Jon Ronson: When online shaming goes too far
Jon Ronson: Što se dogodi kad posramljivanje putem interneta izmakne kontroli?
Jon Ronson is a writer and documentary filmmaker who dips into every flavor of madness, extremism and obsession. Full bio
Double-click the English transcript below to play the video.
it was like a place of radical de-shaming.
poput mjesta radikalnog lišavanja srama.
shameful secrets about themselves,
"Oh my God, I'm exactly the same."
"Ajme, pa i ja to radim."
that they had a voice,
or homophobic column,
rasističku ili homofobnu kolumnu,
something about it.
djelovati po tom pitanju.
that we understood but they didn't --
koje smo mi razumjeli, ali oni nisu -
their advertising.
misused their privilege,
democratization of justice.
pop science writer called Jonah Lehrer --
popularne znanosti Jonah Lehrer,
and faking quotes,
u plagiranju i lažnom citiranju,
and regret, he told me.
posramljen i da se kaje.
at a foundation lunch.
na ručku zaklade.
important speech of his life.
govor njegova života
live-streaming his event,
uživo prenositi taj događaj,
until he turned up,
Twitter feed right next to his head.
ogroman ekran s Twitter-feedom.
in his eye line.
because they were monstrous.
to nije učinila iz zlobe.
I think this was a unique moment
mislim da je to bio poseban trenutak
horrific reality.
that were cascading into his eye line,
koji su mu se pojavljivali na razini očiju
into forgiving him."
natjerati da mu oprostimo."
that he is capable of feeling shame."
da je sposoban osjećati sram."
by the best psychiatrist ever,
a tiny figure behind a lectern.
malenoj figuri iza govornice.
a frigging sociopath."
to do, to dehumanize the people we hurt.
dehumaniziranje ljudi koje vrijeđamo
but not feel bad about it.
ali bez grižnje savjesti.
begging for another chance,
te moli za još jednu priliku,
courtroom dramas, we tend to identify
često se poistovjećujemo
and we become like hanging judges.
poput sudaca koji osuđuju na vješala.
perceived to have misused his privilege,
kao da zloupotrebljava svoje privilegije,
and we were still kicking,
a mi smo ga i dalje udarali
for punching up.
when there wasn't a powerful person
kad se nije radilo o moćnoj osobi
that we could get.
a koju bismo mogli kazniti.
began to feel like a day
počeo se činiti kao dan
pretakanja iz šupljeg u prazno.
with 170 Twitter followers,
iz NY-a sa 170 sljedbenika na Twitteru
acerbic jokes to them,
from New York to London:
It's 2014. Get some deodorant."
G. je 2014. Nabavi dezodorans.
Thank god for pharmaceuticals.]
Hvala Bogu na tabletama!]
and pressed send, and got no replies,
pošalji, nije dobila nijedan odgovor
osjećaj koji svi osjećamo
congratulate us for being funny.
ne čestita na duhovitosti.
doesn't talk back.
and she had a little time to spare
i imala je dovoljno slobodnog vremena
another funny little acerbic joke:
još jedne sarkastične dosjetke:
Just kidding. I'm white!]
da neću dobiti AIDS. Šala, bjelkinja sam!]
got on the plane, got no replies,
na avion, nije dobila nijedan odgovor,
was taxiing on the runway,
je avion silazio na pistu
a message from somebody
to since high school,
to see what's happening to you."
from a best friend,
od najbolje prijateljice:
trending topic on Twitter."
na Twitteru - diljem svijeta."
of her 170 followers had sent the Tweet
170 sljedbenika poslao je taj tweet
retweeted it to his 15,000 followers:
proslijedio svojim 15 000 sljedbenika.
from IAC's PR boss]
to the Gawker journalist.
s tim novinarom Gawkera.
and he said, "It felt delicious."
je bio osjećaj, odgovorio je: "Slastan."
"But I'm sure she's fine."
siguran sam da je ona dobro."
because while she slept,
and dismantled it piece by piece.
njezinim životom i potpuno ga razrušio.
words ... bother you,
@JustineSacco smetaju,
pokroviteljskom radu u Africi]
@CARE's work in Africa.]
racist tweet, I'm donating to @care today]
tweeta, danas ću donirati @care-u.]
racist as fuck tweet from Justine Sacco.
rasistički tweet Justine Sacco.
that night? A few of you.
na Twitteru? Nekolicina.
your Twitter feed the way it did mine?
preplavila Justinina šala?
what everybody thought that night,
ono što su svi pomislili te noći,
that joke was intended to be racist.
da je ta šala trebala biti rasistička.
flaunting her privilege,
šepurenja svoje privilegije,
flaunting of privilege.
šepurenje privilegije.
or Randy Newman.
ili Randyja Newmana.
as good at it as Randy Newman.
što nije bila vješta poput Newmana.
a couple of weeks later in a bar,
kasnije u baru sreo s Justine,
puts us in a bit of a bubble
stavlja nas pod stakleno zvono
in the Third World.
događa u trećem svijetu.
night, a New Statesman writer Helen Lewis,
reporterka za New Statesman, Helen Lewis,
and wrote that she Tweeted that night,
posramljivanju napisala je da je tweetala:
was intended to be racist,"
šala trebala biti rasistička."
a fury of Tweets saying,
gomilu tweetova poput:
a privileged bitch, too."
as Justine's life got torn apart.
kako se Justinin život raspada.
this cunt @JustineSacco]
za njezinim otpuštanjem.
in the new year. #GettingFired]
u Novoj godini. #GettingFired]
to get her fired.
osigurati joj otkaz.
of your career. #SorryNotSorry
u tvojoj karijeri. #SorryNotSorry]
hoping to sell their products
da će prodati svoje proizvode
stupid before you take off,
nešto glupo prije nego poletiš,
on a @Gogo flight!]
good money that night.
zaradilo masne pare.
Googled 40 times a month.
guglalo 40 puta mjesečno,
and the end of December,
20. prosinca i kraja prosinca,
that that meant that Google made
mi je da to znači da je Google zaradio
and 468,000 dollars
those of us doing the actual shaming --
mi koji smo uistinu posramljivali
shaming interns for Google.
neplaćenih posramljivačkih pripravnika.
Justine Sacco gets aids? lol]
Sacco zaraditi AIDS? LOL]
this bitch and then we'll find out
bi silovati ovu kuju da saznamo
about destroying Justine,
oko Justinina uništenja,
are so simple-minded,
toliko jednostavni
destroying somebody
i uništavanje nekoga
destroying Justine.
uništavao Justine.
a lot of disparate groups that night,
mnogo različitih grupa,
You demented bitch...
otkaz! Poremećena kujo...
koristiti kondome dok si u Africi.]
to ride bare back while in Africa.]
"I'm going to get you fired."
ovako: "Dobit ćeš otkaz."
and raped and cut out your uterus."
i izvaditi ti maternicu."
outrageous, offensive comment.
nečuven, uvredljiv komentar.
jer je na međunarodnom letu.]
unreachable on an intl flight.]
turned to excitement:
@JustineSacco's face when her plane lands
@Justine Sacco kad joj avion sleti
her inbox/voicemail. #fired]
poruke/govornu poštu.#fired]
is going to have the most painful
doživjet će najbolnije
when her plane lands.]
kad joj avion sleti.]
bitch get fired. In REAL time.
@JustineSacco dobiva otkaz. UŽIVO.
she's getting fired.]
a delightful narrative arc.
less judicial than this?
and unable to explain herself,
i nije se mogla opravdati,
a huge part of the hilarity.
ogroman dio komičnosti cijele situacije.
like toddlers crawling towards a gun.
djece koja puzaju prema pištolju.
which plane she was on, so they linked
točno avionu, pa je postavio link
On-time - arrives in 1 hour 34 minutes]
rasporedu stiže za 1:34.]
počeo se širiti "hashtag":
to see someone self-destruct
#hasJustineLandedYet ]
to go to bed, but everyone at the bar
u krevet, ali cijeli je kafić
Ne mogu odvratiti pogled. Ne mogu otići.]
Can't look away. Can't leave.]
thing to happen to my Friday night.]
najsvjetlija točka mog petka navečer.]
to the airport to tweet her arrival?
da nas obavijesti o sletanju?
at Cape Town international.
Cape Townovu zračnu luku.]
what it looks like to discover
to izgleda kad otkrijete
because of a misconstrued liberal joke,
zbog pogrešno shvaćene liberalne šale,
dragih ljudi poput nas,
sunnies as a disguise.]
uistinu bili uzrujani,
a mutual approval machine.
za uzajamno odobravanje.
who feel the same way we do,
imaju ista stajališta kao i mi
we screen them out.
na put, isključimo ih.
that's the opposite of?
about people dying of AIDS in Africa.
za ljude u Africi koji umiru od AIDS-a.
is what led us to commit
ljudi natjerala nas je da počinimo
in the Boston Review,
napisala u Boston Reviewu:
It's a cathartic alternative."
već alternativa katarzi."
meeting people like Justine Sacco --
i upoznavao ljude poput Justine Sacco
of people like Justine Sacco.
puno ljudi poput nje.
but they're not fine.
bili su iskasapljeni.
and suicidal thoughts.
i samoubilačkim mislima.
who also told a joke that landed badly,
a čija je šala također dočekana na nož,
with learning difficulties,
s poteškoćama u učenju
because social media demanded it.
jer su društveni mediji to zahtijevali.
of the night, forgetting who she was.
to have misused her privilege.
zloupotrijebila svoje privilegije.
to get people for than the things
zbog toga nego zbog stvari
like having children out of wedlock.
poput imanja vanbračne djece,
is becoming a free pass
daje nam odriješene ruke
anybody we choose to.
bilo koga koga hoćemo.
our capacity for empathy
sposobnost empatije
and unserious transgressions.
ozbiljnih i neozbiljnih prijestupa.
and so to make it work,
na Twitteru, pa da bi to funkcioniralo,
the mining billionaire Desmond Sacco.
milijardera Desmonda Saccoa.
her father is a SA mining billionaire.
otac joj je južnoafrički rudarski
And neither is her father.]
a ni njezinom ocu]
about her billionaire father,
i pitao je za oca milijardera.
the early days of Twitter,
shameful secrets about themselves,
svoje sramotne tajne,
"Oh my God, I'm exactly the same."
"Ajme, pa i ja to radim!"
for people's shameful secrets.
tuđim sramotnim tajnama.
can overwhelm it all,
može sve prenapuhati,
tajnog unutarnjeg zla.
of people in the world:
humans over ideology,
ideology over humans.
for constant artificial high dramas
neprestane umjetne drame
a magnificent hero
about our fellow humans.
we are clever and stupid;
was how it gave a voice
sjajno je bilo to što su dali glas
a surveillance society,
is to go back to being voiceless.
povratak na nečujnost.
Google her name today,
100 pages of Google results --
preko prvih sto stranica rezultata -
jednu drugu priču
taken on by a reputation management firm,
tvrtka za popravljanje ugleda
innocuous stories about her love for cats
priče o njezinoj ljubavi prema mačkama,
managed to get the story
results, but it didn't last long.
ali to nije potrajalo.
creeping back up to the top result.
ponovno se počela vraćati na vrh.
the very best thing we can do,
koju možemo napraviti jest
or an ambiguous shaming,
ili nejasno posramljivanje,
the worst thing that happened to Justine
najgora stvar koja se dogodila Justine
like, everyone was against her,
svi su bili protiv nje,
that you need to get out.
govori da se gubite.
a babble of voices, like in a democracy,
glasovi se uskomešaju, kao u demokraciji
I think that's much less damaging.
mislim da je to puno manje štetno.
stand up for somebody,
zauzmete za nekoga,
reading for everybody, okay?
štivo za sve vas, u redu?
actually puts the spotlight on shamers.
usmjerava prema onima koji posramljuju,
nisu dočekali samo lijepi komentari.
have friendly reactions on Twitter.
with some people.
najbolje prihvatili.
to just concentrate --
and were really nice about the book.
i dobro ju je prihvatilo.
stories about abuses of power,
priče o zloupotrebi moći
over there in the military,
everybody applauds me.
svi me hvale,
people abusing our power now,"
imamo moć i koji je zloupotrebljavamo",
"Well you must be a racist too."
yesterday -- we were at dinner,
with people around the table --
s ljudima za stolom,
constructive discussion.
kad bi pogledao na mobitel,
you turned to your phone,
We had like a TED dinner last night.
Imali smo nešto kao TED-večeru.
and nice, and I decided to check Twitter.
a onda sam odlučio provjeriti Twitter.
a white supremacist."
"Ti si za nadmoć bijelaca."
a nice conversation with somebody,
lijepo popričao s nekim,
mog postojanja svijet gore mjesto.
made the world a worse place.
a John Carpenter movie from the 1980s,
Johna Carpentera iz 1980-ih -
will start screaming at each other
derati jedni na druge,
and then eventually everybody
as a really nice option.
kao jako lijepa alternativa.
JR: Thank you, Bruno.
JR: Hvala tebi, Bruno.
Jon Ronson - Writer, filmmakerJon Ronson is a writer and documentary filmmaker who dips into every flavor of madness, extremism and obsession.
Why you should listen
For his latest book, So You've Been Publicly Shamed, Jon Ronson spent three years traveling the world and talking to people who'd been subjected to high-profile public shamings. Whatever their transgression, the response was to be faced by an angry mob, as Ronson calls them "collective outrage circles" devoted to tearing down said person from any position of power. It does not, Ronson suggests gently, reflect so well on society as a whole.
In a previous book, The Psychopath Test, Ronson explored the unnerving world of psychopaths -- a group that includes both incarcerated killers and, one of his subjects insists, plenty of CEOs. In his books, films and articles, Ronson explores madness and obsession of all kinds, from the US military's experiments in psychic warfare to the obscene and hate-filled yet Christian rap of the Insane Clown Posse. He wrote a column for the Guardian, hosted an essay program on Radio 4 in the United Kingdom, and contributes to This American Life.
Jon Ronson | Speaker |