Chris Urmson: How a driverless car sees the road
Chris Urmson: Kako samovozeći auto vidi cestu
Double-click the English transcript below to play the video.
invented the automobile.
izumio je automobil.
for the first public test drive,
na prvu javnu probnu vožnju,
crashed into a wall.
zabio se u zid.
reliable part of the car, the driver.
pouzdanog dijela auta, vozača.
we've added air bags,
dodali smo zračne jastuke,
started trying to make the car smarter
smo počeli činiti aute pametnijima
a little bit about the difference
nešto malo o razlici
with driver assistance systems
sa sustavima pomoći vozaču
self-driving cars
samovozećih automobila.
a little bit about our car
malo i o našem autu
and how it reacts and what it does,
te kako reagira i što čini,
a little bit about the problem.
pričati o problemu.
on the world's roads every year.
na svjetskim cestama svake godine.
are killed each year.
je ubijeno svake godine.
falling out of the sky every working day.
padne s neba svaki radni dan.
other than drive.
samo ne voziti.
increased by 38 percent.
su porasle 38 posto.
than it was not very long ago.
nego što je bio ne tako davno.
in America, which is about 50 minutes,
dnevne vožnje koje je pedesetak minuta,
workers we have,
radnika koliko ih imamo,
about six billion minutes
otprilike šest milijardi minuta
svaki dan.
so let's put it in perspective.
pa ajmo ga staviti u perspektivu.
life expectancy of a person,
očekivanim životnim vijekom osobe,
who don't have the privilege
koji nemaju povlasticu
drive to work in the morning,
vožnje do posla ujutro,
of piecing together bits of public transit
sastavljanja djelića javnog prijevoza
that you and I have to get around.
kao vi i ja glede kretanja uokolo.
these driver assistance systems
te sustave pomoći vozaču
and incrementally improve them,
i postepeno usavršavati
into self-driving cars.
premetnuti u samovozeće aute.
that's like me saying
kako bih vam rekao da je to nalik izjavi
one day I'll be able to fly.
radim na skakanju, jednoga dana moći letjeti.
something a little different.
nešto malo drugačije.
about three different ways
o tri različita načina
than driver assistance systems.
od sustava pomoći vozaču.
with some of our own experience.
sa nekim od naših vlastitih iskustava.
of a self-driving car
samovozećeg auta
na korištenje običnim ljudima.
they were 100 Googlers,
bilo je to 100 Googlovaca,
them to use it in their daily lives.
koristiti ga u svakodnevnom životu.
this one had a big asterisk with it:
ovaj je dolazio sa velikom zvjezdicom:
but it could still fail.
ali i dalje je mogao iznevjeriti.
we let them use it,
dali im koristiti ga,
was something awesome,
je bilo nešto odlično,
to bring a product into the world.
donijeti proizvod na svijet.
who came in and told us on the first day,
koji je došao i rekao nam prvi dan:
What are we thinking?"
Što nam pada na pamet?"
"Not only should I have it,
"Ne samo da bih ga ja trebao imati,
because people are terrible drivers."
jer ljudi su užasni vozači."
the people inside the car were doing,
što su ljudi u autu radili,
omiljena priča ovaj gospodin
and realizes the battery is low,
i vidi da mu je baterija slaba,
and digs around in his backpack,
i kopa okolo po svojoj naprtnjači,
the charging cable for his phone,
kabel za napajanje telefona,
puts it on the phone.
ukapča ga u telefon.
65 miles per hour down the freeway.
100 km na sat po autocesti.
it's kind of obvious, right?
zapravo je na neki način očito, ne?
the driver is going to get.
postajati vozač.
incrementally smarter,
postepeno pametnijima,
the wins we really need.
pobjede koje zbilja trebamo.
a little technical for a moment here.
malo tehničkom na trenutak.
and along the bottom
a po njegovom dnu je
apply the brakes when it shouldn't.
koči kada ne bi trebao.
and the car starts stopping randomly,
a auto se počne nasumično zaustavljati,
the car is going to apply the brakes
auto pritisnuti kočnicu
to help you avoid an accident.
vam pomogao izbjeći nezgodu.
the bottom left corner here,
donji lijevi ugao,
it doesn't do anything goofy,
ne čini ništa šašavo,
out of an accident.
ne izvlači iz nezgoda.
a driver assistance system into a car,
sustav za pomoć vozaču u auto,
radi izbjegavanja sudara,
of technology on there,
neki paket tehnologije,
to have some operating properties,
i imat će neka operativna svojstva,
all of the accidents,
baš sve nezgode,
along the curve here,
neko mjesto na ovoj krivulji,
that the human driver misses,
nezgoda koje čovjek ne bi,
by a factor of two.
na našim cestama za duplo.
dying every year in America.
umire svake godine u Americi.
that looks like this.
koja izgleda ovako.
more sensors in the vehicle,
više senzora u vozilo,
operating point up here
operativnu točku ovdje
gets into a crash.
dolazi do sudara.
and we could argue
gledati ovo i raspravljati
I could say something like "80-20 rule,"
spomenuti nešto poput pravila 80-20,
to that new curve.
popeti se do te nove krivulje.
from a different direction for a moment.
iz drugog smjera na trenutak.
the technology has to do the right thing.
tehnologija mora učiniti pravu stvar.
is a driver assistance system.
sustav pomoći vozaču.
to traffic accidents
dovode do prometnih nesreća
svakih 100.000 milja u Americi.
is probably making decisions
vjerojatno donosi odluke
between these two,
udaljenost između to dvoje,
I'm never actually going to get there.
nikad zbilja neću stići tamo.
the system can handle uncertainty.
se sustav može nositi sa nesigurnošću.
stepping into the road, might not be.
stati na cestu, a možda i neće.
nor can any of our algorithms,
niti to može ikoji od naših algoritama,
a driver assistance system,
sustava pomoći vozaču,
because again,
jer ponovo
that's completely unacceptable.
to je posve neprihvatljivo.
can look at that pedestrian and say,
može osmotriti pješaka i reći,
and then react appropriately after that.
a tada se ponesi prikladno.
a driver assistance system can ever be.
što sustav pomoći vozaču može biti ikad .
the differences between the two.
razlikama između to dvoje.
how the car sees the world.
pričajući o tome kako auto vidi svijet.
where it is in the world,
gdje se nalazi u svijetu,
and aligning the two,
te ih usklađuje
what it sees in the moment.
ono što vidi u trenutku.
are other vehicles on the road,
koje možete vidjeti su druga vozila.
over there is a cyclist,
tamo sa strane je biciklist,
if you look really closely,
ako gledate zbilja pažljivo,
is in the moment,
nalazi u nekom trenutku,
we have to predict what's going to happen.
moramo predvidjeti što će se dogoditi.
is about to make a left lane change
baš sprema prestrojiti u traku lijevo
what everybody's thinking,
što svi razmišljaju,
how the car should respond in the moment,
kako bi auto trebao odgovarati u trenutku,
quickly it should slow down or speed up.
koliko bi trebao usporiti ili ubrzati.
just following a path:
samo na slijeđenje uputa:
pressing the brake or gas.
pritiskanje gasa ili kočnice.
at the end of the day.
na kraju dana.
and the other boxes on the road,
te druge kutije na cesti,
and roughly where the other vehicles are.
te ugrubo gdje su ostala vozila.
understanding of the world.
razumijevanje svijeta.
on neighborhood and city streets,
po ulicama susjedstva i grada,
new level of difficulty.
posve novu razinu teškoće.
of us, cars crossing in front of us,
aute kako prolaze ispred nas,
problem by comparison.
problem u usporedbi.
that problem solved,
to deal with construction.
nositi se sa radovima na cesti
forcing it to drive to the right,
koji ga prisiljavaju na vožnju po desnoj strani,
in isolation, of course.
u izolaciji, naravno.
through that construction zone as well.
koji se kreću kroz tu zonu radova.
breaking the rules, the police are there
krši pravila, postoji policija
that flashing light on the top of the car
rotirka na krovu tog auta
it's actually a police officer.
već zapravo policijski dužnosnik.
on the side here,
tu sa strane,
differently as well.
tretirati drugačije.
other people have expectations:
drugi ljudi imaju očekivanja:
to yield to them and make room for them
i napravi im mjesta
stood in the road,
stoji na cesti,
that this means stop,
kako to znači zaustavljanje,
we should continue.
trebali bismo nastaviti.
is by sharing data between the vehicles.
je dijeleći podatke među vozilima.
sees a construction zone,
vidi zonu radova na cesti,
so it can be in the correct lane
kako bi to znalo biti u pravoj traci
deeper understanding of this.
dublje razumijevanje ovoga.
that the cars have seen over time,
koje su auti prikupili tijekom vremena
of pedestrians, cyclists,
pješaka, biciklista,
what other vehicles should look like
kako bi druga vozila trebala izgledati
we could take from that a model
mogli bismo iz toga izvesti model
to move through the world.
da se kreću kroz svijet.
crossing in front of us.
koji prelazi cestu ispred nas.
and we anticipate
a mi očekujemo
and around the car to the right.
i oko auta s desne strane.
coming down the road
koji se kreće cestom
to drive down the shape of the road.
kretati slijedeći oblik ceste.
going to make a U-turn in front of us,
će skrenuti polukružno ispred nas,
and respond safely.
te mu odgovoriti sigurno.
for things that we've seen,
za stvari koje smo vidjeli,
lots of things that you haven't
puno stvari koje niste
through Mountain View,
bila vozila kroz Mountain View,
in the DMV handbook
priručniku za vožnju ne piše
to encounter that,
nabasati na to,
with just ducks.
samo sa patkama.
The car reacts to that.
Auto reagira na to.
anywhere other than Mountain View.
drugdje nego u Mountain Viewu.
to deal with drivers,
jumps out of this truck at us.
iskače iz kamiona točno pred nas
with the green box decides
sa zelenom kutijom odlučuje
at the last possible moment.
u zadnji mogući trenutak.
the car to our left decides
auto nama slijeva odlučuje
blow through a red light
kako prolazi kroz crveno
blowing through that light as well.
također prolazi kroz to svjetlo.
the vehicle responds safely.
vozilo odgovara sigurno.
who do I don't know what
koji čine ne znam što
pulling out between two self-driving cars.
koji radi škarice između dva samovozeća auta.
with a lot of stuff there,
ovdje sa puno toga,
down pretty quickly.
poprilično brzo,
with the cyclist again,
sa biciklistom ponovno,
we can't actually see the cyclist yet,
mi zapravo još ne vidimo biciklista
blue box up there,
plava kutija tamo,
really easy to understand,
jednostavno shvatiti,
to turn that laser data and look at it,
uključiti te podatke i pogledati ih,
at laser data, you can see
u laserske podatke, možete vidjeti
is that cyclist.
plava kutija taj biciklist.
has turned yellow already,
upalilo žuto.
in the imagery.
možete to i vidjeti u slikama.
to proceed through the intersection.
će nastaviti kroz križanje.
his is solidly red,
njegovo je čisto crveno,
is going to come all the way across.
bicikl proći sasvim preko križanja.
were not paying as much attention.
pored nas ne obraćaju baš toliko pažnje.
and fortunately for everyone,
te na sreću za sve,
some pretty exciting progress,
napravili smo prilično uzbudljiv napredak,
to come to market.
dospjeti na tržište.
in our simulators every single day,
u našim simulatorima svakog dana,
that our vehicles have.
koje naša vozila imaju.
this technology on the road,
imati ovu tehnologiju na cesti,
is to go through the self-driving
vodi kroz samovozeći
sustav pomoći vozaču
danas održao ovaj govor,
američkim cestama.
it's a really complicated problem,
što je to zbilja složen problem,
in four and a half years,
kako će za četiri i pol godine,
to get his driver's license.
steći vlastitu vozačku dozvolu.
to making sure that doesn't happen.
osigurati da se to ne dogodi.
I've got a question for you.
imam pitanje za tebe.
is pretty mind-boggling.
je poprilično zapanjujuć.
driver-assisted and fully driverless --
pomoći vozaču i posve bez vozača --
going on out there right now.
koja se odvija upravo sada.
for example, Tesla,
na primjer, Tesla,
that's kind of going to be a dead end
će to na neki način biti slijepa ulica
that route and get to fully driverless
po tom putu i doći do rješenja posve bez vozača
is going to say, "This feels safe,"
vozač reći: "Ovo ulijeva sigurnost"
and something ugly will happen.
a tad će se dogoditi nešto ružno.
and it's not to say
i nije kako
aren't going to be incredibly valuable.
biti od nevjerojatne vrijednosti.
in the interim,
u međurazdoblju,
to help someone like Steve get around,
za pomoć nekome poput Stevea da se kreće,
o sigurnosti,
to change our cities
promijeniti naše gradove
these urban craters we call parking lots,
urbanih kratera - parkirališta,
with huge interest.
s ogromnim zanimanjem.
CU: Thank you. (Applause)
CU: Hvala! (Pljesak)
Chris Urmson - RoboticistChris Umson is the Director of Self-Driving Cars at Google[x].
Why you should listen
Since 2009, Chris Urmson has headed up Google’s self-driving car program. So far, the team’s vehicles have driven over three quarters of a million miles. While early models included a driverless Prius that TEDsters got to test- ... um, -not-drive in 2011, more and more the team is building vehicles from the ground up, custom-made to go driverless.
Prior to joining Google, Umson was on the faculty of the Robotics Institute at Carnegie Mellon University, where his research focused on motion planning and perception for robotic vehicles. During his time at Carnegie Mellon, he served as Director of Technology for the team that won the 2007 DARPA Urban Challenge.
Chris Urmson | Speaker |