Edsel Salvaña: The dangerous evolution of HIV
Edsel Salvaña: HIESAren eboluzio arriskitsua.
TED Fellow Edsel Salvaña studies the genetics of HIV, and he worries that we are just a few mutations away from the next deadly pandemic. Full bio
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and bluest skies on the planet.
epizentro garrantzitsuenetarikoa
HIV epidemics in the world.
baino ez dela dirudi.
as if we are just a late bloomer.
for our current epidemic
a global resurgence of HIV.
berri baten zeinu izan daitezke.
continue to drop in the world,
gutxitzen ari den bitartean,
and resistant viruses arrive.
birusen olatu berri bat iristerakoan.
into a new and different virus
transformatzeko gaitasuna du.
garapen esanguratsuak lortu baditugu ere,
we've made in reversing the epidemic,
mutazio gutxi batzuetara gaude.
viral mutations away from disaster.
ahal izateko,
in which HIV transforms itself
among humans of different races
begiratzen badiegu,
is only 0.1 percent.
and rhesus macaques,
between HIV subtypes
HIESaren moten artean
%35koa izatera heldu daiteke.
pertsona batean
between an infecting mother virus
arteko ezberdintasun genetikoa
as much as five percent.
izatearen balio bera du.
giving birth to a chimpanzee,
espezie bat izatea.
within its lifetime.
being discovered regularly.
is almost all of one subtype:
baino ez da: B mota.
B motaren ikerketei dagokie.
and do to treat HIV
accounts for 12 percent
of cases of HIV in the world.
HIESaren moten arteko batzuk
genetic difference
to become drug-resistant
handiagoa dute
of HIV cases in the Philippines
mendebaldeko B motatik
from the Western subtype B
agresibo baterako
Southeast Asian subtype AE.
ikusten ari gara
in developed countries,
herrialde garatuetan,
Canada and the United States.
bat ikusteko probabilitate handia dago.
explosion of cases in these countries.
pentsatzen dugun bitartean,
egin dela pentsatzen dugun bitartean,
it can come right back.
malaria was on the ropes.
malaria ia garaitua zegoen.
zihoan bitartean,
stopped paying attention.
jaramon egiteari utzi zioten.
of drug-resistant malaria.
malaria baten berragerraldi bat izan zen.
bakar batean pentsatu behar,
that we think we've figured out,
birus talde anitz batean,
and highly unique viruses,
hilkorra sortu dezakeen.
the next deadly epidemic.
more powerful and new tools
sortzen ari gara
the next deadly HIV strain,
detektatu ahal izateko
with urgent research
ondoan jorratzeko beharra du.
eta sendatzeko modua ikertzeko.
of non-B subtypes.
baino gehiago hil ditu
of an AIDS-free generation.
aukera dugu.
behar dugu
hilko dira.
Edsel Salvaña - Infectious disease specialist, molecular epidemiologistTED Fellow Edsel Salvaña studies the genetics of HIV, and he worries that we are just a few mutations away from the next deadly pandemic.
Why you should listen
Dr. Edsel Salvaña discovered that the driving force behind a new AIDS epidemic in the Philippines is the entry and spread of a deadlier strain of HIV -- a situation that can easily occur anywhere in the world.
Salvaña is an infectious disease specialist, molecular epidemiologist and is the director of the Institute of Molecular Biology and Biotechnology at the National Institutes of Health at the University of the Philippines in Manila. He is using next-generation sequencing and other cutting-edge genetic tools to study HIV viral diversity and superinfection. He is looking at how HIV develops drug resistance to better understand why his country suddenly has the fastest growing HIV epidemic in Asia; and why HIV treatment that works well in developed countries is failing on emerging HIV strains in the Philippines and resource-limited settings. He trains doctors in infectious diseases, and supervises the care of several thousand HIV patients at the Philippine General Hospital. He has been a national force in the formulation of HIV treatment guidelines, campaigning against stigma, and raising awareness.
Salvaña's advocacy work has been featured in Science, and he has been recognized with numerous national and international awards including the "Ten Outstanding Young Persons of the World" from JCI International and the Young Physician Leader Award from the Interacademy Medical Panel of the World Academy of Sciences. He was named a TED Fellow in 2017.
Edsel Salvaña | Speaker | TED.com