Sharon Brous: It's time to reclaim religion
Sharon Brous: Čas je, da si zopet prilastimo religijo in jo na novo izumimo
Rabbi Sharon Brous is a leading voice in reanimating religious life in America, working to develop a spiritual roadmap for soulful, multi-faith justice work. Full bio
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from the war in Iraq.
grozna poročila iz vojne v Iraku.
rolling across the globe.
so se širili valovi terorja.
was spinning out of control.
uhaja izpod nadzora.
coursing through my body.
nujnosti, kako mi teče skozi telo.
of tectonic shifts in ideologies,
tektonskih premikov v ideologijah,
did we bring this child into?
sva prinesla tega otroka?"
and a religious leader
a principle battlefield
part of the problem.
also be part of the solution?
horrible crimes and atrocities
in grozodejstva
was once again on the rise.
zopet v porastu.
of the past 15, 20 years,
in verskega nasilja
all over the world.
the studies to prove it,
how many of us are surprised today
vas je dandanes presenečenih,
of a bombing or a shooting,
o bombardiranju ali streljanju,
that the last word that was uttered
da je bila zadnja beseda
or the bomb is detonated
ali detonacijo bombe,
ljubezen do Boga s tem,
antiabortion Christian extremist
ki nasprotuje splavu,
(Načrtovanje družine) v Colorado Springsu
in Colorado Springs
in San Bernardino and killing 14.
v San Bernardinu in jih ubije 14.
does not lead to violence,
ne vodi v nasilje,
as a political wedge issue,
kot politični način,
to justify the subordination of women,
podrejenost žensk,
about the future of religion
challenge that religion faces today.
s katerim se religija spopada danes.
to be a strong force against extremism,
from a second pernicious trend,
še drugim škodljivim trendom,
and our leaders
in naši voditelji
that is rote and perfunctory,
ki je naučena in enolična,
of being a rabbi
tega, da sem rabinka,
under the wedding canopy, with a couple,
that they found for one another.
drug v drugem, in jo blagosloviti.
between the intensity of the experience
of the sixth or seventh anniversary.
ali sedme obletnice.
to make it 16 or 17 years,
da pridete do 16. ali 17. leta,
you probably wake up in the morning
se zjutraj zbudite,
mizo v vaši najljubši restavraciji,
a reservation at your favorite restaurant
in upate, da je pozabil tudi partner.
that your partner also forgot.
to serve the function of the anniversary,
da služijo kot obletnica,
we would hold on to the remnants
in the first place.
in endless, mindless repetitions
brezumnih ponovitvah
because someone has asked us to,
ker nas je nekdo tako prosil,
zastražene doktrine,
with our contemporary reality,
nepovezana z današnjo realnostjo,
things have always been done.
stvari vedno počeli tako.
v Združenih državah Amerike.
churches and synagogues and mosques
sinagogah in mošejah
who seem completely uninterested,
zdijo popolnoma nezainteresirani,
that stand at the heart of our traditions
ki stojijo v srcu naših tradicij,
a generation of people
of religious extremism
gnusi prav tako,
of religious routine-ism.
a bright spot to this story.
concurrent trends in religious life,
sočasnih trendov v verskem življenju,
I set out to try to determine
12 ali 13 let nazaj odločila ugotoviti,
of my own Jewish tradition,
lastnih judovskih tradicij,
and purposeful again
some of the great minds of our generation
velikih umov naše generacije,
and imaginative way again
in izviren način zopet premislili,
of religious life would look like?
ponovitev verskega življenja.
no space, no game plan,
ne prostora, ne načrta,
sat down and we wrote an email
sva se usedli in napisali e-pošto,
to a few friends and colleagues.
prijateljem in kolegom.
this Friday night
of our own Jewish inheritance?"
z našo judovsko dediščino?"
that it was the first time
da je bilo to prvič,
experience in their entire lives.
izkušnjo v celem življenju.
rational thing
za edino smiselno stvar,
in such a circumstance:
this audacious dream,
zgraditi te predrzne sanje,
premišljenega verskega življenja,
or "the heart of the matter."
landscape today.
and Muslim and Catholic religious leaders,
muslimanski in katoliški verski voditelji,
the heart of our traditions,
prilastijo srce svojih tradicij,
for religion to be part of the solution.
da religija postane del rešitve.
into our sacred traditions
da imajo vse naše tradicije
to justify violence and extremism,
opravičujemo nasilje in ekstremizem,
to justify compassion,
za opravičevanje sočutja,
as directives for hate and vengeance,
kot navodila za sovraštvo in maščevanje,
da bomo te iste tekste brali
and for forgiveness.
as Jewish indie start-ups on the coasts
kot so judovski indie start-upi na obali,
in New York and in North Carolina,
in Severni Karolini,
with a message of justice and peace,
s sporočilom o pravici in miru,
of revitalized religion in this country.
revitalizirane religije v tej državi.
and the practices vary very much
med seboj zelo razlikujejo
consistent threads between them.
four of those commitments now.
štiri izmed teh zavez.
of this Earth.
of Aylan Kurdi's little body
of a five-year-old child
of his building in Aleppo.
iz ruševin stavbe v Alepu.
of a traveler who is walking down a road
zgodbo popotnika, ki potuje po cesti
that something so beautiful would burn,
tako lepega gori
and our eyes open,
da imamo odprta srca in oči,
that it's our responsibility
we learn about what's broken in our world,
o tem, koliko stvari je na svetu narobe,
kaj ukrenili glede tega.
our religious leaders forgot
so naši verski voditelji pozabili,
to make people uncomfortable.
da je ljudem neprijetno.
what we don't want to do
tisto česar nočemo
that social change only happens --
spremembe zgodijo -
to see that the house is on fire.
da opazimo gorečo hišo.
greatest act of defiance
from the outside,
and think expansively again.
in misliš razsežno.
manifestiralo v afriško-ameriški cerkvi,
in an African-American church
častitega Otis Mossa pridigati.
3,000 people shot
ustreljenih že 3.000 ljudi
and heard Rev. Moss preach,
častitega Mossa pridigati,
100 women strong,
is supposed to be about.
giving people back a sense of purpose,
fundamentally matter in this world
nekaj pomenijo v tem svetu,
that they don't matter at all.
is the principle of mightiness.
that we are to walk around
and I cannot do this on my own.
in tega ne morem početi sam.
"For my sake the world was created."
"Zame je bil ustvarjen svet."
that I can't do everything,
da ne morem narediti vsega,
between powerlessness and power.
med nemočjo in močjo.
that we prostrate fully to the ground
ko se spustimo do tal,
when we get up off the ground,
raised to the heavens,
I am mighty, and I am worthy.
sem mogočen in sem vreden.
but I can do something."
ampak nekaj pa lahko."
to make us believe that we are invisible
da verjamemo, da smo nevidni
amount of time we have here on this Earth,
časa imamo na Zemlji,
we were given,
in blagoslove smo dobili,
a little bit more just
malo bolj pošten
is interconnectedness.
walking on the beach in Alaska,
hodil po plaži na Aljaski,
letters written on it.
japonske pismenke.
and posted it up on social media,
na socialnih omrežjih,
that devastated his country,
njegovo državo, je izgubil vse,
to retrieve that soccer ball
all the way across the Pacific.
how interconnected we all are
kako zelo smo vsi povezani
from the lie of radical individualism.
radikalnega individualizma.
nadleguje policija
for the crime of driving while black.
zločina vožnje kot temnopolta oseba.
this is also my problem.
Transphobia and Islamophobia
those are also all of our problems.
to so vse naši problemi.
all of our problems.
when she said until all of us are free,
da dokler nismo vsi svobodni,
of these four trends,
and mightiness and interconnectedness,
mogočnosti in povezanosti,
justice movement in this country
za pravico v državi,
v tem obratnem trendu,
a force for good in the world.
in mora biti dobra sila v tem svetu.
the failed religion of extremism,
propadle religije ekstremizma
than the failed religion of routine-ism.
od spodletele religije rutinizma.
and religious communities
in verske skupnosti
and cultural shift
in kulturnem premiku,
so desperately needs --
nujno potrebujeta -
and toward dignity for all.
in proti dostojanstvu za vse.
deserve no less than that.
ne zaslužijo nič manj.
Sharon Brous - RabbiRabbi Sharon Brous is a leading voice in reanimating religious life in America, working to develop a spiritual roadmap for soulful, multi-faith justice work.
Why you should listen
Based in Los Angeles, Rabbi Sharon Brous is the senior and founding rabbi of IKAR, a community built in 2004 that has become a model for Jewish revitalization in the US and beyond. IKAR’s goal is to reinvigorate Jewish religious and spiritual practice, inspiring people of faith to reclaim a moral and prophetic voice in counter-testimony to the small-minded extremism now prevalent in so many religious communities. IKAR quickly became one of the fastest growing and most influential Jewish congregations in the country, and it's widely credited with sparking a rethinking of religious life in a time of unprecedented disaffection and declining affiliation.
In 2008, Brous was the youngest person on the Newsweek/Daily Beast list of the most influential Rabbis in America, and in 2013 she was named the list’s most influential rabbi. In 2013, Brous blessed President Obama and Vice President Biden at the Inaugural National Prayer Service.
Sharon Brous | Speaker |