Lera Boroditsky: How language shapes the way we think
Lera Boroditsky: Bagaimana bahasa membentuk pola pikir kita
Lera Boroditsky is trying to figure out how humans get so smart. Full bio
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using language ...
yang dimiliki manusia.
that we humans have.
thoughts to one another.
ide yang sangat rumit.
I'm making sounds with my mouth
adalah membuat suara melalui mulut saya,
air vibrations in the air.
getaran di udara.
those vibrations from your eardrums
dari gendang telinga itu,
we humans are able to transmit our ideas
dapat meneruskan ide-ide kita
knowledge across minds.
ke dalam pemikiran orang lain.
ke kepala Anda saat ini juga.
in your mind right now.
di perpustakaan,
relatively well in your life so far,
mulus tanpa hambatan yang berarti,
that thought before.
one language in the world,
digunakan di seluruh dunia.
spoken around the world.
pada bermacam-macam hal.
from one another in all kinds of ways.
bunyi yang berbeda,
membentuk cara berpikir kita?
shape the way we think?
telah berspekulasi mengenai hal ini.
about this question forever.
seorang Kaisar Romawi, berkata,
sama seperti memiliki jiwa kedua" --
is to have a second soul" --
bahasa membentuk realitas.
that language crafts reality.
Shakespeare has Juliet say,
Shakespeare membuat Juliet berkata,
would smell as sweet."
akan tetap sama wanginya."
language doesn't craft reality.
bahasa tidak membentuk realitas.
back and forth for thousands of years.
selama ribuan tahun.
there hasn't been any data
and other labs around the world,
dan lab lain di dunia,
to weigh in on this question.
untuk menjawab perdebatan tersebut.
some of my favorite examples.
beberapa contoh favorit saya.
from an Aboriginal community in Australia
komunitas Aborigin di Australia
at the very west edge of Cape York.
di ujung paling barat Cape York.
words like "left" and "right,"
seperti "kiri" dan "kanan",
untuk semua petunjuk arah:
is in cardinal directions:
I really mean everything.
benar-benar di semua hal.
on your southwest leg."
to the north-northeast a little bit."
arah utara timur laut sedikit."
in Kuuk Thaayorre is you say,
untuk menyapa kita berkata,
Kalau kamu?"
around your day,
sedang berjalan-jalan,
oriented pretty fast, right?
cepat mengetahui arah, kan?
couldn't get past "hello,"
bisa bertegur sapa,
which way you were going.
like this stay oriented really well.
seperti itu mengetahui arah dengan baik
daripada kebanyakan manusia.
than we used to think humans could.
lebih buruk dari makhluk lain--
were worse than other creatures
in our beaks or in our scales."
di paruh atau sisik kita."
trains you to do it,
membiasakan untuk melakukannya,
who stay oriented really well.
yang tahu arah dengan baik.
kemampuan mengenal arah ini,
from the way we do it,
menutup mata sebentar--
your eyes for a second
there, there, there, there ...
ke sana, ke sana, ke sana...
dalam mengenali arah.
in this room was not very high.
kemampuan kognitif antarbahasa, kan?
ability across languages, right?
distinguished group like you guys --
terhormat seperti Anda semua --
and they would know.
5 tahun dan dia tahu.
in how people think about time.
mengenai persepsi akan waktu.
of my grandfather at different ages.
dengan umur yang berbeda-beda.
to organize time,
untuk merunut waktu,
Ibrani atau Arab,
in the opposite direction,
berlawanan arah,
told you about, do it?
arah "kiri" dan "kanan".
like "left" and "right."
ke arah selatan,
waktu dari kiri ke kanan.
ke arah utara,
waktu dari kanan ke kiri.
get locked on the body at all,
pada posisi tubuh,
maka waktu ke arah sini.
then time goes this way.
waktu ke arah sini,
the direction of time chase me around
selalu berubah mengikuti saya--
waktu terpatok pada lanskap.
time is locked on the landscape.
berbeda pada waktu.
of thinking about time.
ada berapa pinguin.
how many penguins are there.
that problem if you solved it.
cara Anda menjawabnya.
empat, lima, enam, tujuh, delapan."
four, five, six, seven, eight."
adalah jumlah pinguinnya.
was the number of penguins.
diajarkan sedari kita kecil.
that you're taught to use as kids.
dan mengaplikasikannya.
and you learn how to apply it.
tidak punya kata untuk angka.
don't have exact number words.
a word like "seven"
kata seperti "tujuh"...
these languages don't count,
tidak berhitung,
keeping track of exact quantities.
jumlah dengan tepat.
to match this number of penguins
untuk mencocokkan jumlah pinguin ini
that linguistic trait can't do that.
trik linguistik itu tidak bisa.
they divide up the color spectrum --
memilah spektrum warna --
lots of words for colors,
kata untuk warna,
"light" and "dark."
"muda" dan "tua".
penempatan batasan antarwarna.
boundaries between colors.
ada kata untuk biru
there's a world for blue
yang Anda lihat di layar,
that you can see on the screen,
tidak ada kata biru.
have to differentiate
dengan biru tua, "siniy."
of experience of, in language,
seumur hidup, melalui bahasanya,
secara perseptual membedakan warna ini,
to perceptually discriminate these colors,
bahasa Rusia lebih cekatan
Russian speakers are faster
to tell the difference
antara biru muda dan tua.
di saat mereka melihat warna --
as they're looking at colors --
from light to dark blue --
dari biru muda ke tua --
different words for light and dark blue
kata berbeda untuk biru muda dan tua
saat warna berubah dari muda ke tua,
as the colors shift from light to dark,
kategorinya berubah,"
has categorically changed,"
bahasa Inggris, misalnya,
of English speakers, for example,
pengelompokan serupa,
this categorical distinction,
karena tak ada perubahan kategori.
ciri struktur yang khas.
of structural quirks.
tata bahasa bergender;
often masculine or feminine.
seringnya maskulin atau feminin.
di bahasa Jerman,
in German but masculine in Spanish,
dengan cara orang berpikir?
consequence for how people think?
as somehow more female-like,
matahari sebagai hal yang feminin,
to, say, describe a bridge,
dan Spanyol mendeskripsikan jembatan,
dalam bahasa Jerman,
feminine in German,
dalam bahasa Spanyol--
to say bridges are "beautiful," "elegant"
kata "cantik", "elegan" untuk jembatan,
akan berpendapat bahwa
will be more likely to say
bersifat maskulin.
they describe events, right?
mendeskripsikan peristiwa, kan?
"He broke the vase."
"Dia memecahkan vasnya."
to say, "The vase broke,"
"Vasnya pecah,"
that someone did it.
bilang seseorang melakukannya.
kita bisa berkata seperti,
we can even say things like,
kecuali jiwa Anda terganggu ...
unless you are a lunatic
looking to break your arm --
mematahkan tangan Anda--
susunan kalimatnya akan berbeda.
you would use a different construction.
akan memperhatikan hal yang berbeda,
will pay attention to different things,
dalam bahasa masing-masing.
usually requires them to do.
kecelakaan yang sama
to English speakers and Spanish speakers,
mengingat siapa pelakunya,
"Dia memecahkan vas itu."
to say, "He did it; he broke the vase."
tidak mengingat pelakunya
less likely to remember who did it
bahwa itu adalah suatu kecelakaan.
that it was an accident.
to remember the intention.
kejadian yang sama,
different things about that event.
berbeda dari kejadian tersebut.
for eyewitness testimony.
kesaksian saksi mata.
tuduhan dan hukuman.
for blame and punishment.
someone breaking a vase,
memecahkan vas,
as opposed to "The vase broke,"
bukannya, "Vasnya pecah,"
menyaksikannya sendiri,
pecahnya vas,
jika saya berkata, "Dia memecahkan vas,"
if I just said, "He broke it,"
our reasoning about events.
mengenai suatu kejadian.
beberapa contoh
shape the way we think,
sangat membentuk cara kita berpikir,
ruang dan waktu bisa sangat berbeda.
coordinate frames from each other.
dampak yang mendalam--
really deep effects --
with the case of number.
mustahil menguasai aljabar,
you can't do algebra,
to build a room like this
membangun ruangan seperti ini
menjadi batu loncatan
gives you a stepping stone
yang sangat awal,
really early effects,
yang sederhana dan mendasar.
basic, perceptual decisions.
perceptual decisions that we make.
yang kelihatannya sepele itu.
mungkin agak sedikit konyol,
may be a little silly,
grammatical gender applies to all nouns.
melekat pada semua kata benda.
membentuk cara berpikir kita
how you're thinking
named by a noun.
of how language can shape things
bagaimana bahasa membentuk hal-hal
atau ingatan saksi mata.
or eyewitness memory.
in our daily lives.
kehidupan sehari-hari.
betapa ia menunjukkan
is that it reveals to us
the human mind is.
not one cognitive universe, but 7,000 --
satu bidang kognitif, melainkan 7.000--
spoken around the world.
di seluruh dunia.
untuk memenuhi kebutuhan kita.
and change to suit our needs.
kita semakin kehilangan keberagaman bahasa
so much of this linguistic diversity
akan hilang dalam seratus tahun ke depan.
will be gone in the next hundred years.
pikiran dan otak manusia saat ini
the human mind and human brain
penutur Bahasa Inggris Amerika
English-speaking undergraduates
umat manusia, kan?
manusia sebenarnya sangat sempit dan bias,
is actually incredibly narrow and biased,
harus berusaha agar lebih baik.
gagasan terakhir ini.
with this final thought.
berpikir secara berbeda pula,
of different languages think differently,
orang di belahan dunia lain berpikir.
how people elsewhere think.
shapes the way that you think.
gunakan membentuk cara Anda berpikir.
kesempatan untuk bertanya,
Lera Boroditsky - Cognitive scientistLera Boroditsky is trying to figure out how humans get so smart.
Why you should listen
Lera Boroditsky is an associate professor of cognitive science at University of California San Diego and editor in chief of Frontiers in Cultural Psychology. She previously served on the faculty at MIT and at Stanford. Her research is on the relationships between mind, world and language (or how humans get so smart).
Boroditsky has been named one of 25 visionaries changing the world by the Utne Reader, and is also a Searle Scholar, a McDonnell scholar, recipient of an NSF Career award and an APA Distinguished Scientist lecturer. She once used the Indonesian exclusive "we" correctly before breakfast and was proud of herself about it all day.
Lera Boroditsky | Speaker | TED.com