Olivier Scalabre: The next manufacturing revolution is here
Olivier Scalabre: Nova proizvodna revolucija je ovdje
BCG's Olivier Scalabre analyzes the evolution of large industrial companies' manufacturing footprint and operations. Full bio
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and it's a big deal.
for the last 50 years.
with no growth in the next decade.
tijekom sljedećeg desetljeća.
when the economy doesn't grow,
kada ekonomija ne raste,
when the pie does not grow,
ne raste,
for a bigger one.
and serious conflicts.
have always been fueled
bila potaknuta
every 50-60 years.
50-60 godina.
in the middle of the 19th century,
in the beginning of the 20th century --
početkom 20. stoljeća --
wave in the 1970s.
u 1970-ima.
u proizvodnji
naših ekonomija?
huge productivity improvement.
ogromno poboljšanje proizvodnosti.
you need to be producing more,
mora se više proizvoditi,
or more capital or more productivity.
ili više kapitala ili više proizvodnosti.
has been the growth lever.
je bila poluga rasta.
da vam kažem
of another huge change,
velike promjene,
from manufacturing, again.
krize rasta
the way globalization has been shaped
na koji je globalizacija oblikovana.
fourth manufacturing revolution
četvrtoj proizvodnoj revoluciji
with manufacturing
sa proizvodnjom
some pretty lame attempts
neke jadne pokušaje
have been the big overhaul
veliki remont
to relocate our factories offshore
ih premjestiti offshore
and take advantage of cheap labor.
i iskoristili jeftini rad
inspire productivity,
dovelo do proizvodnosti.
for a short period of time,
uštedjelo novac,
didn't stay cheap for long.
jeftinim za dugo.
our factories larger
sa većim tvornicama
make a lot of one product
puno jedne vrste prozvoda
prodati sa potražnjom.
neko vrijeme.
in our supply chain.
u opskrbni lanac.
kao primjer.
global, rigid supply chains.
rigidne lance opskrbe.
poput Zare
zalihe brže
to one collection a month,
jedne u mjesecu,
to keep up with the pace.
in great difficulties today.
velikim problemima.
as they did 50 years ago.
50 godina.
the size, the way they operate.
veličinu i način poslovanja.
that looks the same
što izgleda isto
to the model that we could,
smo mogli,
the manufacturing model failed,
popravka proizvodnog modela,
from elsewhere.
od negdje drugdje.
tehnološkom području --
of innovations there.
puno inovacija.
dovesta do rasta.
the service, the entertainment spaces.
u medijima, usluzi, zabavi
is that productivity is on the decline
proizvodnost pada
inovacijskim naporima.
scrolling through Facebook,
na poslu,
has made us less productive.
napravilo manje produktivnim.
the manufacturing space,
prostor proizvodnje,
have played away from it.
odigrale mimo njega.
ujediniti te sile?
and large technological innovation
i velika tehnološka inovacija
the next big manufacturing reinvention.
manufacturing revolution,
u proizvodnji
the manufacturing space,
proizvodni prostor,
by more than a third.
proizvodnost za više od trećine
a lot in creating growth.
do rasta.
manufacturing robots?
robotima u proizvodnji?
complex, non-repetitive tasks.
koje se ne ponavljaju.
8 percent of the tasks are automated.
zadataka je automatizirano.
the more repetitive ones.
koji se više ponavljaju.
nadopunjavati radnike
20 percent more productive,
proizvodni output,
ideja iz budućnosti.
Amazon prepare and ship all the products
da pripremi i pošalje sve proizvode
of the year and of history.
i povijesti za online kupovinu
on electronics that day.
na elektroniku.
manufacturing, 3D printing.
3D printanje.
plastic manufacturing
proizvodnju plastike.
predstavljaju 25 posto
complex parts to manufacture,
složenijim dijelovima za proizvesti
različitih dijelova
odvojeno proizvesti
are now using 3D printing,
3D printanje
those 20 different parts
različitih dijelova
40 percent more growth
40 posto viša stopa rasta
of this new manufacturing revolution
proizvodne revolucije
smarter products.
boljih, pametnijih proizvoda.
the exact products you want
proizvod kakkvog baš želite
vam trebaju,
masovno proizveden.
or your cell phone.
ili mobilni telefon.
makes it possible.
to čini mogućim.
any product configuration
konfiguraciju proizvoda
any customized design.
svaki dizajn prilagođen korisniku.
a batch of one product, your product,
proizvoda, vašeg proizvoda
as a batch of many.
kao grupu različitih.
of the manufacturing revolution at play.
revolucije u proizvodnji koja je na djelu.
become more productive,
postati produktivnija,
of growth that we are missing.
koji su nedostajali.
some bigger implications
will find its way back into the limelight.
kada se proizvodnja vrati u centar pažnje
makroekonomski pomak.
into our home markets.
na domaća tržišta.
will be smaller, agile.
manje, agilne.
flexibility does.
bitna je fleksibilnost.
made-to-order basis.
po mjeri multi proizvoda.
tijekom trgovine.
travel the whole world
koji putuju preko cijelog svijeta
krajnjeg korisnika
just next to the consumer market,
odmah pored potrošačkog tržišta
much better for our environment.
puno bolja za naš okoliš.
manufacturing will be back home,
proizvodnja će se vratiti kući,
re-train our workforce.
preškolovati svoju radnu snagu.
like in my country, France,
kao u mojoj zemlji, Francuskoj,
that manufacturing had no future.
da proizvodnja nema budućnosti.
at university.
that will boldly transform
for developing economies.
za nerazvijene zemlje.
and other emerging economies
ekonomije u nastajanju
model in the long term,
održiv model,
as expensive to produce in Brazil
jednako skupo proizvoditi u Brazilu
will be on par with the US.
bit će jednaki onima u SAD-u.
of those emerging economies
ekonomija u nastajanju
by domestic consumption.
will be created.
will inject more growth in our economies
će ubrizgati više rasta u naše ekonomije
European markets together.
is a chance for all of us.
je prilika za sve nas.
in all of our economies.
u svim našim ekonomijama.
distributed to all of us
razdijeljenog među nama
Olivier Scalabre - Industrial systems thinkerBCG's Olivier Scalabre analyzes the evolution of large industrial companies' manufacturing footprint and operations.
Why you should listen
Olivier Scalabre heads BCG's Operations Practice for Western Europe, North Africa and South America. In the last three years, he launched BCG Ops Centers serving regions out of Paris, London, and Sao Paolo via 100 experts dedicated to manufacturing, supply chain, procurement and services operations across industries. As part of his career at BCG, Scalabre has worked both in mature and emerging markets, most notably out of the BCG New Delhi and BCG Paris offices.
As a senior partner, Scalabre supports large operations programs for industrial goods clients in multiple sectors. He is also responsible for the overall BCG relationship with clients focused on large-scale engineered products and projects.
Scalabre is a member of the management team of the BCG Paris Office. He is an engineer and studied at École Centrale Paris.
Olivier Scalabre | Speaker | TED.com