Linus Torvalds: The mind behind Linux
Linus Torvalds: Linuks-un arxasındakı zəka
In 1991, Linus Torvalds shared the Linux kernel with a few computer hobbyists. The operating system they built reshaped the software industry. Full bio
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a strange thing.
Linuks milyonlarla kompüterdədir,
is in millions of computers,
böyük hissəsini dəstəkləyir.
Android devices out there.
single one of them.
o cihazların hər birində var.
software headquarters driving all this.
möhtəşəm mərkəzləriniz də var.
when I saw a picture of it.
görənə qədər.
doesn't look like much.
reaksiya verdiyi
part in my office
on the walls are this light green.
they use that on the walls.
dispanserlərdə istifadə olunur
that really stimulates you.
you only see the screen,
kompüteri görmürsünüz,
about in my computer is --
narahatlığım odur ki,
and powerful, although I like that --
ehtiyac yoxdur,
small data center at home,
kiçik məlumat mərkəzi var,
boring office you'll ever see.
ən darıxdırıcı ofisdir.
technology empire --
idarə edə bilirsiniz.
to the power of open source.
to understand open source
çıxdınız və beləliklə
to the development of Linux.
hamam xalatımda, elə öz evimdə
bu fotoda ona görə
as a collaborative project.
in a series of many projects
etdiyim çoxsaylı layihələrimdən
proqramlaşdırma aşiqi idim.
enjoyed programming.
we still have not reached.
gəlib o sona çatmamışıq.
that I was looking for a project on my own
axtardığım bir şey var idi,
really, on my radar at all.
açıq mənbə yox idi.
you want to show off to people.
bir göstəriş vasitəsi olur.
look at what I did!"
that great back then.
belə möhtəşəm deyildi.
open source at that point.
but there was no intention
təkmilləşdirmək istədiyimiz
methodology that we think of today
on this for half a year,
yarım ildir ki, çalışıram.
of the open source --
dostum var idi -- o zamanlar həmin mənbə
"free software" back then --
to the notion that, hey,
bu açıq-mənbə lisenziyalarını
licenses that had been around.
commercial interests coming in.
məni narahat edirdi.
I think most people who start out have,
çox vaxt narahat olur ki,
taking advantage of their work, right?
istifadə edə bilər, düzdür?
some code that you thought,
və fikirləşdiniz ki:
I would not have thought of that.
bunu heç fikirləşməmişdim.
by people contributing code,
daha çox ideyalarla
started contributing ideas.
takes a look at your project --
of other things, too,
takes an interest in your code,
ona kifayət qədər diqqətlə,
give you feedback
proqramlaşdırma ilə keçirmişdim.
for half my life, basically.
had been completely personal
just started commenting,
mənim üçün bir yenilik idi.
giving code back,
moments where I said,
people on email,
and get involved in my project.
layihəmə qoşulan insanları sevirəm.
çox kömək etdilər.
when you saw what was being built
qurulmaqda olan,
this actually could be something huge,
that I'm getting nice feedback on,
şəxsi layihə yox,
in the whole technology world"?
partlayış ola biləcək bir layihə" dediniz?
was not when it was becoming huge,
böyüklüyündə deyildi,
people being involved --
is not a big deal -- to me.
qədər artmaq elə də böyük bir iş deyil.
then it's a huge deal --
bu, böyük bir işdir.
a single point where I went like,
çox uzun zaman keçdi.
that I talk to really credit you
for software development.
misal çəkmək olar.
and your role in that.
oradakı rolunuz barədə danışın.
or 100 people working on a project
10 və ya 100 nəfərdən
1,000 nəfər əməkdaşımız çalışır --
where just on the kernel,
in every single release
roughly two or three months.
who make small, small changes.
insanların sayı çoxdur.
you have to maintain it.
that do only source-code maintenance.
bir çox layihə var.
the most commonly used,
ən geniş yayılmış layihə idi,
and refused to touch it
işləməkdən imtina etdim,
that was radical and interesting
bir işi görməyə çalışdım.
who wanted to participate,
etmək istədi, lakin bu,
I was the kind of break point,
with thousands of people.
to maintain my first big project.
for something meaningful
kod yazmaq istəyirəm,
has been something I needed
mənim ehtiyacım olan
and Git kind of arose
to work with too many people.
LT: Yeah.
LT: Bəli.
who's transformed technology
and understand why it is.
with a Rubik's Cube.
Rubik kubunu yığırsınız.
programming since you were like 10 or 11,
yaşından proqramlaşdırırsınız,
genius, you know, übernerd,
who could do everything?
the prototypical nerd.
in the Rubik's Cube
who's not in the picture,
like, a couple of cousins --
qohum uşaqları
əvvəlcədən hazırlayardı.
into the room she would say,
particularly exceptional.
deyə bilmərəm.
was that I would not let go.
ruhdan düşməməyimdir.
because that's interesting.
danışaq, çox maraqlıdır.
a geek and being smart,
let's do something else --
other parts in my life, too.
digər sahələrində də görürəm.
company, in Silicon Valley,
is that people jump between jobs
development of Linux itself,
you in conflict with other people.
digərləri ilə mübahisəyə səbəb olurdu.
the quality of what was being built?
inadkarlıq lazım idimi?
a people person," --
to other people's feelings,
bəzən elə bir şey deyirəm ki,
say things that hurt other people.
that I should be nice.
that maybe you're nice,
əslində sən nəzakətlisən,
is we are different.
I'm particularly proud of,
I really like about open source
people to work together.
işləmək imkanı verir.
don't like each other.
very heated arguments.
you can find things that --
in really different things.
where I said earlier
taking advantage of your work,
sui-istifadəsindən qorxuram,
quickly turned out,
were lovely, lovely people.
at all interested in doing,
mənə tamamilə maraqsız idi,
that I just did not want to go.
yerlərdə istifadə edirdilər.
onlar belə edə bilirdi.
source they could do it,
really beautifully together.
it works the same way.
the communicators,
and get you into the community.
daxil olmağınızı istəyirlər.
interfeys dizaynı etmərəm.
was the make a pretty UI,
interfeys dizaynı etmək olsa idi,
I'm trying to explain.
izah etməyə çalışıram.
other trait that you have,
particularly good taste in code,
olmayan kod nümunəsidir,
nə vaxtsa kod yazıb?
a singly-linked list.
siyahı ilə qarşılaşıb.
good taste approach,
proqramlaşdırmaya başladığımız
when you start out coding.
in a singly-linked list --
an existing entry from a list --
between if it's the first entry
the pointer to the first entry.
dəyişməli olacaqsınız.
of a previous entry.
why it doesn't have the if statement,
düşməyinizi istəmirəm,
a problem in a different way
a special case goes away
xüsusi hal aradan qalxsın
although, details are important.
özü-özlüyündə vacib deyil.
I really want to work with
insanların ən vacib xüsusiyyəti
which is how ...
because it's too small.
seeing the big patterns
qanunauyğunluqları görmək
what's the right way to do things.
instinktiv şəkildə bilməkdir.
the pieces together here now.
KA: Deməli, kartlar bir-bir yerinə oturur.
to software people.
to some people here.
bəzilərinə də lazımdır.
of these grand visions of the future.
düşüncəyə sahibsiniz.
uncomfortable at TED
of vision going on, right?
o qədər danışılır ki ... Düzdür?
happy with all the people
və ulduzlara baxıb
and just staring at the clouds
and saying, "I want to go there."
that's right in front of me
about these two guys.
mənimlə danışdınız.
do you relate to them?
of cliché in technology,
müqayisəni deyirəm,
scientist and crazy idea man.
elm adamı kimi baxırlar.
their companies after him.
for being kind of pedestrian
and 99 percent perspiration."
99 faizi zəhmətdir".
grab these days,
of an Edison than a Tesla.
Edisonun tərəfindəyəm.
this week is dreams --
sizin proqram təminatınızdan
others have made, arguably,
out of your software.
for several reasons.
open source and really letting go thing,
I don't really enjoy, public talking,
this is an experience.
that make me a very happy man
fully realized now in the world,
tam reallaşdırılırmı?
works so well in code
işləməsinin bir səbəbi odur ki,
ya düzdür, ya da səhv.
and this is not done well.
room for arguments.
mübahisə edirik.
open politics and things like that --
başqa şey barədə danışır --
principles in some other areas
tətbiq etmək olar.
turns into not just gray,
is making a comeback.
being pretty closed,
and some of that going on.
a comeback in science,
thank you for the Internet,
and revealing so much of yourself.
sizə minnətdaram.
Linus Torvalds - Software engineerIn 1991, Linus Torvalds shared the Linux kernel with a few computer hobbyists. The operating system they built reshaped the software industry.
Why you should listen
Fascinated by the economy and elegance of experimental operating system Minix, computer scientist Linus Torvalds wrote an operating system kernel and shared it with independent programmers. The system that they fleshed out and released in 1994 -- Linux -- was remarkable not only for its utility and efficiency but also for the collaboration of its community.
Now enjoying mainstream respectability (and the support of the computer industry), Linux runs on the servers of Amazon, Google, and much of the wired world. As the sole arbiter of code for the Linux Foundation (which he characteristically downplays by saying “the only power I have is to say ‘no’”), Torvalds quietly inspires open-source projects worldwide.
Linus Torvalds | Speaker |