Ramanan Laxminarayan: The coming crisis in antibiotics
Ramanan Laxminarayan: A crise dos antibióticos que vén de camiño
At the Center for Disease Dynamics, Economics & Policy, economist Ramanan Laxminarayan looks at big-picture issues of global health. Full bio
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treated with an antibiotic
que foi tratado con antibióticos
while working in the garden.
rabuñouse coa espiña dunha rosa
a súa cabeza foise inflamando,
his head was swollen
que llo tiveron que sacar.
no Radcliffe Infirmary de Oxford
12 anos antes por Alexander Fleming,
used to treat a human,
para tratar doenzas humanas
knew if the drug would work,
that would kill the patient,
matarían o paciente.
decidiron usalo,
they might as well use it
que fose morrer de tódalas maneiras.
a Albert Alexander,
his appetite came back.
foi considerable,
run out of penicillin,
was run with his urine
the penicillin from his urine
ía por bo camiño.
millions of other people,
again in the early 1940s,
a comezos de 1940,
por unha septicemia,
wonder drug, penicillin.
ao marabilloso fármaco da penicilina.
used rather frivolously
nalgunhas circunstancias,
with just a cold or the flu,
responded to an antibiotic,
used in large quantities
means in small concentrations,
e porcos engorden moi rápido.
on the price of meat,
no prezo da carne,
antibiotics on animals,
en antibióticos para animais,
para potenciar o seu crecemento.
selection pressure on bacteria
das bacterias
das máis fortes,
fixemos posible a selección.
nos xornais sobre o tema,
about this in the newspapers,
of carbapenem resistance in acinetobacter.
do Acinetobacter ao carbapenem.
xerme hospitalario
de antibióticos máis poderosos
across the United States.
por debaixo do 10 % en todo EE. UU.
when we play the video.
ao avanzar o vídeo.
seguramente a situación
da resistencia aos antibióticos.
pobres e aos ricos por igual
you might say, well,
poderiades pensar
to use antibiotics as much,
a non dar tantos antibióticos
not to demand antibiotics,
fundamental about antibiotics
sobre os antibióticos
others are affected as well,
senón que afecta aos demais tamén,
ir traballar en coche
choose to drive to work
polo quecemento global,
these costs into consideration.
en conta necesariamente.
call a problem of the commons,
a traxedia dos bens comúns
que temos cos antibióticos,
of antibiotics as well:
que lles impoñemos aos demais
that they impose on others
que ben coñecemos,
e o uso da enerxía,
and climate change.
e cambio climático.
you can deal with the problem.
use of the oil that we have,
do petróleo que temos
iso sería facer un mellor uso
"drill, baby, drill" option,
"perfora, perfora",
is to go find new antibiotics.
tradúcese en atopar novos antibióticos.
do petróleo existente,
for conservation of oil
to happen for antibiotics.
cos antibióticos.
to happen, which is that
to make the investments
this particular picture,
nesta imaxe en particular,
para correr máis rápido
para correr máis rápido
elas serían a comida.
playing against the bacteria,
e achar como ser resistentes
ahead of the bacteria?
a carreira as bacterias?
para descubrir fármacos,
que poida prolongarse ou ganarse
game that can be sustained,
o proceso da coevolución
can borrow from energy
emprestadas do campo da enerxía
sobre as emisións de gases,
the costs of pollution
which don't pollute as much
combustibles fósiles.
good substitutes for antibiotics?
bos substitutos dos antibióticos?
das infeccións hospitalarias
hospital infection control
the seasonal influenza.
do consumo de antibióticos,
as in many other countries,
something like tradeable permits.
aos permisos comercializables.
fact that we might not
o feito de que quizais
people who have infections,
para todos os infectados,
a uns pacientes e non a outros,
be on the basis of clinical need,
sen dúbida funciona.
abusa dos antibióticos
sen razón.
ao igual que no caso da enerxía,
poden ser útiles.
até no caso dos antibióticos.
acostumaba poñer nun taboleiro
utilizaran no mes anterior
informational feedback,
retroalimentación informativa,
some information back
been introduced since then —
paying 10 cents a day for antibiotics,
10 céntimos ao día por un antibiótico,
semella moito
dos que botar man.
antibiotics as a given
looking at other technologies,
gasoline prices are a signal
insólitos para un antibiótico,
seem unusual for antibiotics,
for a few months or perhaps a year,
durante algúns meses ou quizais un ano,
os probióticos,
antibiotics starts going higher,
comece a subir.
market does actually respond,
antibiotics and development.
e o seu desenvolvemento.
a meterlle cartos ao problema.
en novos antibióticos e tamén
deses antibióticos,
dunha coñecida película sobre dinosauros:
"A vida atopará un camiño".
permanent solutions.
whatever the technology might be,
calquera que sexa a tecnoloxía,
de contrarrestala.
way to work around it.
this is just a problem
e as bacterias,
have the exact same
many other fields as well,
in India and South Africa.
para o tratamento da malaria.
a malaria con eficacia
treat malaria around the world
safe and efficacious.
know about head lice,
specialty there is bedbugs.
a especialidade son as chinches.
example from across the pond.
no outro lado do charco.
also resistant to poisons.
son resistentes ao veleno.
to all of these things is
the last 70, 80 or 100 years
desde hai só 70, 80 ou 100 anos
capacidade para controlala
evolution was going to find
e a evolución ían achar
start thinking about them
comezar a consideralos
Ramanan Laxminarayan - Drug-resistance economistAt the Center for Disease Dynamics, Economics & Policy, economist Ramanan Laxminarayan looks at big-picture issues of global health.
Why you should listen
Economist Ramanan Laxminarayan works to improve understanding of drug resistance as a problem of managing a shared global resource. As Director and Senior Fellow at the Center for Disease Dynamics, Economics & Policy (CDDEP), he is interested in cross-disciplinary, pragmatic solutions to reduce drug resistance. He has advised the World Health Organization and World Bank on evaluating malaria treatment policy, vaccination strategies, the economic burden of tuberculosis, and control of non-communicable diseases. He was a key architect of the Affordable Medicines Facility for malaria, a novel financing mechanism to improve access and delay resistance to antimalarial drugs. In 2012, he created the Immunization Technical Support Unit in India, which has been credited with improving the immunization program in the country. He teaches at Princeton.
As he says: "It has been a long time since people died of untreatable bacterial infections, and the prospect of returning to that world is worrying."Ramanan Laxminarayan | Speaker | TED.com