Esther Perel: Rethinking infidelity ... a talk for anyone who has ever loved
Esther Perel: Pergalvojant neištikimybę ... kalba visiems, kurie kada nors mylėjo
Psychotherapist Esther Perel is changing the conversation on what it means to be in love and have a fulfilling sex life. Full bio
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what exactly do we mean?
ką iš tiesų turime omeny?
paid sex, a chat room,
seksas už pinigus, virtualūs pokalbiai,
out of boredom and fear of intimacy,
iš nuobodulio ir intymumo baimės,
and hunger for intimacy?
ir alkio intymumui?
the end of a relationship?
santykių pabaigą?
I have traveled the globe
aš keliavau aplink pasaulį
with hundreds of couples
of their relationship,
very identity: an affair.
act is so poorly understood.
dalykas taip prastai suprantamas.
who has ever loved.
kurie kada nors mylėjo.
since marriage was invented,
that marriage can only envy,
kurios santuoka gali tik pavydėti,
the only commandment
Dievo įsakymas,
just for thinking about it.
vien už pagalvojimą.
what is universally forbidden,
kas visuotinai uždrausta,
practically had a license to cheat
leidimą neištikimauti
of biological and evolutionary theories
ir evoliucinių teorijų,
is as old as adultery itself.
kaip pati neištikimybė.
under the sheets there, right?
ten po patalais, juk taip?
is to boast and to exaggerate,
ir išpūsti,
is to hide, minimize and deny,
slėpti, sumažinti ir neigti,
that there are still nine countries
kad vis dar yra 9 šalys,
gali būti nužudytos.
one person for life.
vienas žmogus visam gyvenimui.
vienu metu.
savo santykiuose.“
had nothing to do with love.
since I arrived at this conference.
keeps on expanding:
vis platėja:
secretly active on dating apps.
aktyviai dalyvauti pažinčių programose.
universally agreed-upon definition
from 26 percent to 75 percent.
nuo 26 % iki 75 %.
walking contradictions.
that it is terribly wrong
about having an affair,
turimą meilės romaną,
amount of us will say
would do if we were having one.
jei patys turėtume aferą.
of an affair --
which is the core structure of an affair;
romano dalis;
to one degree or another;
emocinis ryšys;
the kiss that you only imagine giving,
kad jūsų įsivaizduojamas pabučiavimas
for love, not the other person.
o mūsų fantazija.
difficult to keep a secret.
to išlaikyti paslaptyje.
such a psychological toll.
daugiau psichologinės duoklės.
our economic security.
mūsų ekonominiam saugumui.
is a romantic arrangement,
yra romantinis susitarimas,
our emotional security.
mūsų emociniam saugumui.
we sought pure love.
infidelity hurts differently today.
mus sužeidžia neištikimybė.
in which we turn to one person
kuriame vienas žmogus
sąrašą dalykų:
my intellectual equal.
intelektualiniu partneriu.
the grand ambition of love.
meilės ambiciją.
infidelity has always been painful,
visada buvo skausminga,
savo gyvenimą.
who we were as a couple, who I was.
kas esame kaip pora, kas esu aš.
a crisis of identity.
tapatumo krizė.
tavimi pasitikėti?“ klausia jis.
Heather is telling me,
about her story with Nick.
on his iPad with the boys,
appear on the screen:
we just saw each other.
that her father had affairs,
turėjęs romanų,
one little receipt in the pocket,
on the collar.
and desires expressed.
of Nick's two-year affair
are death by a thousand cuts.
yra mirtis tūkstančiu rimbo kirčių.
that we're dealing with these days.
šiuolaikiniu paradoksu.
fidelity with a unique fervor.
neįtikėtinai stipriai.
been more inclined to stray,
labiau nebuvome skatinami nuklysti,
naujų troškimų,
entitled to pursue our desires,
siekti savo troškimų,
where I deserve to be happy.
būti laimingi.
because we were unhappy,
nes buvome nelaimingi,
because we could be happier.
būti laimingesni.
will judge her for still loving Nick,
kad ji vis dar myli Nick'ą,
she gets the same advice:
Nick would be in the same situation.
tokioje pat padėtyje.
is that if someone cheats,
in your relationship or wrong with you.
su tavo santykiais, arba su tavimi.
can't all be pathological.
have everything you need at home,
ko tik nori,
to go looking elsewhere,
žiūrėti kitur,
a thing as a perfect marriage
kaip tobula santuoka,
has a finite shelf life?
galiojimo laiką?
that even a good relationship
geri santykiai
būna neištikimi,
that I actually work with
deeply monogamous in their beliefs,
monogamiškais įsitikinimais,
actually been faithful for decades,
buvo ištikimi,
of longing and loss.
you will often find
for an emotional connection,
emocinio ryšio,
for autonomy, for sexual intensity,
seksualinio intensyvumo,
lost parts of ourselves
vitality in the face of loss and tragedy.
praradimo ir tragedijos akivaizdoje.
another patient of mine, Priya,
what was expected of her:
ko iš jos tikėtasi:
who removed the tree from her yard
kuris išpjovė medį iš jų sodo
he's quite the opposite of her.
jis yra beveik jos priešingybė.
the adolescence that she never had.
paauglystė, kurios ji niekada neturėjo.
that when we seek the gaze of another,
kad siekdami kito ar kitos žvilglsnio,
that we are turning away from,
we have ourselves become.
looking for another person,
looking for another self.
who have affairs always tell me.
man sako vieną žodį.
stories of recent losses --
apie neseniai įvykusius praradimus –
in the shadow of an affair,
romano šešėlyje,
25 years like this?
that perhaps these questions
kad galbūt šie klausimai
people to cross the line,
peržengti liniją,
an attempt to beat back deadness,
yra būdas nustumti mirtį,
and a lot more about desire:
ir daug labiau su noru:
desire to feel special,
never have your lover,
savo meilužio ar meilužės
that which you can't have.
in open relationships,
atviruose santykiuose,
about monogamy is not the same
nėra tas pats
that even when we have
by the power of the forbidden,
uždraustojo vaisiaus galia,
we are not supposed to do,
doing what we want to.
ką norime.
quite a few of my patients
into their relationships
the imagination and the verve
išradingumo ir jėgos,
laidotuvių varpai
already dying on the vine.
into new possibilities.
affairs stay together.
išlieka kartu.
to turn a crisis into an opportunity.
into a generative experience.
more so for the deceived partner,
išduotąjį partnerį,
to uphold the status quo
status quo,
for them that well, either.
that may actually lead to a new order,
sugeba sukurti naują tvarką
with honesty and openness
su atvirumu ir nuoširdumu,
sexually indifferent
seksualiai abejingi
so lustfully voracious,
of loss will rekindle desire,
išbudina aistrą
new kind of truth.
that couples can do?
acknowledges their wrongdoing.
important act of expressing
savo žmoną.
of people who have affairs
kas turėjo romanus
for hurting their partner,
kad nuskriaudė savo partnerius,
for the experience of the affair itself.
dėl paties romano potyrio.
vigil for the relationship.
savo santykiuose.
the protector of the boundaries.
tų santykių ribų saugotoju.
that the affair isn't forgotten,
nebūtų pamirštas
begins to restore trust.
that bring back a sense of self-worth,
and with friends and activities
and meaning and identity.
ir tapatumą.
to mine for the sordid details --
than me in bed? --
the investigative questions,
ką vadinu tiriamaisiais klausimais,
the meaning and the motives --
ir motyvų:
or experience there
when you came home?
apibrėš santykius,
and they're not going away.
of black and white and good and bad,
juoda ar balta, gera ar bloga,
comes in many forms.
daugybe būdų.
that we betray our partner:
labai įvairiai:
one way to hurt a partner.
nuskriausti partnerį.
she must be pro-affair.
ji tikriausiai pasisako už romanus.
can come out of an affair,
gali išeiti kas nors gero,
this very strange question:
labai keisto klausimo:
recommend you have an affair
who have been ill
has yielded them a new perspective.
leido atrasti naują požiūrio tašką.
since I arrived at this conference
klausė šioje konferencijoje,
about infidelity is, for or against?
neištikimybę, buvo „už ar prieš?“
and what it meant for me.
ir ką tai reiškė man.
in the aftermath of an affair
two or three relationships
dvejus ar trejus santykius
to do it with the same person.
su tuo pat žmogumi.
a second one together?
Esther Perel - Relationship therapistPsychotherapist Esther Perel is changing the conversation on what it means to be in love and have a fulfilling sex life.
Why you should listen
For the first time in human history, couples aren’t having sex just to have kids; there’s room for sustained desire and long-term sexual relationships. But how? Perel, a licensed marriage and family therapist with a practice in New York, travels the world to help people answer this question. For her research she works across cultures and is fluent in nine languages. She coaches, consults and speaks regularly on erotic intelligence, trauma, sexual honesty and conflict resolution. She is the author of Mating in Captivity: Reconciling the Erotic and the Domestic. Her latest work focuses on infidelity: what it is, why happy people do it and how couples can recover from it. She aims to locate this very personal experience within a larger cultural context.
Esther Perel | Speaker |