Alexander Betts: Why Brexit happened -- and what to do next
Alexander Betts: Zašto se Brexit dogodio -- i što učiniti sljedeće
Alexander Betts explores ways societies might empower refugees rather than pushing them to the margins. Full bio
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"I am British" elicited so much pity.
izvlačila toliko sažaljenja.
where many of us like to believe
mnogi od nas vole vjerovati
over the last thousand years.
posljednjih nekoliko tisuća godina.
imposed change on others
promjene drugima,
had voted to leave the European Union,
izglasala izlazak iz Europske unije,
the very existence of the United Kingdom.
postojanja Ujedinjenog Kraljevstva.
shock for many people,
that, over the following several days,
u proteklih nekoliko dana,
zamoliti za ponovno odigravanje.
in the first place.
for not fighting it hard enough.
jer se nije dovoljno usprotivio.
the less well-educated.
manje obrazovane.
sve je učinilo još gorim
in the streets of Britain
zlostavljanja na ulicama Britanije
my country is becoming a Little England,
moja zemlja postati Little England
od mojih kolega,
a 1950s nostalgia theme park
tematski park iz 1950-ih
that we've experienced since?
iskusili zapravo opravdan?
that took place overnight?
dogodilo preko noći?
that have led us to where we are today?
doveli do ovoga gdje smo danas?
and ask two very basic questions.
i zapitati se 2 ključna pitanja.
about our society
o našem društvu
that we seem embarrassingly unaware of
ono čega smo sramotno nesvjesni,
education, class and geography.
obrazovanja, klase i geografije.
to vote in great numbers,
to leave the European Union.
napustiti Europsku uniju.
that most strongly committed
najstrože su se obvezali
there was very strong ambivalence.
postojala snažna ambivalencija.
need to recognize and take seriously.
moramo prepoznati i shvatiti ozbiljno.
the vote teaches us something
is no longer just about right and left.
o podjeli na ljevicu i desnicu.
between those that embrace globalization
između onih koji zagovaraju globalizaciju
those who wanted to leave --
koji su htjeli otići --
as opposed to "Remainers" --
nasuprot onih koji žele ostati --
javnog mnijenja
and the second sovereignty,
drugi suverenost,
to take back control of their own lives
da vrate kontrolu nad svojim životima
are unrepresented by politicians.
ne predstavljaju uistinu.
that signify fear and alienation.
strah i otuđenje.
back towards nationalism and borders
prema nacionalizmu i granicama
is more complicated than that,
puno kompliciranija slika,
include myself in that picture,
ubrajam u tu sliku,
back into the picture
staviti u sliku
how we've got to where we are today.
smo stigli tu gdje jesmo danas.
across the United Kingdom,
diljem Ujedinjenog Kraljevstva,
was the very little time in my life
jest mala količina vremena u životu
in many of the red areas.
u crvenim područjima.
looking at the top 50 areas in the UK
gledajući top 50 područja u UK
of four days of my life in those areas.
svog života u tim područjima.
of the voting districts.
glasačkih okruga.
as inclusive, open and tolerant,
otvorenima i tolerantnima,
our own countries and societies
vlastitu zemlju i društvo
da je tako.
is we need to find a new way
jest u pronalasku novog načina
have not necessarily been to university,
nužno pohađali sveučilište,
grown up with the Internet,
by the narrative that we find persuasive
ono što mi smatramo uvjerljivim
more broadly and understand.
šire područje i razumjeti.
the politics of fear and hatred,
s politikom straha i mržnje
the idea that the vote on Europe
and asylum-seekers coming to Europe,
i tražitelja skloništa u Europi
had nothing to do with immigration
sa samom imigracijom
of the Leave voters
glasača za izlazak iz EU
with the political establishment.
političkog kadra.
a political party that spoke for them,
koja će govoriti u njihovo ime,
that political establishment.
taj politički kadar.
and much of the liberal democratic world.
pa i u liberalnom demokratskom svijetu.
of Donald Trump in the United States,
Donalda Trumpa u SAD-u,
of Viktor Orbán in Hungary,
Viktora Orbána u Mađarskoj,
of Marine Le Pen in France.
Marine Le Pen u Francuskoj.
is in all of our societies.
u svim našim društvima.
is my second question,
collectively respond?
liberal, open, tolerant societies,
liberalna, otvorena i tolerantna društva,
inclusive globalization,
rather than leaving them behind.
umjesto da ih ostavlja.
of the positive benefits of globalization.
pozitivnih značajki globalizacije.
the movement of capital,
kretanje kapitala,
international relations scholars
brings interdependence,
also has redistributive effects.
redistributivne efekte.
for the economy as a whole
za ekonomiju u cjelinu
redistributive consequences,
for the most impoverished in our societies
najviše osiromašene u našem društvu
from the fact that it's positive,
da je ona pozitivna,
have to share in those benefits
dijeliti koristi
of the United Nations, Kofi Annan,
Ujedinjenih Naroda, Kofi Annan,
of inclusive globalization.
inkluzivnoj globalizaciji.
in which he coined that term.
has to be open to all
biti otvorena za sve
and antagonistic globalization."
antagonističke globalizacije."
was briefly revived in 2008
sažeto je revidirana 2008. godine
of European countries.
europskih zemalja.
and the financial crisis of 2008,
i financijske krize u 2008. g.
almost without a trace.
gotovo bez traga.
to support a neoliberal agenda.
neoliberalni dnevni red.
part of an elite agenda
on a far more inclusive basis
na puno inkluzivnijoj osnovi
how can we achieve that goal?
postići taj cilj.
addressing fear and alienation
s jedne strane strah i otuđenje,
refusing vehemently
offers some places to start.
za dobar početak.
both ideas and about material change,
ideje, ali i materijalne promjene,
as a starting point.
kao početnu točku.
of civic education.
građanskog obrazovanja.
and empirical reality.
i empirijske stvarnosti.
to a postfactual society,
posliječinjeničnog društva,
to the clarity of evidence.
kao i jasnoća dokaza.
and evidence into our liberal democracies?
i dokaza u liberalnoj demokraciji?
that there are huge gaps.
velike praznine.
on attitudes to immigration,
of immigrants increase,
brojem imigranata
with immigration also increases,
za imigraciju,
didn't unpack causality,
ne dokazuje uzročnost,
not so much with numbers
sa samim brojevima,
and media narrative around it.
about the nature of immigration.
in the United Kingdom,
of immigration than they were,
the levels of educational migration
migracija povezanih s obrazovanjem
of overall migration
on key aspects of globalization.
kao ključni aspekt globalizacije.
that's left to our schools,
će se odnositi samo na škole,
to begin at an early age.
s tim u ranoj dobi.
civic participation
građanskom sudjelovanju
that we all encourage as societies.
koje svi potičemo u našem društvu.
that I think is an opportunity
da je prilika za nas
across diverse communities.
između raznih zajednica.
for me very strikingly,
veoma upadljiva,
in the United Kingdom,
u Ujedinjenom Kraljevstvu,
the regions of my country
regije u mojoj zemlji
prema imigrantima
have the highest numbers of immigrants,
imaju najveći broj imigranata,
the most tolerant areas.
that have the lowest levels of immigration
imaju najniže nivoe imigracije
and intolerant towards migrants.
i netolerantna prema migrantima.
who maybe can't travel
koje možda ne mogu putovati
even on a local and national level,
na lokalnom i nacionalnom nivou,
with people who we don't know
koje ne poznajemo
not necessarily agree with.
nećemo nužno slagati.
is crucial, though,
mogućnost da dijele
post-Brexit is really striking.
post-Brexitu su veoma upadljive.
who voted to leave the European Union
za izlazak iz EU, tragično
benefited the most materially
profitirali materijalno
that those people in those areas
u tim područjima
to be beneficiaries.
koji imaju koristi.
were actually getting access
and increased mobility around the world.
te povećanoj mobilnosti diljem svijeta.
predominantly to do with refugees,
vezanim uz izbjeglice
I spent a lot of my time preaching,
sam mnogo govorio,
around the world,
u zemljama u razvoju,
the integration of refugees,
integraciju izbjeglica,
the refugee populations,
populaciji izbjeglica,
of the host communities in local areas.
domaćih zajednica u lokalnim područjima.
is that we have to provide
jest osigurati
education facilities, health facilities,
obrazovne ustanove, zdravstvene ustanove,
of those local populations.
lokalne populacije.
around the developing world,
u razvijenim zemljama,
to really take seriously
in the economic benefits,
dijeljenje ekonomskih dobara,
need a model of globalization
trebaju model globalizacije
have to take people with them.
moraju uključiti ljude.
I want to put forward
koju želim istaknuti
more responsible politics.
odgovorna politika.
social science evidence
across different countries
između različitih zemalja
and mobility on the one hand
s jedne strane
from a cursory look at that data
iz pogleda na te podatke
are far less tolerant of globalization.
manje tolerantna prema globalizaciji.
like Sweden in the past,
towards globalization.
prema globalizaciji.
is a tragic polarization,
jest tragična polarizacija,
between the extremes in politics,
između ekstrema u politici,
of that liberal center ground
liberalnog centra
and a shared understanding.
i međusobno razumijevanje.
upon our politicians and our media
sve političare i medije
and be far more tolerant of one another.
tolerantniji jedni prema drugima.
to be an inclusive and shared project.
inkluzivni projekt.
are not mutually exclusive,
međusobno isključivi,
takes everyone with us
globalizacije sve povede
democracy and globalization.
demokraciju i globalizaciju.
Alexander Betts - Social scientistAlexander Betts explores ways societies might empower refugees rather than pushing them to the margins.
Why you should listen
In media and in public debate, refugees are routinely portrayed as a burden. Professor Alexander Betts argues that refugees, who represent a wide spectrum of professional backgrounds, are in fact an untapped resource that could benefit nations willing to welcome them into their economies.
Betts is the director of the Refugee Studies Centre at the University of Oxford, where he spearheads research on refugee and other forced migrant populations. His book, Survival Migration, explores the predicaments of people who are fleeing disaster yet fall outside legal definitions of refugee status.
Alexander Betts | Speaker |