Dan Gilbert: The psychology of your future self
Дэн Гилбэрт: Ирээдүйн тань сэтгэлзүй
Harvard psychologist Dan Gilbert says our beliefs about what will make us happy are often wrong -- a premise he supports with intriguing research, and explains in his accessible and unexpectedly funny book, Stumbling on Happiness. Full bio
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маш ихээр нөлөөлөхүйц
ханамжтай байдаггүй шүү дээ.
өсвөр насныхан
хийлгэж л байдаг.
яарч байхад,
яарч байдаг.
хаях гэж зүдэрч байдаг.
that fascinates me is,
өөрчлөгдөж байх шиг санагддаг шүү дээ.
эсвэл өндөр нас уу?
өөрийгөө бий болгож,
харуулж байна.
өөрчлөгдөж буйг ойлгох болно.
change in the next 10 years,
өөрчлөгдөх бол гэж,
changed in the last 10 years.
хэр зэрэг өөрчлөгдөө бол гэж асуусан юм.
interesting kind of analysis,
үнэхээр сонирхолтой анализ
хүмүүсийн таамаглалыг
бүхий л насны хүмүүсийн
throughout the lifespan.
өөрчлөлт удааширна.
төдийлөн ихээр удаашраагүй юм.
насныхны мэдээлэлд
"түүхийн төгсгөл" гэж нэрлэдэг.
бусад олон зүйл дээр ажиглагдана.
сэтгэл судлаачид одоо
dimensions of personality:
5 бүлэгт хуваагдана гэдэг:
ухамсартай байдал.
changed over the last 10 years,
хэр зэрэг өөрчлөгдсөн бэ гэж асуухад,
seeing this diagram over and over,
удаашраад байгаа ч
өөрчлөгдөх талаарх таамаглал
зан чанарын тухай асуудал биш.
дуртай мөн дургүй гэх мэт
change over the next 10 years?"
гэж бодож байна”,
талаар асуухад
амралт нь
гэж таамагласан.
гэж байх юм.
ач холбогдолтой юм бэ?
that doesn't have consequences?
буруу таамаглал уу?
I'll give you an example of why.
яагаад гэдгийг нь тайлбарлая.
энэ зүйл их буруугаар нөлөөлдөг.
өөрийн дуртай дуучнаа үзүүлье.
how much they would pay
өмнө дуртай байсан
илүү ихийг төлдөг.
хэт их үнэлдэг.
Бид сайн мэдэхгүй байна.
who we were 10 years ago,
өөрсдийгөө санаж чаддаг,
төсөөлж чаддагүй.
that because it's hard to imagine,
чадахгүй нь" гэж хүмүүс хэлэхдээ
their own lack of imagination,
харуулж байгаа юм.
хүчирхэг зэвсэг.
авч хэлэлцдэг мэт.
өөрчлөлт гарсныг анзаардаг.
яг л усны хагалбар мэт.
бүтээл болохоос
түр зуурын бас үргэлж хувьсан өөрчлөгдөнө.
Dan Gilbert - Psychologist; happiness expertHarvard psychologist Dan Gilbert says our beliefs about what will make us happy are often wrong -- a premise he supports with intriguing research, and explains in his accessible and unexpectedly funny book, Stumbling on Happiness.
Why you should listen
Dan Gilbert believes that, in our ardent, lifelong pursuit of happiness, most of us have the wrong map. In the same way that optical illusions fool our eyes -- and fool everyone's eyes in the same way -- Gilbert argues that our brains systematically misjudge what will make us happy. And these quirks in our cognition make humans very poor predictors of our own bliss.
The premise of his current research -- that our assumptions about what will make us happy are often wrong -- is supported with clinical research drawn from psychology and neuroscience. But his delivery is what sets him apart. His engaging -- and often hilarious -- style pokes fun at typical human behavior and invokes pop-culture references everyone can relate to. This winning style translates also to Gilbert's writing, which is lucid, approachable and laugh-out-loud funny. The immensely readable Stumbling on Happiness, published in 2006, became a New York Times bestseller and has been translated into 20 languages.
In fact, the title of his book could be drawn from his own life. At 19, he was a high school dropout with dreams of writing science fiction. When a creative writing class at his community college was full, he enrolled in the only available course: psychology. He found his passion there, earned a doctorate in social psychology in 1985 at Princeton, and has since won a Guggenheim Fellowship and the Phi Beta Kappa teaching prize for his work at Harvard. He has written essays and articles for The New York Times, Time and even Starbucks, while continuing his research into happiness at his Hedonic Psychology Laboratory.
Dan Gilbert | Speaker | TED.com