Carole Cadwalladr: Facebook's role in Brexit -- and the threat to democracy
Carole Cadwalladr: Peran Facebook dalam Brexit -- dan ancaman terhadap demokrasi
Carole Cadwalladr is a British investigative journalist and features writer. Full bio
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pemungutan suara Brexit,
the European Union,
akan keluar dari Uni Eropa,
newspaper in the UK
surat kabar Britania Raya,
where I grew up, and to write a report.
ke Wales Selatan, dan menuliskannya.
which is this quite special place.
lokasi yang sangat spesial.
working-class culture,
budaya pekerja yang kental,
male voice choirs and rugby and its coal.
khas Wales, rugbi, dan batu bara.
the coal mines and the steelworks closed,
tambang batu bara dan pabrik baja ditutup,
the highest "Leave" votes in the country.
“Keluar”-nya salah satu yang tertinggi.
voted to leave the European Union.
memilih keluar dari Uni Eropa.
I was just a bit taken aback,
pergi ke Ebbw Vale,
college of further education
bernilai 33 juta pound
by the European Union.
oleh Uni Eropa.
regeneration project
regenerasi senilai 350 juta pound
road-improvement scheme,
senilai 77 juta pound,
a new railway station,
stasiun baru,
by the European Union.
Uni Eropa.
any of this is a secret,
like this everywhere.
ada di mana pun.
weird sense of unreality,
kesan tak nyata yang aneh,
in front of the sports center.
di depan pusat kebugaran.
had done nothing for him.
apa-apa untuknya.
people told me the same thing.
orang-orang berkata hal yang sama.
to take back control,
mengambil kembali kendali,
in the campaign.
slogan kampanye.
that they were most fed up
mereka paling muak
I didn't meet any immigrants or refugees.
saya tak bertemu imigran atau pengungsi.
the only foreigner in town.
pendatang di kota ini.
of immigration in the country.
terendah di negara ini.
sepenuhnya mengerti
their information from.
mendapat informasi itu.
tabloid newspapers
about immigration.
imigrasi ini.
left-wing Labour stronghold.
kubu pertahanan politik kiri.
this woman got in touch with me.
seorang wanita mengontak saya.
that she'd seen on Facebook.
yang dilihatnya di Facebook.
stuff about immigration,
menakutkan tentang imigrasi,
of ads that people had seen
iklan-iklan yang mereka lihat
into their news feeds.
ke pasokan berita mereka.
gone completely dark.
hilang dalam gelap.
this profound effect forever on Britain --
dan permanen terhadap Britania --
that came to Wales and the north east
ke Wales dan area timur laut
took place in darkness,
berlangsung dalam kegelapan,
stays on Facebook,
tetap berada di Facebook,
and then it vanishes,
pasokan berita itu, lalu hilang,
meneliti apa pun.
melihat iklan-iklan itu
to target these people.
menyasar mereka.
or how much money was spent,
berapa banyak uang yang keluar,
kepada kami.
multiple times to come to Britain
Mark Zuckerberg datang ke Britania
journalists have uncovered
took place during the referendum.
saat referendum.
we limit the amount of money
membatasi jumlah uang
with literally wheelbarrows of cash
segerobak uang tunai
to stop that from happening.
ketat ini untuk menghentikannya.
almost entirely online.
seluruhnya secara daring.
on Facebook or on Google or on YouTube ads
uang di Facebook, Google, Youtube
because they're black boxes.
sebab cara kerjanya disembunyikan.
of the full extent of it.
sejauh apa jangkauannya.
before the Brexit vote,
menjelang pemungutan suara,
of a million pounds
tiga per empat juta pound.
has ruled was illegal,
komisi pemilu kami,
a fire hose of disinformation.
serangan informasi sesat.
of it joining the European Union.
tak pernah melihat iklan ini,
a tiny sliver of people
selapis kecil masyarakat
and they saw them.
dan mereka melihat iklannya.
we are seeing these now
bisa melihatnya sekarang
Facebook to hand them over.
Facebook menyerahkannya.
in Britain for 100 years.
terbesar di Britania sepanjang abad ini.
one percent of the electorate.
satu persen pemilih.
that took place in the referendum.
kejahatan dalam referendum ini.
by this man, Nigel Farage,
Nigel Farage,
it also broke the law.
juga melanggar hukum.
and British data laws,
dan hukum data Britania,
referred to the police.
ke polisi.
he funded this campaign.
yang mendanai kampanye itu.
to our National Crime Agency,
National Crime Agency,
where his money came from.
uangnya tak bisa diketahui.
the lies that Arron Banks has told
dusta yang disampaikan Arron Banks
with the Russian government.
dengan pemerintah Rusia.
meetings with Julian Assange
antara Nigel Farage dengan Julian Assange
Roger Stone, now indicted,
Roger Stone, kini terdakwa,
two massive WikiLeaks dumps,
besar WikiLeaks,
to benefit Donald Trump.
menguntungkan Donald Trump.
and Trump were intimately entwined.
Brexit dan Trump berkaitan erat.
was the petri dish for Trump.
adalah cawan petri untuk Trump.
the same companies,
perusahaan yang sama,
dan takut yang sama.
were posting on Facebook.
tayangkan di Facebook.
equals invasion]
sama dengan invasi]
like a hate crime to me.
seperti kejahatan kebencian.
all across the world.
secara daring ke penjuru dunia.
but in France and in Hungary
tapi di Prancis, Hungaria,
which is connecting us all globally.
yang menghubungkan kita secara global.
via the technology platforms.
platform-platform teknologi.
of what's going on on the surface.
sebagian kecil peristiwa di permukaan.
about this dark underbelly
tentang lapisan terdalam yang gelap ini
Trump's relationship to Farage,
Trump dengan Farage,
Cambridge Analytica.
an ex-employee, Christopher Wiley.
mantan pegawainya, Christopher Wiley.
that worked for both Trump and Brexit,
bekerja untuk Trump dan Brexit,
their individual fears,
dengan iklan di Facebook.
harvesting the profiles
dengan mengumpulkan profil
to get Christopher on the record.
agar Christopher mau diwawancarai.
from a feature writer
dari penulis feature
untuk melakukannya.
is owned by Robert Mercer,
dimiliki oleh Robert Mercer,
to sue us multiple times,
akan menuntut kami,
and we were one day ahead of publication.
tinggal satu hari menuju hari terbit.
they would sue us.
mereka akan menuntut kami.
on the wrong side of history in that.
pada sisi sejarah yang salah kala itu.
of history in this --
sisi yang salah kali ini --
the answers that we need.
jawaban yang kami butuhkan.
the gods of Silicon Valley.
kepada para dewa Silicon Valley.
and Sergey Brin and Jack Dorsey,
dan Sergey Brin dan Jack Dorsey,
and your investors, too.
juga investor kalian.
coal mines was gas.
Wales Selatan adalah gas.
tak terlihat.
down first to check the air.
dahulu untuk mengecek udara.
experiment that we are all living through,
dan global, yang sedang kita hidupi ini,
are disrupted by technology.
diganggu oleh teknologi.
our laws don't work anymore,
hukum kami tak lagi berjalan,
a report saying this.
laporan yang berkata begini.
invented has been amazing.
memang menjadi menakjubkan.
that you will do better in the future.
kalian akan lebih baik di masa depan.
of stopping this from happening again,
tak akan terjadi lagi,
"Well, it was just a few ads.
"Yah, cuma sedikit iklan.
"Good luck with that."
"Coba saja."
paid for with illegal cash,
membayarnya dengan uang ilegal,
the first in the world
yang pertama di dunia
bertanggung jawa,
of British law -- not just British laws,
hukum Britania -- bukan cuma Britania
nine countries are represented here,
perwakilan sembilan negara,
to come and give evidence to.
untuk datang dan memberi barang bukti.
is that this is bigger than you.
adalah hal ini lebih besar dari kalian.
or "Leave" or "Remain" or Trump or not.
"Keluar" atau "Tetap", Trump atau bukan.
election ever again.
saya pikir tidak.
is this what you want?
inikah yang kalian mau?
history to remember you:
sejarah ingat tentang kalian:
is now driving us apart.
sedang memecah belah kita semua.
bagi Anda yang lainnya,
as this darkness falls?
seiring dunia semakin gelap?
is of a fight for rights.
memuat perjuangan akan hak.
it's a point of inflection.
ini titik tolaknya.
and it is not inevitable,
dan bisa terhindarkan,
have this unchecked power.
teknologi memiliki kuasa tak terkendali.
Anda, saya, kita semua.
who have to take back control.
kembali kendali itu.
Carole Cadwalladr - Investigative journalistCarole Cadwalladr is a British investigative journalist and features writer.
Why you should listen
Carole Cadwalladr is a journalist for the Guardian and Observer in the United Kingdom. She worked for a year with whistleblower Christopher Wylie to publish her investigation into Cambridge Analytica, which she shared with the New York Times. The investigation resulted in Mark Zuckerberg being called before Congress and Facebook losing more than $100 billion from its share price. She has also uncovered multiple crimes committed during the European referendum and evidence of Russian interference in Brexit. Her work has won a Polk Award and the Orwell Prize for political journalism, and she was named a Pulitzer Prize finalist for National Reporting in 2019. Of her award-winning work, judge Sir David Bell wrote: She "deserves high praise for the quality of her research and for her determination to shed fierce light on a story which seems by no means over yet. Orwell would have loved it."
Carole Cadwalladr | Speaker |