Guy Winch: How to fix a broken heart
Guy Winch: Kako pozdraviti strto srce
Guy Winch asks us to take our emotional health as seriously as we take our physical health -- and explores how to heal from common heartaches. Full bio
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will have our heart broken.
when she was in middle school.
she didn't find a husband.
of harsh chemotherapy
to jump back into the dating world,
her search for a husband
on first dates in New York City,
izraziti široko paleto čustev.
a wide range of emotions.
she met Rich and fell in love.
in se zaljubila.
she hoped it would be.
kot si ga je želela.
at their favorite romantic restaurant.
contain her excitement.
to Kathy that night.
for Kathy -- and he did --
and she now faced yet another recovery.
thinking about Rich.
nehati misliti na Richa.
and determined woman
in odločna ženska
emotional resources
tistih čustvenih orodij,
of cancer treatments?
v štirih letih zdravljenja raka?
to recover from heartbreak?
da bi si opomogli od žalosti?
of life challenges
življenjskih izzivov,
ko je naše srce strto?
when our heart gets broken?
of every age and background
na katere se običajno zanašaš,
down the wrong path.
what your mind is telling you.
of heartbroken people
vemo, na primer,
zakaj se je razmerje končalo,
of why the relationship ended
for our ability to move on.
da gremo lahko naprej.
and honest explanation
dramatično čustveno bolečino,
such dramatic emotional pain,
must be equally dramatic.
da mora biti razlog prav tako dramatičen.
and measured of us
razumni in umirjeni
and conspiracy theories
da se je moralo nekaj zgoditi
something must have happened
z Richem, kar je skisalo odnos,
kaj bi to bilo.
with figuring out what that was.
of that weekend in her mind,
vsako minuto tega vikenda
that were not there.
za namigi, ki jih tam ni bilo.
into initiating this wild goose chase.
da je začela ta jalov lov.
for so many months?
toliko mesecev?
than we realize.
kot se zavedamo.
down one rabbit hole after another,
počutje le slabše.
to make us feel worse.
in our brain that get activated
from substances like cocaine or opioids.
the heroin of actually being with Rich,
the methadone of her memories with him.
da poskuša rešiti skrivnost,
she was trying to solve a mystery,
so difficult to heal.
you cannot ignore that.
tega ne smeš prezreti.
pa naj bo želja še tako močna,
as compelling as the urge is,
z vsakim sporočilom, ki ga pošlješ,
every text you send,
stalking your ex on social media,
bivšega partnerja na družabnih medijih,
is your strongest weapon.
tvoje najmočnejše orožje.
that's going to feel satisfying.
te ne bo zadovoljila.
the pain you feel.
ti ne more odvzeti bolečine.
don't wait for one,
or make up one yourself
ali pa si jo naredi sam,
to resist the addiction.
moraš nehati.
will feed on your hope
when your heart is broken.
lahko zelo uničujoče.
to do the absolute opposite
da dela ravno nasprotno od tistega,
da si opomoremo, je nepopisna.
ki jih imamo, ko imamo strto srce,
we have when our heart is broken
ki je to povzročila.
and made love under the stars.
in se ljubila pod zvezdami.
feel more painful.
še bolj bolečo.
through one greatest hit after another,
passive-aggressive Spotify playlist.
pasivno-agresivne veseloigre.
pop into your mind.
sejalo v tvojo glavo.
you have to balance them out
ne le nasmeha,
not just their smile,
na poti nazaj izgubila,
you got lost coming down the mountain,
and didn't speak for two days.
da nista govorila dva dni.
is to compile an exhaustive list
the person was wrong for you,
of nostalgia in a session,
they were perfect.
da je bil bivši popoln.
and neither was the relationship.
you have to remind yourself of that,
se boš moral na to opominjati,
senior executive in a software company.
v programerskem podjetju.
to start dating again.
to their adult children after one month,
svojim odraslim otrokom po enem mesecu
they don't mess around.
ne izgubljajo prav nič časa.
meets "The Fast and the Furious."
srečala "Hitre in drzne."
than he had been in years.
their first anniversary,
to be closer to her children,
na zahodno obalo, bližje svojim otrokom
a long-distance relationship.
and utterly devastated.
for many, many months,
is that feeling alone and in pain
zmanjšata našo razumsko delovanje,
our intellectual functioning,
ki vključujejo logiko in razmišljanje.
involving logic and reasoning.
naš inteligenčni kvocient.
of Miguel's grief
he asked me in our session.
me je vprašal na seji.
getting over a one-year relationship?"
eno leto, da preboli enoletno razmerje?"
of traditional loss and grief:
tradicionalne izgube in žalosti:
clinically measurable depression.
klinično merljivo depresijo.
psychological injury.
psihološka poškodba.
with other couples.
na šotorjenje z drugimi pari.
to church every Sunday,
spremljal Sharon v cerkev,
into the congregation.
of Sharon's church.
had left this huge void in his life,
pustil veliko praznino v življenju,
why heartbreak could be so devastating,
in your life and fill them,
v svojem življenju in jih napolniti,
and what your life is about.
kdo si in kaj hočeš od življenja.
even the empty spaces on the wall
celo praznine na stenah,
that can set you back,
ki te lahko potegnejo nazaj,
osredotočanja na to, da ni bil pravi zate,
on how they were wrong for you,
that still give them a starring role
v tem poglavju tvojega življenja,
by your mind and you take steps to heal,
lahko bistveno zmanjšaš svoje trpljenje.
your suffering.
who benefit from that.
of compromised productivity
slabšega dela, kar se da preprečiti.
pomembna za to, da si opomore.
to be important for their recovery.
to move on than you think it should.
kot misliš, da bi smelo.
within your own mind,
Guy Winch - Psychologist, authorGuy Winch asks us to take our emotional health as seriously as we take our physical health -- and explores how to heal from common heartaches.
Why you should listen
Guy Winch is a licensed psychologist who works with individuals, couples and families. As an advocate for psychological health, he has spent the last two decades adapting the findings of scientific studies into tools his patients, readers and audience members can use to enhance and maintain their mental health. As an identical twin with a keen eye for any signs of favoritism, he believes we need to practice emotional hygiene with the same diligence with which we practice personal and dental hygiene.
His recent book, Emotional First Aid: Healing Rejection, Guilt, Failure, and Other Everyday Hurts, has been translated in 24 languages. He writes the popular "Squeaky Wheel Blog" on, and he is the author of The Squeaky Wheel: Complaining the Right Way to Get Results, Improve Your Relationships and Enhance Self-Esteem. His new book, How to Fix a Broken Heart, was published by TED Books/Simon & Schuster in 2017. He has also dabbled in stand-up comedy.
Guy Winch | Speaker |