Alaa Murabit: What my religion really says about women
Ala Murabita: Ko mana reliģija patiesībā saka par sievietēm
Alaa Murabit champions women’s participation in peace processes and conflict mediation. Full bio
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had a very interesting conversation
izveidojās ļoti interesanta saruna
the United States has run out of jobs,
ka ASV ir beigušās profesijas,
tornado chaser."
virpuļviesuļu ķērājs.”
the voices of women
lai izceltu sieviešu balsis
processes and conflict resolution,
un konfliktu risināšanā.
the full participation of women globally
kā nodrošināt viņu pilnu dalību globāli,
important to me.
I am very proud of my faith.
es ļoti lepojos ar savu ticību.
to do my work every day.
un pārliecību katru dienu strādāt.
kāpēc varu šeit atrasties.
in front of you.
been done in the name of religion,
kas nodarīts reliģijas vārdā,
of the world's major faiths.
pasaules galveno ticību vārdā.
and manipulation of religious scripture
sagrozīšana un ļaunprātīga lietošana
and cultural norms,
don't recognize it.
North Africa, to Canada
Ziemeļāfrikas, uz Kanādu
and spiritual people,
par viņa svētību,
that having 11 kids forces you to have.
cik 11 bērnu audzināšana piespiež.
through a cultural lens.
reliģijai caur kultūras prizmu.
tas pats, kas no pārējiem.
atkarībā no dzimuma, vērtē citādi.
judged differently based on gender.
as a merciful and beneficial friend
draugu un gādnieku
I looked at the world.
had additional benefits.
bija papildu priekšrocības.
ir diplomātijas pamati. (Smiekli)
where I went to school,
kurā skolā gāju,
Kenedija Valdības skolā?”
Kennedy School of Government?"
Starptautisko attiecību skolā.”
of International Affairs."
to talk to my mom to get in.
ar manu mammu, lai tur tiktu uzņemti.
and having 10 siblings
kam ir 10 brāļi un māsas,
power structures and alliances.
struktūru un savienībām.
ir jārunā ātri vai maz,
to talk fast or say less,
of messaging.
to get the answers you know you want,
lai saņemtu vēlamās atbildes,
in the right way to keep the peace.
lai saglabātu mieru.
I learned growing up
I had to be there when she was trying
man bija tur jābūt, kad viņa centās
because I had to defend myself,
jo man sevi bija jāaizstāv.
then the finger is pointed at you,
vainu noveltu uz mani,
you will be grounded.
from experience, of course.
I completed high school and I moved
es beidzu vidusskolu un pārvācos
dzimto pilsētu Lībijā,
to Libya before on vacation,
biju bijusi tikai brīvdienās,
it was magic.
tā man bija brīnumaina.
and really excited relatives.
un ļoti priecīgi radinieki.
as a 15-year-old young lady.
ja esi 15 gadus jaunai dāma.
to the cultural aspect of religion.
ar reliģijas kultūras aspektu.
meaning religiously prohibited --
ar nozīmi „ticīgi aizliegts”,
culturally inappropriate --
and had the same consequences.
un tiem būtu tādas pašas sekas.
after conversation with classmates
profesoriem, draugiem, pat radiniekiem –
friends, even relatives,
and my own aspirations.
un pašas centienus.
my parents had provided for me,
the role of women in my faith.
sieviešu lomu savā ticībā.
of International Affairs,
so that's what I did,
ir izpētīt, ko es arī izdarīju,
sievietes, kas bija līderes,
who were leaders,
even militarily.
to positions which predated
tika nobīdītas uz stāvokli,
pirms mūsu ticības mācības?
in the eyes of God,
I had learned as a child.
pie bērnībā gūtajām mācībām.
who gets to control the message,
cilvēks, kas nosaka ziņu,
in every single world faith,
are dominated by men
in their likeness,
the system entirely,
expect to have full economic
un politisku sieviešu dalību tajā.
pamatiem taisnu māju neuzcelt.
a straight house on a crooked foundation.
and my family was on the front lines.
un mana ģimene bija tās pirmajās rindās.
that happens in war,
kultūras izmaiņas.
it was not only acceptable
ir ne tikai pieņemama, bet pat vēlama.
but it was encouraged.
had a seat at the table.
bija atvēlēta vieta pie galda.
We were crucial.
Mēs bijām izšķirošas.
for that change to be permanent.
lai šīs izmaiņas būtu paliekošas.
that I had previously worked with
lai sievietes, ar kurām iepriekš strādāju,
to their previous roles,
by words of encouragement
as their defense.
savai aizstāvībai citēja svētos rakstus.
for their opinions.
ieguva tautas atbalstu.
and political empowerment of women.
saimniecisko un politisko emancipāciju.
to cultural and social change.
kultūras un sabiedrības izmaiņas.
but not a lot.
bet ne daudz.
their defense as my offense,
izmantot kā savu uzbrukumu.
Islamic scripture as well.
islāma svētos rakstus.
led the single largest
un plašāko kampaņu Lībijā.
campaign in Libya.
and universities, even mosques.
un universitātēs, pat mošejās.
billboards and television commercials,
caur reklāmas stendiem,
radio reklāmām un plakātiem.
a women's rights organization
kā sieviešu tiesību organizācija
which had previously opposed
kas iepriekš iebilda
and sayings of the Prophet,
un pravieša teicienus.
are, for example,
to their family."
ir labākais viņu ģimenei.”
led by local community imams
imāmu lasītajos piektdienas sprediķos
like domestic violence.
piemēram, vardarbību ģimenē.
we actually had to go as far
mums pat nācās iet tik tālu
Human Rights Declaration,
cilvēktiesību deklarācijā,
written by religious scholars,
reliģisku zinātnieku rakstīta,
are in our book.
kas mūsu grāmatā,
just copied us.
to no mums vienkārši nokopēja.
we were able to provide
the rights of women in Libya.
sieviešu tiesības Lībijā.
been replicated internationally,
believe me, it's not.
ticiet man, tā nav.
and call you a bad conservative.
un sauks jūs par sliktu konservatīvo.
a lot of colorful things.
dažnedažādos krāsainos vārdos.
must be extremely ashamed of you" --
„vecākiem noteikti ir kauns par tevi” –
līdz savai nākamajai dzimšanas dienai” –
to your next birthday" --
and religion are not mutually exclusive.
un reliģija nav savstarpēji izslēdzošas.
because by remaining silent,
no sava stāvokļa, jo, turpinot klusēt,
and abuse of women worldwide.
un apvainot sievietes visā pasaulē.
to fight for women's rights
with bombs and warfare,
ar bumbām un kariem,
which need to address these issues
sabiedrību, kurai jārisina šīs problēmas,
distorted religious messaging.
sagrozītu reliģisku ziņu.
of insults and ridicule and threats.
apvainojumu un draudu.
the message of human rights,
kā atgūt cilvēktiesību ziņu,
the women in your families,
that would be transformed
ko pārveidotu sieviešu dalība tajās.
Alaa Murabit - Peace expertAlaa Murabit champions women’s participation in peace processes and conflict mediation.
Why you should listen
Alaa Murabit's family moved from Canada to Libya when she was 15. Brought up in a Muslim household where she was equal to her brothers, she was shocked to see how women were viewed and treated in her new country. She enrolled in medical school, but felt frustrated by the gender discrimination she experienced.
During her fifth year in med school, the Libyan Revolution broke out. Murabit was invigorated by how women were embraced as decision-makers in the movement. She founded The Voice of Libyan Women (VLW) to focus on challenging societal and cultural norms to make that the case all the time. Many VLW programs -- like the Noor Campaign, which uses Islamic teaching to combat violence against women -- have been replicated internationally.
Murabit is an advisor to many international security boards, think tanks and organizations, including the UN Women Global Civil Society Advisory Group and Harvard’s Everywoman Everywhere Coalition. An Ashoka Fellow, Murabit was a Trust Women Hero Award Winner in 2013.
Alaa Murabit | Speaker |