Danielle Feinberg: The magic ingredient that brings Pixar movies to life
Danielle Feinberg: Formula ajaib yang menghidupkan film-film Pixar
At Pixar, Danielle Feinberg delights in bending the rules of light to her every whim. Full bio
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what I wanted to be when I grew up.
saya mau jadi apa saat besar nanti.
kalau jadi seniman."
Picasso dreams were crushed.
di usia tujuh tahun.
untuk menjadi ilmuwan,
the next Albert Einstein.
Albert Einstein berikutnya.
computer programming in college.
jurusan pemograman komputer.
showed us these wonderful short films.
menunjukkan film pendek yang memukau.
any of us had ever seen.
yang pernah kami lihat.
in wonder, transfixed,
I want to do with my life."
saya lakukan dalam hidup."
and code I had been learning
dan kode yang saya pelajari
these worlds and characters
dunia, karakter,
merasa terhubung,
Pixar Animation Studios.
Pixar Animation Studios.
we actually execute those films.
menggarap film-film itu.
world inside the computer.
di dalam komputer.
a line that makes a face
garis yang membentuk wajah
that eventually become a forest.
yang akhirnya membentuk hutan.
a three-dimensional world,
around inside that world.
di dalam dunia ini.
dengan semua ini.
inside this three-dimensional world.
penempatan cahaya di dunia tiga dimensi.
I move around in there.
yang saya gerakkan di situ.
of lighting in our software,
di perangkat lunak,
look like in real life,
kelihatannya di dunia nyata,
artistically and for the story.
estetika dan keperluan cerita.
geser kesana-kemari,
tampak seperti ini,
that made me fall utterly in love with it.
jatuh cinta pada pencahayaan.
all the pieces come together,
girl that wanted to be an artist.
yang ingin jadi seniman.
to help tell story,
untuk menyampaikan cerita,
segala macam dunia di dalam komputer.
inside the computer.
ourselves with science.
kami membekali diri dengan sains.
dan dunia yang kami kenal
relatable and recognizable.
yang masuk akal dan familiar.
example of this.
takes place underwater.
terjadi di bawah laut.
tampak seperti bawah laut?
and recreated it in the computer.
lalu menjiplaknya di komputer.
that underwater look.
yang menimbulkan kesan bawah laut.
through the water.
yang meniru prinsip fisika ini --
that mimics this physics --
have their full, rich colors.
two other important elements.
dua unsur penting lainnya.
around in the water.
partikel kesana kemari di dalam air.
on the bottom of a pool,
bends through the crests
pembiasan cahaya matahari
on the ocean's surface.
see the water surface.
menampakkan permukaan laut.
you can see here
only with the caustics,
partikulat dengan selengkung bias,
of those ribbons of light,
sparkle to the underwater.
kami menggunakan sains --
light and movement --
scientifically accurate
to suit the story and the mood.
cerita dan mood yang ingin disampaikan.
was one we had some leeway with.
adalah elemen yang bisa kami mainkan.
underwater scene.
dengan pewarnaan wajar.
and push it fairly green
Pelabuhan Sydney lebih hijau
we see deep into the underwater,
jauh ke kedalaman laut,
the East Australian Current is,
Arus Australia Timur
and going on this roller coaster ride.
dalam perjalanan bak roller coaster ini.
ever see in real life.
di dunia nyata.
kami bukan sedang mencoba
the scientifically correct real world,
yang akurat secara ilmiah,
themselves in to experience the story.
untuk merasakan ceritanya.
something wonderful.
untuk menciptakan keindahan.
to get us to a place of wonder.
membawa kami ke tempat penuh keajaiban.
example of that.
we knew we had a big problem.
kami tahu ada masalah besar.
WALL-E this convincing robot,
menjadi robot yang meyakinkan,
practically optically perfect.
sempurna dari sudut pandang optik.
critical acting devices he has.
alat terpenting dalam perannya.
traditional dialogue, for that matter.
bahkan tidak punya dialog yang wajar.
dependent on the binoculars
bergantung pada mata teropongnya
perasaan WALL-E.
dan menyadari
were a mess of reflections.
di dalam teropongnya
is a fundamentally awful thing
yang sangat tidak kita inginkan
to convince an audience
and he's capable of falling in love.
dan bisa jatuh cinta.
perfect binoculars,
yang optiknya sempurna ini,
maintain his true robot materials
mempertahankan kerangka robot WALL-E
reflected in his eyes --
tercermin di mata WALL-E --
abstract image on the lenses.
membuat gambar abstrak pada lensanya.
di lensa pertama,
that accidentally leaks into his eyes.
tak sengaja masuk ke mata WALL-E.
these gray aperture blades.
bilah aperture abu-abu ini.
are poking through that reflection
muncul di antara bayangan itu
mempunyai jiwa,
with emotion inside.
punya perasaan.
that glassy-eyed look.
memperlihatkan tatapan kosong tadi.
WALL-E comes back to life.
WALL-E hidup kembali.
the aperture blades back,
yang menyinari bilah aperture tadi,
soulful robot we've come to love.
penuh jiwa yang kita cintai.
in these unexpected moments --
dalam momen tak terduga seperti itu --
to unlocking a robot's soul,
menghidupkan jiwa sebuah robot,
what you want to do with your life.
yang ingin dilakukan dalam hidup.
was one of those moments for me.
"Finding Nemo" adalah salah satunya.
that struggle to come together.
yang sulit menyatu.
tentang adegan ini
of jellyfish in the South Pacific.
yang indah di Pasifik Selatan.
look-and-feel conversation
tentang tampilan
about numbers and percentages.
tentang angka dan persentase.
kami membuatnya berdasarkan dunia nyata,
something in real life,
sudah kehilangan arah.
our brain without our eyes,
otak saja, tanpa mata,
was strangling the scene.
bisa dibuat indah.
the blues and the pinks,
warna biru dan merah jambu,
on the jellyfish bells,
bias di payung ubur-ubur,
the previous night's work.
pekerjaan malam sebelumnya.
to the lighting director
dia juga sangat senang.
in a dark room full of 50 people.
sutradara di ruang gelap berisi 50 orang.
and fixes, generally.
mendapat persetujuan akhir,
the jellyfish scene.
adegan ubur-ubur itu.
for an uncomfortably long amount of time.
sampai terasa tak nyaman.
designer started clapping.
that I live for in lighting.
dalam mengerjakan pencahayaan.
yang dapat kita yakini.
to create these amazing worlds.
sains, dan kode
to bring them to life.
untuk menghidupkan dunia itu.
to a place of wonder,
menjadi tempat yang ajaib,
you imagine can become real --
imajinasi menjadi nyata --
anak perempuan menyadari
Danielle Feinberg - Director of photography, PixarAt Pixar, Danielle Feinberg delights in bending the rules of light to her every whim.
Why you should listen
Danielle Feinberg began her career at Pixar Animation Studios in 1997 on the feature film A Bug's Life. She quickly discovered her love for lighting and went on to light on many of Pixar's feature films including Toy Story 2, Monsters, Inc., the Academy Award®-winning Finding Nemo, The Incredibles and Ratatouille. Feinberg was the director of photography for lighting on Pixar’s Academy Award®-winning films WALL-E and Brave and is now working on Pixar's upcoming film, Coco.
Feinberg's love of combining computers and art began when she was eight years old and first programmed a Logo turtle to create images. This eventually led her to a Bachelor of Arts in Computer Science from Harvard University. Now, in addition to her Pixar work, she mentors teenage girls, encouraging them to pursue code, math and science.
Danielle Feinberg | Speaker | TED.com