Linus Torvalds: The mind behind Linux
Linus Torvalds: A mente detrás de Linux
In 1991, Linus Torvalds shared the Linux kernel with a few computer hobbyists. The operating system they built reshaped the software industry. Full bio
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a strange thing.
en millóns de ordenadores,
is in millions of computers,
unha boa parte de Internet.
Android devices out there.
Android activos por aí.
single one of them.
impresionante dirixindo isto.
software headquarters driving all this.
when I saw a picture of it.
cando vin unha foto.
non parece gran cousa.
doesn't look like much.
part in my office
están relacionadas.
on the walls are this light green.
as paredes son de cor verde clara.
they use that on the walls.
das clínicas de saúde mental.
that really stimulates you.
só vemos a pantalla,
you only see the screen,
about in my computer is --
do meu ordenador é
and powerful, although I like that --
aínda que me gusta iso--
small data center at home,
central de datos na casa,
aburrida que podedes imaxinar.
boring office you'll ever see.
technology empire --
grande imperio tecnolóxico,
do poder do código aberto.
to the power of open source.
to understand open source
pensar no código aberto
to the development of Linux.
desenvolvemento de Linux.
as a collaborative project.
como un proxecto colaborativo.
in a series of many projects
o pasaba ben programando.
enjoyed programming.
we still have not reached.
aínda non atinximos.
that I was looking for a project on my own
buscaba un proxecto pola miña conta
really, on my radar at all.
aberto no meu radar.
you want to show off to people.
que ti queres mostrarlle á xente.
look at what I did!"
mira o que fixen!"
that great back then.
open source at that point.
aberto pero sen intención
but there was no intention
methodology that we think of today
de código aberto en que pensamos hoxe
durante medio ano,
on this for half a year,
of the open source --
do código aberto.
"free software" back then --
"software libre".
to the notion that, hey,
suxeriu a idea de "Ei,
licenses that had been around.
de código aberto que andan por aí".
commercial interests coming in.
sobre os intereses comerciais.
I think most people who start out have,
que penso que a maioría da xente ten,
taking advantage of their work, right?
saque partido do seu traballo, non?
some code that you thought,
I would not have thought of that.
a min non se me ocorrería.
a xente achegou código,
by people contributing code,
started contributing ideas.
comezou a achegar ideas.
lle bote un ollo ao teu proxecto
takes a look at your project --
of other things, too,
é así noutras cousas,
takes an interest in your code,
ten interese no teu código,
give you feedback
for half my life, basically.
a metade da miña vida.
had been completely personal
foran completamente persoais
just started commenting,
comezase a comentar
giving code back,
a enviar código de volta,
moments where I said,
momentos en que dixen:
me encantan as persoas.
people on email,
por correo electrónico,
and get involved in my project.
comente e se involucre no meu proxecto.
when you saw what was being built
cando viches que todo o construido
this actually could be something huge,
isto pode ser algo moi grande,
que recibo interesantes observacións
that I'm getting nice feedback on,
explosivo no mundo da tecnoloxía?
in the whole technology world"?
cando se converteu en algo enorme,
was not when it was becoming huge,
people being involved --
is not a big deal -- to me.
non é gran cousa, para min.
entón é un gran negocio,
then it's a huge deal --
a single point where I went like,
en que eu dixese:
that I talk to really credit you
atribúenche os méritos
for software development.
o desenvolvemento de software.
and your role in that.
ou 100 traballando nun proxecto
or 100 people working on a project
where just on the kernel,
nunha situación onde só no núcleo
in every single release
en cada lanzamento
roughly two or three months.
uns 2 ou 3 meses.
who make small, small changes.
cambios moi pequenos.
you have to maintain it.
fan código de mantemento.
that do only source-code maintenance.
the most commonly used,
and refused to touch it
e rexeitei tocalo,
that was radical and interesting
radical e interesante
who wanted to participate,
que querían participar
I was the kind of break point,
eu era o punto de equilibrio
with thousands of people.
to maintain my first big project.
o meu primeiro gran proxecto.
for something meaningful
para algo que teña sentido
has been something I needed
tiña que ver con algo que eu precisaba
and Git kind of arose
Linux como Git xurdiron
to work with too many people.
LT: Yeah.
LT: Si.
que transformou a tecnoloxía
who's transformed technology
and understand why it is.
with a Rubik's Cube.
cun cubo de Rubik.
programming since you were like 10 or 11,
desde que tiñas 10 ou 11 anos,
genius, you know, übernerd,
dos ordenadores, un cerebriño?
capaz de facer calquera cousa?
who could do everything?
the prototypical nerd.
o "nerd" prototípico.
in the Rubik's Cube
máis interesado no cubo de Rubik
who's not in the picture,
like, a couple of cousins --
pero teño un par de primos,
into the room she would say,
particularly exceptional.
was that I would not let go.
era a de non renderme.
because that's interesting.
a geek and being smart,
con ser un "geek" e ser intelixente,
let's do something else --
imos facer outra cousa...
partes da miña vida, tamén.
other parts in my life, too.
company, in Silicon Valley,
en Silicon Valley
is that people jump between jobs
é que a xente salta de traballo
development of Linux itself,
desenvolvemento de Linux,
you in conflict with other people.
ao conflito con outra xente.
the quality of what was being built?
calidade do que se estaba a construír?
unha persoa sociable",
a people person," --
to other people's feelings,
aos sentimentos doutras persoas.
say things that hurt other people.
cousas que as feren.
que debería ser agradable.
that I should be nice.
that maybe you're nice,
quizais ti es agradable pero
é que somos diferentes.
is we are different.
particularmente orgulloso
I'm particularly proud of,
I really like about open source
me gustan do código aberto
people to work together.
distinta traballe xunta.
don't like each other.
discusións moi moi acendidas.
very heated arguments.
you can find things that --
en estar en desacordo,
in really different things.
en cousas moi diferentes.
where I said earlier
taking advantage of your work,
con intereses comerciais
quickly turned out,
were lovely, lovely people.
at all interested in doing,
non estaba nada interesado
that I just did not want to go.
de xeitos que eu non o faría.
source they could do it,
era código aberto
really beautifully together.
it works the same way.
the communicators,
os comunicadores,
and get you into the community.
e incluírte na comunidade.
a interface de usuario [IU]
nin para salvar a vida.
was the make a pretty UI,
fose facer unha boa IU
I'm trying to explain.
Estou intentando explicarme.
other trait that you have,
código de non bo gusto precisamente
particularly good taste in code,
a singly-linked list.
unha lista ligada simple.
good taste approach,
que non ten moi bo gusto
when you start out coding.
facer cando comezas a programar.
lista ligada simple,
in a singly-linked list --
an existing entry from a list --
existente dunha lista e...
between if it's the first entry
de se é o primeiro elemento
the pointer to the first entry.
para o primeiro elemento.
of a previous entry.
dun elemento anterior.
why it doesn't have the if statement,
por que non ten a condición if,
a problem in a different way
un problema doutra forma
desapareza un caso especial
a special case goes away
although, details are important.
que os detalles son importantes.
I really want to work with
coas que quero traballar
which is how ...
because it's too small.
seeing the big patterns
realmente os grandes patróns
what's the right way to do things.
cal é a mellor forma de facer as cousas.
the pieces together here now.
para a xente do software.
to software people.
to some people here.
para algunha xente aquí.
desas grandes visións do futuro.
of these grand visions of the future.
un pouco incómodo no TED
uncomfortable at TED
of vision going on, right?
happy with all the people
and just staring at the clouds
and saying, "I want to go there."
e dicindo "Eu quero ir aí."
that's right in front of me
que hai en fronte de min
about these two guys.
deses dous tipos.
do you relate to them?
of cliché in technology,
de clixé na tecnoloxía,
scientist and crazy idea man.
o científico visionario e de ideas tolas.
their companies after him.
seu nome ás empresas.
for being kind of pedestrian
por ser máis corrente
and 99 percent perspiration."
e 99 % de transpiración."
grab these days,
que atrae nestes tempos,
unha persoa agradable,
of an Edison than a Tesla.
máis un Edison que un Tesla.
this week is dreams --
esta semana son os soños:
outras gañaron, podería dicirse,
others have made, arguably,
out of your software.
grazas ao teu software.
for several reasons.
open source and really letting go thing,
e deixara pasar a cousa,
I don't really enjoy, public talking,
que non me gustan, falar en público...
this is an experience.
é unha experiencia.
that make me a very happy man
que me fan moi feliz
fixen as escollas correctas.
fully realized now in the world,
totalmente implantada no mundo
works so well in code
que o código aberto funciona tan ben
bastante boa de decidir,
and this is not done well.
room for arguments.
espazo para as discusións.
open politics and things like that --
como política aberta e así...
principles in some other areas
os mesmos principios noutras áreas
turns into not just gray,
non só se transforman en grises
is making a comeback.
está reaparecendo na ciencia.
being pretty closed,
acabou por ser moi pechada,
and some of that going on.
a comeback in science,
reaparecendo na ciencia,
e revistas de acceso aberto.
thank you for the Internet,
e revelarnos tanto de ti.
and revealing so much of yourself.
Linus Torvalds - Software engineerIn 1991, Linus Torvalds shared the Linux kernel with a few computer hobbyists. The operating system they built reshaped the software industry.
Why you should listen
Fascinated by the economy and elegance of experimental operating system Minix, computer scientist Linus Torvalds wrote an operating system kernel and shared it with independent programmers. The system that they fleshed out and released in 1994 -- Linux -- was remarkable not only for its utility and efficiency but also for the collaboration of its community.
Now enjoying mainstream respectability (and the support of the computer industry), Linux runs on the servers of Amazon, Google, and much of the wired world. As the sole arbiter of code for the Linux Foundation (which he characteristically downplays by saying “the only power I have is to say ‘no’”), Torvalds quietly inspires open-source projects worldwide.
Linus Torvalds | Speaker |