Alice Goffman: How we're priming some kids for college — and others for prison
Alice Goffman: Bagaimana kita mengirim beberapa anak ke universitas -- dan sisanya ke dalam penjara
Alice Goffman’s fieldwork in a struggling Philadelphia neighborhood sheds harsh light on a justice system that creates suspects rather than citizens. Full bio
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travel to adulthood,
a lot about: college.
kita dengar adalah: universitas.
betapa bersemangat Anda
the excitement that you felt
sedang kuliah saat ini
at this very moment.
semangat yang sama sekarang.
young people in debt.
orang muda yang harus berhutang.
yang cukup baik.
with pride and with great friends
dan teman-teman yang hebat
about the world.
tentang dunia.
than they had before they got there.
daripada sebelum mereka kuliah.
the second institution
mengenai institusi yang kedua
to adulthood in the United States.
anak-anak di Amerika.
are meeting with probation officers
muda bertemu dengan petugas lapas,
instead of to class.
alih-alih pergi ke kelas.
a trip to a state correctional facility.
adalah ke Lembaga Permasyarakatan.
dan Bahasa Inggris,
menghabiskan banyak biaya.
to prison in New Jersey.
sekitar USD 40,000 per tahun.
is a cold prison cell
adalah sel penjara yang dingin
when they come home
ketika mereka pulang
on this journey to adulthood
yang terakhir ini semakin bertambah
and that's because in the past 40 years,
karena pada 40 tahun terakhir,
has grown by 700 percent.
telah meningkat 700 persen.
in the population.
that we're sending to prison,
masuk ke penjara;
and Latino communities
komunitas Afrika-Amerika dan Latin
the young people trying to make it
antara anak muda yang mencoba
a bit worse than this
sedikit lebih buruk dari ini
anak-anak miskin ke penjara,
poor kids to prison,
dengan biaya pengadilan,
dan pembebasan bersyarat,
in halfway houses and on house arrest,
rumah singgah dan rumah tahanan,
to negotiate a police force
bernegosiasi dengan petugas polisi
communities of color,
kulit berwarna yang miskin,
of promoting public safety,
to line city coffers.
dan mengisi pundi-pundi kota.
historic experiment in punishment:
eksperimen kita dengan hukuman:
they will be stopped, searched and seized.
akan dicegat, digeledah, dan ditangkap;
but in their homes,
tapi rumah-rumah mereka,
other path to adulthood
proses kedewasaan yang ini
masih seorang mahasiswa
African-American neighborhood.
bersejarah kaum Afrika-Amerika.
journeys going on simultaneously:
paralel ini berjalan bersamaan:
this elite, private university,
universitas swasta elit,
the adjacent neighborhood,
are being shipped to prison.
a young woman who was in high school
seorang siswi SMA
away from the university.
10 menit dari universitas.
from a juvenile detention center.
dari pusat tahanan remaja.
and his friends and family,
teman-temannya dan keluarganya,
about me writing about his life
jika saya menuliskan kisah hidupnya
a dissertation at Princeton
disertasi di Princeton
and I spent the next six years
dan selama enam tahun saya mencoba
were facing as they came of age.
hadapi dalam proses menjadi dewasa.
in this neighborhood,
berumur 5 dan 7 tahun,
ran after the other boy.
yang lebih muda.
anak yang lebih muda,
to the younger boy,
the other child's pocket,
dari kantong anak itu,
he was carrying any drugs
anak itu membawa narkoba
permainan ini berulang.
simply give up running,
against the ground
or flat up against a wall.
atau bersandar pada dinding.
and you're never coming home!"
dan kamu tidak akan pernah pulang!"
pull another child's pants down
enam menurunkan celana anak lainnya
in this neighborhood,
any contact between police
saya melihat ada kontak antara polisi
pedestrians or people in cars,
pejalan kaki atau pengendara mobil,
with five exceptions.
dengan lima pengecualian.
break down doors,
52 kali mendobrak pintu,
in their home.
in this first year and a half,
14 kali saya melihat
kick, stomp on or beat young men
menginjak, memukuli pemuda
dua orang kakak-beradik:
a senior in high school.
seorang senior di SMA.
and making C's and B's.
dan mendapat nilai C dan B.
he followed him around a lot,
dia hampir selalu mengikuti kakaknya
with a front lawn and a back porch.
halaman depan dan teras belakang.
all while the boys were growing up.
selagi anak-anaknya tumbuh besar.
to hold down a job for very long.
satu pekerjaan untuk waktu lama.
that supported the family,
yang menyokong keluarga itu,
for food and clothes
membeli makanan dan pakaian
seiring mereka bertumbuh.
Chuck adalah senior di SMA.
a senior in high school.
seorang anak di halaman sekolah
with aggravated assault.
dengan kasus penyerangan.
esok harinya,
more than anything.
adalah harga dirinya.
to adult county jail
daerah untuk orang dewasa
he couldn't afford it --
uang jaminan karena tidak mampu
dragged on and on and on
terus-menerus ditunda,
terakhirnya di sekolah.
threw out most of the charges
menarik semua tuntutan
of court fees hanging over his head.
untuk membayar biaya pengadilan.
Chuck mencoba mendaftar sekolah lagi,
to re-enroll as a senior,
to be readmitted.
dan terlalu tua untuk bersekolah di sana,
mengeluarkan surat penangkapan
issued him a warrant for his arrest
the 225 dollars in court fees
biaya pengadilan sebanyak $225
the case ended.
minggu setelah kasusnya berakhir.
living on the run.
sekolah yang hidup dalam pelarian.
akhir tahun itu
dari penangkapannya;
to get his warrant lifted
for the court fees
in his girlfriend's car.
ke sekolah dengan mobil pacarnya
memeriksa mobilnya,
as stolen in California.
dari California.
of this car it had been stolen.
dan bagaimana mobil tersebut dicuri.
from a used car auction
dari pelelangan mobil bekas
keluar dari daerah
outside of the tri-state,
apalagi California.
receiving stolen property.
menerima barang curian.
a few days later,
hakim kriminalisasi remaja
a stolen property
three years of probation.
tiga tahun masa percobaan.
hanging over his head,
hukuman masa percobaan ini,
how to run from the police.
cara melarikan diri dari polisi.
on their back porch
di teras belakang
how to spot undercover cars,
mengenali mobil penyamaran polisi,
how and where to hide.
dan lokasi untuk bersembunyi.
membayangkan sebentar
where kids were going to college,
yang semua anak-anaknya berkuliah,
I got to grow up in.
masa kecil saya.
they're committing crimes!
melakukan kejahatan!
living in fear of arrest?
akan penangkapan?
that other young people
dari keluarga yang lebih mampu
with impunity.
melakukan hal serupa.
dianggap sekadar
would have ended there,
an aggravated assault case.
dipermasalahkan lebih lanjut.
I went to college with
if the police had stopped those kids
banyak yang akan memiliki
as they walked to class?
diperlakukan seperti Chuck dan Tim?
in the middle of the night?
di tengah malam?
rasio penahanan
really low crime rate?
rendahnya tingkat kriminalitas?
Bagus, bukan?
Tingkat kriminalitas menurun,
Crime is down.
the '90s and through the 2000s.
sampai 2000an.
of Sciences last year,
Akademi Ilmiah Nasional tahun lalu,
historically high incarceration rates
penangkapan kita
tidaklah konsisten.
goes up and down
tidaklah stabil,
we send to prison.
yang kita jebloskan ke penjara.
in a pretty narrow way:
konsep keadilan secara sempit:
bersalah dan tak bersalah.
wrongfully convicted.
seseorang dituduh secara tidak benar.
atas sesuatu yang Anda lakukan,
of something you did do,
there are perpetrators.
more broadly than that.
sedikit lebih luas lagi.
in the most disadvantaged neighborhoods,
anak-anak di lingkungan miskin,
of family resources,
sedikit sekali,
di negara ini,
the country's worst schools,
in the labor market,
di dalam lapangan kerja,
where violence is an everyday problem,
kekerasan sebagai makanan sehari-hari,
the thinnest possible line --
yang amat sempit:
melakukan kesalahan.
to young kids facing these challenges?
mereka menghadapi tantangan ini?
jail time and this fugitive existence?
memenjarakan dan mengejar mereka?
yang lebih baik?
that prioritizes recovery,
pidana yang memprioritaskan perbaikan,
yang mengakui adanya
that acknowledges
of color in the U.S. have faced
miskin kulit berwarna di Amerika
and perpetuate those exclusions.
melanggengkan pengucilan tersebut.
that believes in black young people,
akhirnya mempercayai,
as the enemy to be rounded up.
kulit hitam sebagai musuh.
kita sedang mengusahakan ini.
wrote "The New Jim Crow,"
menulis "The New Jim Crow,"
incarceration as a civil rights issue
penahanan sebagai isu hak-hak sipil
they had not seen it before.
sehingga ini sangatlah historis.
Eric Holder have come out very strongly
Eric Holder menyokong penuh
racial disparity in incarceration.
dalam penahanan.
penggeledahan di tempat
Stop and Frisk
decriminalize possession of marijuana.
mendekriminalisasi mariyuana.
and California
dan California
prison populations, closing prisons,
populasi penjara, menutup penjara, dan
drastis tingkat kriminalitas.
investing in education.
berinvestasi dalam bidang pendidikan.
from the right and the left,
dibentuk oleh berbagai pihak:
and fiscal conservatives,
para konservatif dalam hal fiskal,
and libertarians,
to protest police violence
untuk memprotes kekerasan polisi
yang tak bersenjata,
decarceration initiatives
untuk memprakarsai pembebasan
peradilan pidana kita
our criminal justice system
that the right and the left
this political moment in my lifetime.
menyaksikan momentum politik ini.
who have been working tirelessly
yang telah menulis tanpa lelah
high incarceration rates
dalam sejarah
this moment in our lifetime.
momentum ini di dalam hidup kita.
kita akan memanfaatkan ini?
how much can we make of it?
panggilan bagi para pemuda/i,
struggling to stay out of prison
untuk tidak masuk penjara
and return home.
dan pulang ke rumah.
to adulthood are worlds apart,
memang tampak sangatlah berbeda,
in these two institutions
dalam kedua institusi
menuju kedewasaan ini
of reforming our criminal justice system.
sistem peradilan pidana kita.
perjuangan penyamarataan hak,
in the fight for equal rights,
to be granted dignity
memperoleh martabatnya
memperjuangkan kebebasannya.
of young people
beranjak dewasa
moment, potentially,
secara potensial,
build a new criminal justice system,
dan membangun sistem yang baru,
Alice Goffman - Urban sociologistAlice Goffman’s fieldwork in a struggling Philadelphia neighborhood sheds harsh light on a justice system that creates suspects rather than citizens.
Why you should listen
As an undergraduate studying sociology at the University of Pennsylvania, Alice Goffman was inspired to write her senior thesis about the lives of the young people living in the historic African-American neighborhood that surrounded the school. She lived side-by-side with a group of young men in one of the US’s most distressed communities, experiencing a troubling and rarely discussed side of urban policing -- the beatings, late night raids and body searches that systematically pit young men against authority.
Goffman spent six years in the community, the work transforming into her dissertation at Princeton and then into the book, On the Run. In it, Goffman weaves groundbreaking research into a narrative amplifying neglected and often-ignored voices into a stirring, personal indictment of the social, economic and political forces that unwittingly conspire to push entire communities to the margins of society.
Goffman is now an Assistant Professor of Sociology at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, and a vocal advocate for change in America.
Alice Goffman | Speaker |