Carol Fishman Cohen: How to get back to work after a career break
캐롤 피쉬맨 코헨(Carol Fishman Cohen): 경력 공백 후 다시 직장으로 돌어오는 방법
Carol Fishman Cohen documents successful transitions back into the workforce after career breaks. Full bio
Double-click the English transcript below to play the video.
after a career break:
돌아오는 사람들 있습니다.
라고 부릅니다.
career breaks for elder care,
career transitioners of all kinds:
비슷한 사정입니다.
군인의 배우자들
같은 사람들이 바로 그들이죠.
after a career break is hard
직장을 잡는 일은 어렵습니다.
between the employers
with a gap on their resume
고용하는 일은
can have doubts about their abilities
스스로를 의심을 하곤 하죠.
for a long time.
that I'm trying to help solve.
바로 제가 하고 있는 일입니다.
are everywhere and in every field.
다양한 분야에 걸쳐 모든 곳에 있습니다.
to be home with his five children.
5년 동안 직장을 떠나 있었죠.
about nurses returning to work
긴 공백기 이후에 다시 일터로 돌아온
in Orange County, California,
in a social services organization
that I'm aware of.
경력 공백을 가지신 분입니다.
early in her career.
who took a 13-year career break.
13년의 경력 공백이 있었습니다.
by the Today Show
에세이를 모집했었어요.
to return to work
여러움을 겪고 있는 사람들 중
who loved her time at home,
다섯 아이의 엄마로서 행복했지만
and needed to return to work,
다시 일을 할 필요가 있었고
to bring work back into her life
정말 좋아했기 때문에
a good day in the job search.
일들을 하고 있었습니다.
or accounting role,
분야의 일자리를 찾고 있었고
the last nine months
companies online
지원하기를 반복했죠.
6월에 트레이시를 만났습니다.
if I could work with her
turn things around.
was she had to get out of the house.
밖으로 나와야 한다고 조언했습니다.
with her job search
about her interest in returning to work.
다시 하고 싶음을 알리라고 했죠.
to have a lot of conversations
"당신은 앞으로 많은 대화를 하게 되겠지만"
be discouraged by it.
이것 때문에 낙담하진 마세요.
to a job opportunity."
주게 될 거예요" 라고요.
with Tracy in a little bit,
일어났는지 곧 말씀드릴게요.
a discovery that I made
공유하고 싶은 것은
out of the full-time workforce.
시작했을 때 깨달았던 것입니다.
is frozen in time.
있었던 사람으로 본다는 것이에요.
when you start to get in touch with people
여러분이 사람들에게 연락하기 시작하고
with those people from the past,
or went to school,
사람들로부터 연락을 받죠.
여러분의 모습으로 기억해요.
has diminished over time,
시간이 지남에 따라
바뀌었음에도 불구하고 말입니다.
from our professional identities.
멀어질 수록 더 심하죠.
you might think of yourself
of driving around in my minivan.
운전한 뒤 미친듯한 제 모습이고요.
to be back in touch with these people
여러분이 다시 일하고 싶다는 소식에
about your interest in returning to work.
그것은 아주 큰 자신감으로 작용해요.
from my own career break.
with the business news.
대해 잘 모르고 지내왔다는 것입니다.
돌보기 시작하면서
for my four young children.
있기 힘들었죠.
that didn't exist anymore.
이야기 할까봐 두려웠습니다.
to the Wall Street Journal
다시 구독했구요.
cover to cover before I felt
처음부터 끝까지 읽고 나서야
in the business world again.
이해하고 있다는 생각이 들었습니다.
are a gem of the workforce,
"노동인구의 보석"이라고 믿습니다.
for childcare reasons,
경력 공백기를 겪으셨던 분들
적어졌거나, 아예 없어졌어요.
or partner job relocations.
이사할 확률도 적어요.
at an employer's expense.
an enthusiasm about returning to work
하지 않았기 때문에
away from it for a while.
에너지와 열정으로 가득하죠.
이 문제에 대해 이야기해 보았습니다 .
that employers have
are worried that relaunchers
말씀드릴 수 있어요.
obsolete myself at one point,
뒤쳐졌다는 것은
so long ago that I used Lotus 1-2-3.
오래전이고 로터스 1-2-3을 사용했었어요.
can even remember back that far,
분이 계실까 싶지만
하는 법을 다시 배워야했죠.
A lot of the commands are the same.
많은 명령어들이 같았거든요.
더 힘들었어요.
사용하고 있죠.
expect them to come to the table
고용주들은 재취업자들이
of basic office management software.
다룰 수 있길 기대한다고요.
responsibility to get there.
익히는 것은 재취업자의 책임이에요.
that employers have about relaunchers
고용주의 두 번째 염려는
don't know what they want to do.
싶어하는지 잘 모른다는 점이에요.
to do the hard work
and skills have changed
그들이 가지고 있는 기술이
to demonstrate to the employer
직장을 찾고 어필하는 일은
알아차리기 시작했습니다.
return to work programs since 2008,
프로그램들을 지켜보았습니다.
paid work opportunity,
an internship or not,
to return to work.
방법으로 사용하는 것을요.
internship programs.
시작하는것을 보았습니다.
a nontraditional reentry candidate,
하려는 엔지니어가
internship program in the military,
신입 수준을 뽑는 인턴십에 지원하고
것을 보았습니다.
integrate internships
education programs.
일부로 통합시켰습니다.
about what I was seeing,
for Harvard Business Review
there for that title,
in the midst of all the college interns.
대학생 인턴들 사이에 있죠.
"The 50-Year-Old Intern."
이라고 불렀어요.
financial services companies
for returning finance professionals.
재취업 인턴십 프로그램을 운영합니다.
hundreds of people have participated.
to permanent roles
engineering companies
회사 중 7곳에서
for returning engineers
프로그램을 시험운영 하고 있는데
with the Society of Women Engineers.
것의 일환이기도 합니다.
the reentry internship?
재취업 인턴십을 도입하는 걸까요?
on an actual work sample
실제 업무 샘플을 바탕으로
that permanent hiring decision
removes the perceived risk
to hiring relaunchers,
수 있는 위험부담을 줄이고
excellent candidates
왔는지 생각해보세요.
were not interested
재취업자들에게 전혀 관심이 없었습니다.
are programs being developed
재취업자들을 염두에 둔
for these programs
못하도록 되어 있죠.
진행된다는 증거입니다.
this problem for relaunchers,
대한 문제를 풀 수 있다면
career transitioners too.
또한 풀 수 있기 때문입니다.
internship program.
바탕으로 만들어졌다고 말이죠.
a retiree internship program.
없으라는 법은 없습니다.
what happened with Tracy Shapiro.
일이 일어났는지 말씀드릴게요.
everyone she knew
했던 것을 기억하시죠.
with another parent in her community
나눈 진지한 대화가
구한 계기가 되었어요.
in a finance department.
회계 업무였어요.
there was a possibility
but no guarantees.
보장할 수는 없다고 말했어요.
and she loved the people
than 10 minutes from her house.
집에서 10분도 채 걸리지 않았죠.
for a permanent full-time role,
받았음에도 불구하고
with this internship
all of their expectations,
깜짝 놀랄만한 성과를 보여주었습니다.
made her a permanent offer
interesting and challenging,
일거리를 주었죠.
생각했기 때문이에요.
to get her MBA at night.
회사에서 학비도 지원했죠.
to work for her.
고용하기까지 했어요.
일종의 테스트였어요.
for both Tracy and her employer.
모두에게 좋은 결과를 안겨주었죠.
the reentry internship concept
많은 기업들에게
널리 알리는 것입니다.
after a career break,
다시 일을 하려는데
or an internship-like arrangement
위한 인턴십 프로그램이 없다면
a formal reentry internship program.
비슷한 프로그램을 제안해보세요.
for more relaunchers to come.
좋은 선례가 될 수 있습니다.
Carol F. Cohen - CEO and co-founder, iRelaunchCarol Fishman Cohen documents successful transitions back into the workforce after career breaks.
Why you should listen
Carol Fishman Cohen is CEO and co-founder of iRelaunch, a comprehensive career reentry resource for employers, individuals, universities and professional associations. Cohen has been on a dual mission for nearly 15 years: to elevate the profile and champion the success of professionals returning to the workforce after a career break, and to educate and support employers that engage with return-to-work talent. Her goal is to normalize the career path that includes a career break and document successful transitions back into the workforce so that employers understand the value proposition that returning professionals provide.
Cohen is the co-author of career reentry strategy book Back on the Career Track and a returning professional herself. Her return to work at Bain Capital after 11 years out of the full-time workforce is documented in a Harvard Business School case study. She has connected with thousands of professionals who have successfully returned to work after a hiatus, and she has engaged with hundreds of hiring managers to understand their perspectives on hiring people returning from career break.
iRelaunch's flagship event, the annual iRelaunch Return-to-Work Conference in New York City, is the leading external source of candidates for the major Wall Street reentry internship programs and is the largest and longest-running dedicated career reentry event in the United States. Cohen has been tracking career reentry programs of all types since 2008 and writes a series of articles for Harvard Business Review on the theme "The 40-Year-Old Intern." She originated and co-leads the Society of Women Engineers/iRelaunch STEM Reentry Task Force, an initiative to increase the pipeline of female engineers via reentry internship programs at STEM sector companies.
Carol F. Cohen | Speaker |