George Tulevski: The next step in nanotechnology
George Tulevski: Sljedeći korak u nanotehnologiji
IBM's George Tulevski wants to use carbon nanotubes to revolutionize microchip design. Full bio
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building a statue,
gradi skulpturu,
svojim alatom.
of describing it when he said,
elegantno opisao rekavši,
has a statue inside of it,
skulpturu u sebi,
of the sculptor to discover it."
in the opposite direction?
u suprotnom smjeru?
together to form a statue.
čestica kako bi formirao skulpturu.
a statue from a pile of dust
dobiti skulpturu iz prašine je
of these particles to come together
okupiti zajedno milijune ovih čestica
I work on in my lab.
radim u svom laboratoriju.
fascinating little objects.
fascinantnim malenim stvarima.
was a nanoparticle,
of this entire room.
we call nanotechnology,
how it is going to change everything.
sve promijeniti.
to be working in nanotechnology.
rad u nanotehnologiji.
happening all the time.
su posvuda.
pouring in from funding agencies.
jako mali,
of physics that govern ordinary objects,
koji upravljaju običnim objektima
mi u kontaktu.
that you can precisely tune their behavior
utjecati na njihovo ponašanje
small changes to them,
a handful of atoms,
oduzimanja atoma,
you felt like you could make anything.
osjećate se da možete napraviti bilošto.
generation of graduate students.
generacija diplomskog studija.
computers using nanomaterials.
računala koristeći nanomaterijale.
and find and fight disease.
pronalazile i uništavale bolest.
trying to make an elevator to space
su pokušavale napraviti dizalo u svemir
će to utjecati
from computing to medicine.
od računarstva do medicine.
really important work.
zbilja važan posao.
that science into new technologies --
tu znanost u nove tehnologije --
that could actually impact people.
zaista pomogle ljudima.
nanomaterijali --
them so interesting --
a statue out of a pile of dust.
iz hrpe prašine.
that are small enough to work with them.
dovoljno mali da rade s nanomaterijalima.
it wouldn't really matter,
baš i imalo utjecaja,
place millions of particles together
milijune čestica jednu po jednu
and all of the excitement
promise and excitement.
disease-fighting nanobots,
protiv bolesti,
no new types of computing.
nema novih načina upotrebe računala.
that's a really important one.
to go on indefinitely.
ići u nedogled.
to pack more and more devices
sve više naprava
that gives us this incredible pace.
koji nam daje ovaj nevjerojatan tempo.
that sent three men to the moon and back
je poslao tri čovjeka na Mjesec i natrag
greatest computer of its day,
as your smartphone --
smartphone-a --
and just toss out every two years,
zamijenite ga svake dvije godine,
that your smartphone does.
što vaš smartphone može.
get through the first two minutes
if you're lucky --
it's not gradual.
nije postepen.
if you compare a technology
to keep this progress going.
s tim napretkom.
10, 20, 30 years from now:
10, 20, 30 godina:
over the last 30 years.
30 godina.
may not last forever.
neće trajati vječno.
like speed and performance,
poput brzine i performanse,
always been able to do,
sposobni uraditi,
and our group's mission
by employing carbon nanotubes,
provide a path to continue this pace.
da nastavimo s ovim tempom.
of carbon atoms,
od ugljikovih atoma,
that small size,
ta malena veličina,
just outstanding electronic properties.
if we could employ them in computing,
možemo upotrijebiti u računalstvu,
improvement in performance.
poboljšanje u izvedbi.
technology generations in just one step.
tehnoloških generacija u samo jednom
the ideal solution.
to solve your problem."
into that double-edged sword.
dvosjeklom maču.
that's impossible to work with.
materijala s kojim je nemoguće raditi.
just to make one single computer chip.
da napravim jedan računalni čip.
it's like this undying problem.
to je kao onaj besmrtni problem.
"Ajmo prestati.
that needs to be done?"
a trebali bismo učiniti? "
it would make her upset.
to bi je uznemirilo.
to make this a success?"
that the statue has to build itself.
sama izgraditi.
billions of these particles
tih čestica
into the technology.
They have to do it for themselves.
Moraju to napraviti same.
and this is not trivial,
i to nije trivijalno,
this is not that alien of a problem.
taj problem nije toliko stran.
and there's examples everywhere --
i ima primjera svugdje --
that use proteins --
koji koriste proteine --
u osnovi, pijesak,
architectures with extreme diversity.
sa ekstremnom raznolikošću.
just hacking away.
da samo hakira.
molecule by molecule,
molekulu po molekulu,
that we can't even approach.
i približiti.
for hundreds of millions of years.
milijuna godina.
to use the same tool that nature uses,
koristiti isti alat koji priroda koristi,
are about the same size as molecules,
iste veličine poput molekula,
to steer these objects around,
that goes into the pile of dust,
koja ide u hrpu prašine,
koje su nama potrebne.
literally billions of these particles
posložimo milijarde tih čestica
we need to build circuits.
izradimo strujne krugove.
that are many times faster
su puno brži
to make using nanomaterials before.
koristeći nanomaterijale.
and gets more precise.
i precizniji.
within a handful of years --
u okviru nekoliko godina --
of those original promises.
prvotnih obećanja.
that my group is really invested in,
za koji je moja grupa je stvarno
in renewable energy, in medicine,
obnovljivoj energiji, medicini,
to move towards the nano.
pomak prema nano.
are going to need new tools --
će trebati nove alate --
That's the point.
To je poanta.
once you develop these new tools,
razviješ te nove alate,
can pick them up and use them,
uzeti i koristiti
on the promise of nanotechnology.
I appreciate it.
Cijenim to.
George Tulevski - Materials scientistIBM's George Tulevski wants to use carbon nanotubes to revolutionize microchip design.
Why you should listen
George Tulevski researches nanomaterials and develops new methods to utilize these materials in technologically relevant applications. He is currently a Research Staff Member at IBM Thomas J. Watson Research Center.
Dr. Tulevski's current work includes advancements in carbon nanotubes that can be used in next-generation computer processors, flexible electronics and sensors. He has co-authored more than 50 peer-reviewed scientific publications and over 40 patents. In addition to his research, Tulevski teaches tomorrow’s nanoscientists at Columbia University, where he received his Ph.D.
George Tulevski | Speaker |