Linus Torvalds: The mind behind Linux
Linus Torvalds: Mees, kes tegi Linuxi
In 1991, Linus Torvalds shared the Linux kernel with a few computer hobbyists. The operating system they built reshaped the software industry. Full bio
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a strange thing.
on kasutusel miljonites arvutites,
is in millions of computers,
aktiivset Androidi seadet.
Android devices out there.
single one of them.
software headquarters driving all this.
tarkvara arenduskeskus.
kukkuma, kui nägin seda pilti.
when I saw a picture of it.
doesn't look like much.
mis inimestele kohe silma hakkab,
part in my office
on the walls are this light green.
on seinad helerohelised.
they use that on the walls.
on seinad sama värvi.
mis kuidagi ei stimuleeri.
that really stimulates you.
you only see the screen,
about in my computer is --
juures kõige olulisem see,
and powerful, although I like that --
kuigi see meeldib mulle ka,
small data center at home,
boring office you'll ever see.
kuidas sedasi töötades
technology empire --
tehnoloogiaimpeeriumi -
to the power of open source.
avatud lähtekoodi võimsusest.
to understand open source
avatud lähtekoodi potentsiaali
to the development of Linux.
as a collaborative project.
in a series of many projects
nagu mitmeid teisi projekte,
programmeerimine lihtsalt meeldis.
enjoyed programming.
we still have not reached.
endiselt jõudnud ei ole,
that I was looking for a project on my own
et mul oli ühte konkreetset asja vaja
really, on my radar at all.
tegelikult mul üldse mõttes.
you want to show off to people.
midagi, millega sai teiste ees eputada.
look at what I did!"
"Vau, vaadake, mis ma siin tegin!"
that great back then.
see midagi nii erilist.
asi avatud lähtekoodis.
open source at that point.
but there was no intention
aga polnud otsest kavatsust
nagu me seda praegu mõistame,
methodology that we think of today
on this for half a year,
viimased pool aastat,
kes oli üks avatud lähtekoodi fänn,
of the open source --
"free software" back then --
to the notion that, hey,
et võiks ju kasutada
licenses that had been around.
mis juba olemas olid.
commercial interests coming in.
võimalik kommertshuvi.
I think most people who start out have,
üks peamisi muresid see,
taking advantage of their work, right?
enda huvides ära, kas pole?
mis pani sind mõtlema:
some code that you thought,
I would not have thought of that.
ise selle peale tulnudki.
et panustati koodidega
by people contributing code,
started contributing ideas.
oma ideedega panustama.
tunneb huvi su projekti vastu -
takes a look at your project --
of other things, too,
takes an interest in your code,
su programm nii palju huvi
give you feedback
annab tagasisidet ja uusi ideid.
for half my life, basically.
praktiliselt pool oma elust.
had been completely personal
olid täiesti enda tarbeks tehtud
just started commenting,
teised hakkasid kommenteerima
giving code back,
hakati koode vastu saatma
moments where I said,
kus ma ütlesin:
people on email,
and get involved in my project.
ja tulevad mu projektiga kaasa.
mis tegelikult on sündimas
when you saw what was being built
this actually could be something huge,
siit võib tulla midagi suurt,
antakse positiivset tagasisidet
that I'm getting nice feedback on,
in the whole technology world"?
kogu tehnoloogiamaailma jaoks.
was not when it was becoming huge,
see, kui asi paisus ülisuureks,
et ma ei olnud üksi,
people being involved --
kes asjaga tegelesid,
is not a big deal -- to me.
pole minu jaoks eriline näitaja.
siis muidugi on see oluline näitaja,
then it's a huge deal --
tehnoloogia ja käsilolev projekt,
a single point where I went like,
konkreetset hetke, mil oleksin öelnud:
that I talk to really credit you
kellega olen rääkinud,
töö on radikaalselt muutunud.
tarkvara arenduse haldussüsteem
for software development.
and your role in that.
ja milline on sinu roll selles.
or 100 people working on a project
kasvab 10 000 osalejani, siis...
where just on the kernel,
et ainult tuuma kallal
in every single release
roughly two or three months.
iga kahe-kolme kuu tagant.
teeb väga väikesi lõike.
who make small, small changes.
imeväikseid muudatusi.
sellises mastaabis
you have to maintain it.
ainult lähtekoodi hooldusega.
that do only source-code maintenance.
kasutati kõige rohkem
the most commonly used,
and refused to touch it
keeldusin seda kasutamast,
that was radical and interesting
palju radikaalsemat ja põnevamat,
kes tahtsid osaleda,
who wanted to participate,
I was the kind of break point,
enam edasi minna ei saa,
ja töötada koos tuhandete inimestega.
with thousands of people.
to maintain my first big project.
oma esimest suurt projekti.
programme lõbu pärast,
for something meaningful
programmist oleks midagi kasu.
has been something I needed
puhtalt oma vajadusest lähtuvalt
and Git kind of arose
Linux ja GIT justkui poolkogemata,
töötada teiste inimestega koos?
to work with too many people.
LT: Yeah.
kes tegi tehnoloogias revolutsiooni
who's transformed technology
and understand why it is.
with a Rubik's Cube.
käes Rubiku kuubik.
10-11 aasta vanuselt
programming since you were like 10 or 11,
genius, you know, übernerd,
who could do everything?
the prototypical nerd.
juba siis inimeste inimene.
in the Rubik's Cube
palju rohkem kui mu noorem vend.
who's not in the picture,
tulemas mingi üritus,
like, a couple of cousins --
sugulasi, aga mõned ikka,
into the room she would say,
seletas ta mulle,
nendes olin ma tugev.
particularly exceptional.
midagi nii väga erilist.
was that I would not let go.
omadus on järeleandmatus.
because that's interesting.
a geek and being smart,
vaid hoopis kangekaelne?
alustasin, siis ma ei öelnud kohe varsti:
let's do something else --
muud. Näe, lahe läikiv asi!"
other parts in my life, too.
Silicon Valleys samas firmas.
company, in Silicon Valley,
is that people jump between jobs
et inimesed hüppavad ühelt töölt teisele
ja korjavad võimalikult palju kogemusi.
development of Linux itself,
you in conflict with other people.
vahel ka konflikte?
the quality of what was being built?
kvaliteet kõiges, mida tegite?
a people person," --
inimeste inimene,
to other people's feelings,
say things that hurt other people.
mis võivad teistele haiget teha.
et peaksin olema sõbralikum.
that I should be nice.
that maybe you're nice,
ehk hoopis ise agressiivsem olema,
is we are different.
I'm particularly proud of,
I really like about open source
väga meeldib, ongi see,
people to work together.
inimestel koos töötada.
don't like each other.
very heated arguments.
väga teravaid konflikte.
you can find things that --
in really different things.
where I said earlier
mida ma enne ütlesin,
taking advantage of your work,
hakkavad minu tööd ära kasutama,
quickly turned out,
were lovely, lovely people.
olid äärmiselt kenad inimesed.
at all interested in doing,
mida ma ise üldse teha ei tahtnud,
nagu mina ei oleks kunagi teinud.
that I just did not want to go.
source they could do it,
siis nad said seda teha
really beautifully together.
it works the same way.
the communicators,
tegeleksid suhtlemisega,
and get you into the community.
ja üht suurt kogukonda luua.
jaoks on tähtis kasutajaliides.
teha ka surmaähvardusel.
was the make a pretty UI,
oleks disainida hea kasutajaliides,
I'm trying to explain.
vaid püüan selgitada.
other trait that you have,
veel üht omadust,
parema maitsega tehtud programmist
particularly good taste in code,
midagi programmeerinud?
a singly-linked list.
programm on näide sellest,
good taste approach,
õpetatakse päris algajatele.
when you start out coding.
in a singly-linked list --
an existing entry from a list --
between if it's the first entry
the pointer to the first entry.
of a previous entry.
miks siin 'if' lausendit pole,
why it doesn't have the if statement,
vaadata teise nurga alt
a problem in a different way
a special case goes away
et erisus kaob ära
although, details are important.
kuigi detailid on olulised.
ma tõesti tahan töötada
I really want to work with
mis väljendub selles, mida siin nägite.
which is how ...
because it's too small.
kuna on liiga tühine.
seeing the big patterns
näha suuremat pilti,
what's the right way to do things.
kuidas oleks kõige õigem asju teha.
the pieces together here now.
tarkvaraga tegelevad inimesed.
to software people.
kes ka seda hinnata oskab.
to some people here.
suuri tulevikuvisioone näha.
of these grand visions of the future.
kuidagi ebamugavalt tundunud,
uncomfortable at TED
of vision going on, right?
happy with all the people
and just staring at the clouds
vahivad tähti ja ütlevad,
and saying, "I want to go there."
that's right in front of me
teeaugud otse mu jalge ees
sa nendest kahest mehest.
about these two guys.
sinu jaoks tähendavad?
do you relate to them?
of cliché in technology,
on saanud juba klišeeks
scientist and crazy idea man.
hullu teadlase ja ideede generaatorina.
firmale tema nime.
their companies after him.
nagu mingit jalameest.
for being kind of pedestrian
99% järjekindlust"
and 99 percent perspiration."
grab these days,
of an Edison than a Tesla.
Edisoni kui Tesla tüüpi.
this week is dreams --
suured ja ambitsioonikad unistused.
väidetavalt ajanud kokku miljoneid
others have made, arguably,
out of your software.
ja seda mitmel põhjusel.
for several reasons.
et mul läheb hästi.
open source and really letting go thing,
mis on kõigile kättesaadav,
kus ta praegu on.
I don't really enjoy, public talking,
mida ma just eriti ei naudi,
this is an experience.
that make me a very happy man
mis on mind õnnelikuks teinud,
valikud olid õiged.
potentsiaali nüüdseks ammendanud
fully realized now in the world,
works so well in code
on programeerimisel end õigustanud,
on koodid üldiselt mustvalged.
and this is not done well.
siin väga ruumi ei jää.
room for arguments.
open politics and things like that --
ja muust sellisest,
rakendada ka teistes eluvaldkondades,
principles in some other areas
turns into not just gray,
ei muutu pelgalt halliks,
is making a comeback.
on taas populaarne.
being pretty closed,
and some of that going on.
ja muu selline värk.
teadusesse naasmas
a comeback in science,
ei oska sa ühtegi nimetada.
kes neid tegema hakkavad?
thank you for the Internet,
telefonide eest.
and revealing so much of yourself.
endast rääkisid.
Linus Torvalds - Software engineerIn 1991, Linus Torvalds shared the Linux kernel with a few computer hobbyists. The operating system they built reshaped the software industry.
Why you should listen
Fascinated by the economy and elegance of experimental operating system Minix, computer scientist Linus Torvalds wrote an operating system kernel and shared it with independent programmers. The system that they fleshed out and released in 1994 -- Linux -- was remarkable not only for its utility and efficiency but also for the collaboration of its community.
Now enjoying mainstream respectability (and the support of the computer industry), Linux runs on the servers of Amazon, Google, and much of the wired world. As the sole arbiter of code for the Linux Foundation (which he characteristically downplays by saying “the only power I have is to say ‘no’”), Torvalds quietly inspires open-source projects worldwide.
Linus Torvalds | Speaker |