si tens una crisi existencial
aquest grupet de persones
of how long you'll live.
de quants anys viuràs.
social integration.
you interact with people
interaccions amb persones
your weak and your strong bonds,
com amb els lligams forts,
tens una relació estreta,
you're really close to,
who every day makes you your coffee?
que et fa el cafè cada dia?
by your house every day with her dog?
cada dia davant de casa teva?
have a book club?
tens un grup de lectura?
are one of the strongest predictors
un dels indicadors més potents
la següent pregunta:
than on any other activity,
que no pas fent cap altra activitat,
per cert,
between interacting in person
interaccionar en persona
de xarxes socials?
with your kids through text, for example?
per text amb els fills, per exemple?
a aquesta pregunta és no,
to the question is no,
a whole cascade of neurotransmitters,
tota una cascada de neurotransmissors,
they protect you now in the present
et protegeix tant ara en el present
eye contact with somebody,
fer contacte visual amb algú,
xocar les mans per saludar,
which gives us a little high
que ens droga una mica
under our conscious radar,
per sota el nostre radar conscient,
online activity with the real thing.
activitats en línia amb la realitat.
evidència nova,
fresh evidence,
at the University of Maryland,
de la Universitat de Maryland,
when we interact in person
quan interaccionem en persona
something that's static.
alguna cosa estàtica.
she compared the brain function
comparar la funció cerebral
en viu amb ella
l'activitat cerebral de persones
to the brain activity of people
about the same subject
sobre el mateix tema
com a YouTube.
in an MRI scanner at the same time,
per fer la resonància,
on real social interaction.
durant una interacció social real.
is the difference in brain activity
en l'activitat cerebral
and taking in static content.
i internalitzar contingut estàtic.
that are associated with attention,
associades amb l'atenció,
what somebody else is thinking
el que algú altre està pensant
molt més actives
with a live partner.
amb un company en viu.
from Fortune 500 companies
reclutadors d'empreses Fortune 500
eren més llestos
les presentacions en un text,
read their pitches in a text, for example,
convey a rich signal.
transmet una senyal rica.
Business School
a la Universitat de Chicago
it tells us a simple thing.
una cosa senzilla.
és que les dones tendeixen
is that women are more likely
their face-to-face relationships
les relacions cara a cara
contra les malalties i el deteriorament.
against disease and decline.
our primate relations as well.
els nostres parents primats, també.
shows that female baboons
mostra que les femelles de babuí
via their cortisol levels,
en els seus nivells de cortisol,
more surviving offspring.
més descendents vius.
the lowest rates of dementia
més baixos de demència
socialment actives.
to survive their disease than loners are.
de sobreviure que no pas els solitaris.
who meet regularly to play poker
i s'ajunten regularment per jugar a pòquer
by that social contact
per aquest contacte social
who meet regularly --
un infart i es reuneixen sovint --
powerful they can do.
provides stunning benefits,
proporciona beneficis impressionants,
says they have no one to talk to.
diu que no tenen ningú amb qui parlar.
to know we belong,
saber que pertanyem,
into our cities, into our workplaces,
en les ciutats i llocs de treball,
surging through the bloodstream and brain
a través del rec sanguini i del cervell
is a matter of life and death.
és una qüestió de vida o mort.
I have a question for you.
Tinc una pregunta per a tu.
que es connecten quan estem cara a cara,
connecting when in face-to-face,
in digital technology
en tecnologia digital
and he's yelling at his friends.
are just emerging.
that the digital revolution happened
la revolució tecnològica passava
there are some improvements
is at the top of the screen,
està a sobre de la pantalla,
looking into the screen,
quan mires a la pantalla,
as even just looking into the camera
tan sols mirar a la càmera
the position of the camera.
we are getting closer with the technology.
ens hi estem acostant amb la tecnologia.
Susan Pinker - Developmental psychologistSusan Pinker reveals how in-person social interactions are not only necessary for human happiness but also could be a key to health and longevity.
Why you should listen
In her award-winning book The Sexual Paradox, psychologist Susan Pinker argued that biological differences could play an unexpectedly large role in creating classroom, lifespan and workplace gender gaps. With The Village Effect, she tracks another current: how social, face-to-face interactions are critical not only for our happiness but also for our survival, and how technology can isolate us from these life-saving bonds. As she writes: "Neglecting to keep in close contact with people who are important to you is at least as dangerous to your health as a pack-a-day cigarette habit, hypertension or obesity."
In addition to her books, Pinker writes a column for the Wall Street Journal, "Mind and Matter," which illuminates surprising advances in human behavior research. Pinker’s numerous writings (including her weekly columns "Problem Solving" and "The Business Brain") have appeared in the Guardian, the New York Times and Financial Times, among many others.
Susan Pinker | Speaker |