Aditi Gupta: A taboo-free way to talk about periods
Aditi Gupta: Hilerokoari buruz taburik gabe hitz egiteko modua
Aditi Gupta uses storytelling and art to educate young girls about menstruation. Full bio
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goes through every month
hilero jasaten dutena
of our species depends on it.
gure espeziearen biziraupena eta ugalketa.
and shameful talking about it.
horretaz jarduterakoan.
a secret from others --
esan zidaten --
appeared in our textbooks,
testuliburuetan agertu zenean,
hurrengo gaira egin zuen salto.
shameful to talk about it.
are not aware of menstruation
ez daukatela hilekoaren berri
out of 10 girls being unaware of it.
hamar neskatik bederatzi.
ezagutu ditudan neska gehienek
that I have spoken to,
at the time of their first menstruation
lehenengo aldiz hilekoa izan zutenean.
is a very important risk factor
of girls and women
%12k soilik dauzka
of managing their periods.
behar dituen higiene baliabideak.
unhygienic ways to manage their periods.
hilerokoa daukanean.
called Garhwa, in Jharkhand,
hazi nintzen, Jharkhand-en,
is considered shameful.
lotsagarritzat jotzen den.
I would wash and reuse them.
erabili ostean.
in a dark, damp place
ezkutatzen nituen
that I'm menstruating.
hilerokoa neukala.
the rags would become coarse,
trapuak laztu egiten ziren,
and infections using them.
until I moved out of that town.
hiri hartatik joan nintzen arte.
that periods brought in my life
beste arazo bat
and women when they're on their periods.
inposatzen zaizkienak.
for the few who don't.
ezagutzen ez dituzuenontzat.
ukitu edo jan.
or some other family member's bed.
debekatuta neukan.
after every period,
izarak garbitu behar nituen,
any object of religious importance.
gurtzen edo ukitzen.
of menstruating girls and women.
sartzen uzten ez dietenak.
on younger girls in a family.
familiako neska gazteenei.
accepting such restrictions as norms.
onartzen hazi dira haiek.
from generation to generation.
zabaldu direnak.
ibili naizen urteetan,
and wash their dishes separately.
eta beren platerak bereizita garbitu behar zituzten.
to take baths during periods,
hilekoa dutenean,
secluded from other family members.
familiako kideengandik isolatzen dituzte.
and women in India
customs on their periods every month.
jasaten zuen hilero.
zer eragin daukan
and self-confidence of a young girl?
autoestimuan eta konfiantzan?
that this inflicts,
during her early formative years?
lehenengo heziketa-urteetan?
restrictive customs for 13 years,
ohitura murriztatzaileak 13 urtez,
izandako eztabaida batek
about menstruation forever.
betirako aldatu zuen arte.
our postgraduation in design.
graduondoko diseinu ikasketetan ari ginen.
discussing periods with him.
hilekoari buruz berarekin.
that girls get painful cramps
neskek karranpa mingarriak jasaten ditugula
upon menstruating girls and women
hilekoa duten neska eta emakumeei
and learn more about menstruation.
gauza gehiago ikasten zituen.
about menstruation myself.
konturatzen nintzen.
actually turned out to be myths.
mitoak besterik ez zirela.
who would be ill-informed, too.
milioika neska egongo dira.
urtebeteko ikerketari ekin nion
the lack of awareness about menstruation
eta arazoaren jatorria aztertzeko.
and misconception is a rural phenomenon,
ikusi nuen ikertzerakoan.
an urban phenomenon as well.
urban class, also.
hiriko jendearena ere.
parents and teachers,
hitz egiterakoan,
wanted to educate girls about periods
hilekoen berri eman nahi zietela neskei
getting their menstrual cycle.
the proper means themselves.
ez zeukaten baliabide egokirik.
and shameful in talking about it.
horri buruz mintzatzerakoan.
in classes six and seven,
izaten dute hilekoa lehen aldiz,
only in standard eight and nine.
ikasten dute hilerokoen inguruan.
skip the subject altogether.
eta hurrengoari ekiten diote.
teach girls about periods,
hilekoaren inguruan ikasten,
eta gaur egun --
and we wondered:
eta zera pentsatu genuen:
about menstruation on their own --
menstruazioa zer den ulertzeko --
parents and teachers
comfortably to young girls?
of girls during their periods.
esperientzien istorioak ziren.
curious and interested
piztuko zituzten neskengan
in their close circle.
beren ingurukoekin.
that would make the girls curious
zeozer nahi genuen
bideratuko ziutena.
to teach girls about periods.
erabili nahi genituen.
would enact these stories
antzezten dituzten
in a fun and engaging way.
era entretenigarrian ikasten dute.
in their different phases of puberty,
during the narrative of the book
been getting her period.
about the various aspects of growing up
ikasten dute neskek.
irudiak ezin zirela iraingarriak
were objectionable in any way
we found that the girls loved the book.
liburua izugarri gogoko zutela ikusi genuen.
about periods on their own.
jakin nahi zuten hilekoaz.
comfortable in talking about periods
neska gazteei liburua baliatuz,
were interested in reading it.
irakurtzeko interesa erakutsi zuten.
in creating an environment
themselves to educate girls
prototipoa hartu zuten neskei erakusteko
in five different states in India.
egin zituzten Indiako bost eskualdetan.
took this prototype to educate young monks
monje gazteei erakusteko hartu zuen
eraman zuen.
called "Menstrupedia Comic"
"Menstrupedia Comic" izenekoa
educated by using the book in India and --
liburu honekin ikasi du Indian eta --
into different languages
liburua beste hizkuntzetara itzultzen
in different countries.
eskuragarri izateko.
a part of their school curriculum
irakasleak, eskola zuzendariak,
teachers, school principals,
drive to their own communities,
hilekoarekiko kontzientzia beren komunitateetan,
learn about periods at the right age
izatea hilekoaren berri
where menstruation is not a curse,
hilekoa ez da madarikazio bat,
aldaketa pozgarria baizik.
to all the parents here.
mesede txiki bat eskatuz bukatzea.
Aditi Gupta - Social entrepreneur, co-founder of MenstrupediaAditi Gupta uses storytelling and art to educate young girls about menstruation.
Why you should listen
Aditi Gupta is a social entrepreneur and co-founder of Menstrupedia, working towards spreading awareness about menstruation. While studying at the National Institute of Design as a Ford Foundation research scholar, she has conducted extensive research in understanding the scenario of menstrual unawareness in India and its impact on a girl's life. She has designed effective educational tools for girls and schools using storytelling and sequential art for educating young girls about periods in a society where the subject is a major taboo.
Menstrupedia Comic is a complete guide on periods designed by Menstrupedia team being used by more than 30 schools across India. The books are being distributed in other countries like Nepal, South America and Nigeria.
Gupta is a World Economic Forum Global Shaper and made it to the achiever's list of Forbes India 30 under 30 in 2014 for her work towards breaking the taboo around menstruation. She is a International Visitor Leadership Program (IVLP) alumni. Her work has been featured in The Wall Street Journal, Reuters, CNBC and BBC. She aspires to create a future where menstruation is not a taboo but a welcoming change in a girl's life.
Aditi Gupta | Speaker |