Aditi Gupta: A taboo-free way to talk about periods
아디티 굽타 (Aditi Gupta): 생리에 관해 거리낌 없이 얘기하는 방법
Aditi Gupta uses storytelling and art to educate young girls about menstruation. Full bio
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goes through every month
of our species depends on it.
and shameful talking about it.
어색하고 창피해 합니다.
a secret from others --
appeared in our textbooks,
교과서에 실렸는데
그냥 넘겨버렸어요.
shameful to talk about it.
부끄러운 일이라는 걸 배웠죠.
are not aware of menstruation
초경을 경험할 때
out of 10 girls being unaware of it.
10명 중 9명이나 된다고 해요.
that I have spoken to,
at the time of their first menstruation
is a very important risk factor
매우 위험합니다.
of girls and women
of managing their periods.
unhygienic ways to manage their periods.
비위생적인 방법을 쓴다는 얘기죠.
called Garhwa, in Jharkhand,
작은 마을에서 자랐습니다.
is considered shameful.
부끄러운 일로 치부됐죠.
I would wash and reuse them.
빨아서 다시 쓰곤 했죠.
in a dark, damp place
that I'm menstruating.
아무도 모를 테니까요.
the rags would become coarse,
and infections using them.
감염되기도 했습니다.
until I moved out of that town.
똑같은 헝겊을 계속 사용했죠.
that periods brought in my life
이뿐만이 아닙니다.
and women when they're on their periods.
반드시 따라야 할 사항들이었죠.
for the few who don't.
만질 수 없었죠.
or some other family member's bed.
앉는 것도 허용되지 않았고요.
after every period,
any object of religious importance.
예배에 참석하는 것도 금지당했습니다.
of menstruating girls and women.
출입 금지라고 돼 있어요.
on younger girls in a family.
이런 금지령을 내리곤 하죠.
accepting such restrictions as norms.
지키면서 살아온 사람들이니까요.
중재자가 없기 때문에
from generation to generation.
and wash their dishes separately.
따로 설거지한다고 들었거든요.
to take baths during periods,
secluded from other family members.
접촉하는 것도 금지하더군요.
and women in India
customs on their periods every month.
하나 이상의 관습을 꼭 따르고 있습니다.
and self-confidence of a young girl?
that this inflicts,
during her early formative years?
아주 지대한 영향을 줍니다.
restrictive customs for 13 years,
13년이나 따랐는데
about menstruation forever.
완전히 바뀌었죠.
our postgraduation in design.
대학원에서 디자인을 공부했는데
discussing periods with him.
생리에 관한 얘기를 했죠.
that girls get painful cramps
매달 피를 흘린다는 사실에
upon menstruating girls and women
따르는지 알고는
and learn more about menstruation.
생리에 관한 정보를 취합했어요.
about menstruation myself.
무지하다는 걸 깨달았죠.
actually turned out to be myths.
근거 없는 내용이더군요.
who would be ill-informed, too.
오죽할까 싶더라고요.
the lack of awareness about menstruation
1년간 조사를 했습니다.
and misconception is a rural phenomenon,
그릇된 인식이 더 많다고 생각하지만
an urban phenomenon as well.
urban class, also.
예외는 아니었거든요.
parents and teachers,
wanted to educate girls about periods
해주고 싶어 한다는 사실을 알았죠.
getting their menstrual cycle.
초경을 경험하기 전에요.
the proper means themselves.
and shameful in talking about it.
수치스럽다고도 하더군요.
in classes six and seven,
7학년쯤 되면 생리를 시작합니다.
only in standard eight and nine.
9학년쯤에 이뤄지거든요.
skip the subject altogether.
넘어가는 경우도 많아요.
teach girls about periods,
교육받지 못하는 거죠.
and we wondered:
함께 생각했어요.
about menstruation on their own --
뭔가 개발하면 어떨까 하고요.
parents and teachers
아이들에게 거리낌 없이
comfortably to young girls?
도와주고 싶었어요.
of girls during their periods.
curious and interested
아이들의 호기심을 자극해
in their close circle.
자연스럽게 할 거라고 생각했어요.
that would make the girls curious
아이들이 배울 수 있도록
to teach girls about periods.
교육이 가능할 거라고 봤거든요.
would enact these stories
in a fun and engaging way.
교육 내용에 몰입할 수 있잖아요.
in their different phases of puberty,
시기별로 표현하기 위해
during the narrative of the book
생리를 시작합니다.
been getting her period.
하고 있고요.
프리야 디디입니다.
about the various aspects of growing up
성장 과정에 대한 정보와 생리할 때
were objectionable in any way
불쾌한 느낌을 주면 안 되니까요.
we found that the girls loved the book.
반응이 정말 좋았어요.
about periods on their own.
깨우치기 시작했죠.
comfortable in talking about periods
생리에 관한 얘기를 하기가
were interested in reading it.
책에 흥미를 보일 정도였죠.
in creating an environment
않는 환경이 조성됐죠.
themselves to educate girls
여자아이들을 교육했고
in five different states in India.
워크숍에도 이 책을 소개했습니다.
took this prototype to educate young monks
여자 수도승들을 교육하는 자료로 쓰려고
찾아가기도 했죠.
called "Menstrupedia Comic"
'재미있는 월경백과'란 제목도 붙였어요.
educated by using the book in India and --
그 책을 통해 교육받았고...
into different languages
번역하는 작업을 하고 있어요.
in different countries.
출판하기 위해서죠.
a part of their school curriculum
teachers, school principals,
drive to their own communities,
변화시키고자 노력하고 있다는 겁니다.
learn about periods at the right age
제때 생리에 관한 교육을 받고
where menstruation is not a curse,
받지 않는 미래를 꿈꿉니다.
반가운 변화입니다.
to all the parents here.
Aditi Gupta - Social entrepreneur, co-founder of MenstrupediaAditi Gupta uses storytelling and art to educate young girls about menstruation.
Why you should listen
Aditi Gupta is a social entrepreneur and co-founder of Menstrupedia, working towards spreading awareness about menstruation. While studying at the National Institute of Design as a Ford Foundation research scholar, she has conducted extensive research in understanding the scenario of menstrual unawareness in India and its impact on a girl's life. She has designed effective educational tools for girls and schools using storytelling and sequential art for educating young girls about periods in a society where the subject is a major taboo.
Menstrupedia Comic is a complete guide on periods designed by Menstrupedia team being used by more than 30 schools across India. The books are being distributed in other countries like Nepal, South America and Nigeria.
Gupta is a World Economic Forum Global Shaper and made it to the achiever's list of Forbes India 30 under 30 in 2014 for her work towards breaking the taboo around menstruation. She is a International Visitor Leadership Program (IVLP) alumni. Her work has been featured in The Wall Street Journal, Reuters, CNBC and BBC. She aspires to create a future where menstruation is not a taboo but a welcoming change in a girl's life.
Aditi Gupta | Speaker |