Carol Fishman Cohen: How to get back to work after a career break
Carol Fishman Cohen: Kaip grįžti į darbą po karjeros petraukos
Carol Fishman Cohen documents successful transitions back into the workforce after career breaks. Full bio
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after a career break:
po karjeros pertraukos –
career breaks for elder care,
karjeroje, kad rūpintųsi vyresniais,
career transitioners of all kinds:
after a career break is hard
yra sunku
between the employers
with a gap on their resume
spragas jų gyvenimo aprašyme
can have doubts about their abilities
gali abejoti dėl savo gebėjimų
for a long time.
that I'm trying to help solve.
aš bandau padėti išspręsti.
are everywhere and in every field.
ir kiekvienoje srityje.
J. Karalystėje,
to be home with his five children.
kad būtų namie su savo penkiais vaikais.
about nurses returning to work
apie slauges, grįžtančias į darbą
in Orange County, California,
Kalifornijos Orandžo apygardoje,
in a social services organization
paslaugų organizaciją
that I'm aware of.
Day O’Connor
early in her career.
who took a 13-year career break.
kuri nedirbo 13 metų.
by the Today Show
apybraižų kvietimą, skirtą
to return to work
who loved her time at home,
kuriai patiko būti namuose,
and needed to return to work,
to bring work back into her life
į savo gyvenimą,
a good day in the job search.
ieškodami darbo.
or accounting role,
buhalterės darbo
the last nine months
companies online
apčiuopiamų rezultatų.
if I could work with her
ar negalėčiau su ja padirbėti,
turn things around.
was she had to get out of the house.
turi išeiti iš namų.
with her job search
ieškoti darbo
about her interest in returning to work.
kad nori grįžti į darbą.
to have a lot of conversations
daug pokalbių,
be discouraged by it.
to a job opportunity."
with Tracy in a little bit,
kas nutiko Tracy,
a discovery that I made
atradimu, kurį padariau,
out of the full-time workforce.
is frozen in time.
yra sustingęs laike.
when you start to get in touch with people
susisiekti su žmonėmis
with those people from the past,
or went to school,
kartu mokeisi,
has diminished over time,
laikui bėgant sumažėjo,
from our professional identities.
nuo savo profesinio identiteto.
you might think of yourself
of driving around in my minivan.
vairuojant savo mikroautobusą.
to be back in touch with these people
kad susigrąžintum ryšį su šiais žmonėmis
about your interest in returning to work.
kad nori grįžti į darbą.
from my own career break.
iš savo karjeros pertraukos.
with the business news.
for my four young children.
savo keturis mažus vaikus.
that didn't exist anymore.
kurios jau nebėra.
to the Wall Street Journal
„Wall Street Journal“ prenumeratą
cover to cover before I felt
nuo pradžios iki galo, kol pajutau,
in the business world again.
are a gem of the workforce,
mūsų gyvenimo etapą:
for childcare reasons,
kad augintų vaikus,
motinystės atostogų.
or partner job relocations.
ar partnerio darbo perkėlimų.
at an employer's expense.
darbdavio sąskaita.
an enthusiasm about returning to work
noro grįžti į darbą
away from it for a while.
jo neturėjome.
that employers have
are worried that relaunchers
obsolete myself at one point,
so long ago that I used Lotus 1-2-3.
taip seniai, kad naudodavau „Lotus 1-2-3“.
can even remember back that far,
tokią programą,
A lot of the commands are the same.
Daug komandų yra tokios pačios.
expect them to come to the table
tikisi, kad jie ateis dirbti
of basic office management software.
programinės įrangos žinių.
responsibility to get there.
that employers have about relaunchers
don't know what they want to do.
nežino, ką nori daryti.
to do the hard work
gerokai padirbėti,
and skills have changed
ir įgūdžiai pasikeitė
to demonstrate to the employer
kad parodytų darbdaviui,
return to work programs since 2008,
nuo 2008-ųjų,
paid work opportunity,
an internship or not,
ar ne,
to return to work.
internship programs.
stažuočių programas.
a nontraditional reentry candidate,
netipinis reintegracijos kandidatas,
internship program in the military,
stažuotės programą kariuomenėje,
integrate internships
education programs.
švietimo programas.
about what I was seeing,
ką mačiau,
for Harvard Business Review
„Harvard Business Review“,
there for that title,
už šį pavadinimą,
in the midst of all the college interns.
tarp koledžo stažuotojų.
"The 50-Year-Old Intern."
„50-metis stažuotojas“.
financial services companies
paslaugų įmonės turi
for returning finance professionals.
grįžtantiems finansų profesionalams.
hundreds of people have participated.
to permanent roles
engineering companies
for returning engineers
programas grįžtantiems inžinieriams
with the Society of Women Engineers.
Moterų Inžinierių Draugija.
the reentry internship?
on an actual work sample
that permanent hiring decision
nuolatinio įdarbinimo sprendimo,
removes the perceived risk
numanomas rizikas,
to hiring relaunchers,
samdydami „restarterius“,
excellent candidates
were not interested
nebuvo suinteresuoti
are programs being developed
for these programs
this problem for relaunchers,
šią „restarterių“ problemą,
career transitioners too.
karjeros keitėjams.
internship program.
stažuotės programa.
a retiree internship program.
pensininkų stažuotės programos.
what happened with Tracy Shapiro.
everyone she knew
with another parent in her community
kitu tėvu iš jos bendruomenės
in a finance department.
finansų skyriuje.
there was a possibility
but no guarantees.
bet negalėjo nieko garantuoti.
and she loved the people
than 10 minutes from her house.
nuo jos namų.
for a permanent full-time role,
with this internship
all of their expectations,
made her a permanent offer
nuolatinį darbą
interesting and challenging,
labiau sudėtingą,
to get her MBA at night.
to work for her.
kad jai dirbtų.
for both Tracy and her employer.
tiek jos darbdaviui.
the reentry internship concept
reintegracijos stažuotės idėją
after a career break,
karjeros pertraukos,
or an internship-like arrangement
stažuotės tipo sandorio
a formal reentry internship program.
reintegracijos stažuotės programos.
for more relaunchers to come.
ateiti kitiems „restarteriams“.
Carol F. Cohen - CEO and co-founder, iRelaunchCarol Fishman Cohen documents successful transitions back into the workforce after career breaks.
Why you should listen
Carol Fishman Cohen is CEO and co-founder of iRelaunch, a comprehensive career reentry resource for employers, individuals, universities and professional associations. Cohen has been on a dual mission for nearly 15 years: to elevate the profile and champion the success of professionals returning to the workforce after a career break, and to educate and support employers that engage with return-to-work talent. Her goal is to normalize the career path that includes a career break and document successful transitions back into the workforce so that employers understand the value proposition that returning professionals provide.
Cohen is the co-author of career reentry strategy book Back on the Career Track and a returning professional herself. Her return to work at Bain Capital after 11 years out of the full-time workforce is documented in a Harvard Business School case study. She has connected with thousands of professionals who have successfully returned to work after a hiatus, and she has engaged with hundreds of hiring managers to understand their perspectives on hiring people returning from career break.
iRelaunch's flagship event, the annual iRelaunch Return-to-Work Conference in New York City, is the leading external source of candidates for the major Wall Street reentry internship programs and is the largest and longest-running dedicated career reentry event in the United States. Cohen has been tracking career reentry programs of all types since 2008 and writes a series of articles for Harvard Business Review on the theme "The 40-Year-Old Intern." She originated and co-leads the Society of Women Engineers/iRelaunch STEM Reentry Task Force, an initiative to increase the pipeline of female engineers via reentry internship programs at STEM sector companies.
Carol F. Cohen | Speaker |