Clint Smith: How to raise a black son in America
Clint Smith: Kaip užauginti juodaodį sūnų Amerikoje
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kodėl mano tėvai
follow the rules that they did.
kurių jie patys laikėsi.
have to mow the lawn?
nupjauti veją?
in my oatmeal?
with questions like this.
and realizing that sometimes,
jog kartais geriausia yra klausyti tėvų,
even when I didn't exactly understand why.
me to think critically.
nemąstyčiau kritiškai.
to reconcile the tension
pasaulio tiesų supratimo,
understand the realities of the world,
the status quo as inevitable.
status quo kaip neišvengiamo dalyko.
in and of itself,
Brazilian author and scholar Paulo Freire,
Paulo Freire
about the need for education
pažadinti ir bendram žmogiškumui.
awakening and shared humanity.
"Pedagogy of the Oppressed,"
žmogumi tol,
authentically human
lately, this idea of humanity,
apie žmogiškumo idėją.
is afforded the privilege
turi turėti galimybę
the past several months,
as unarmed black men, and women,
vyrų bei moterų gyvybės
at the hands of police and vigilante.
ir žmonių, norinčių įvykdyti teisingumą.
has transpired after them
about raising a black boy in America
juodaodžio sūnaus auklėjimo Amerikoje,
understand in the way that I do now.
kaip suprantu dabar.
kaip giliai neteisinga jiems atrodė, jog
how profoundly unfair it must have felt
to strip away parts of my childhood
kelionėje į kitą miestą
overnight field trip to another city,
vandens šautuvus
į savo vandens karo zoną.
into our own water-filled battle zone.
dengė viską tarp gatvės šviesų,
lay between the streetlights,
across the pavement.
grabbed me by my forearm
pagriebė mane už rankos
with an unfamiliar grip.
nusivedė mane į mūsų kambarį.
made me look in front of my friends,
prieš mano draugus,
fear consuming his face,
sukaustytu veidu
as your white friends.
tavo balti draugai.
other than your own teeth."
savo dantų.“
jis turėjo būti,
into the empty of the night,
nakties tamsoje,
šitą vandenį
all of this away.
visa tai šalin.
apsemtas visą savo gyvenimą:
inundated with my entire life:
jas galėtų matyt, nejudėk per greit,
can see them, don't move too quickly,
ir seseris iš anksto apšarvavo
in an armor of advice,
kvėpavimo iš mūsų plaučių,
wouldn't steal the breath from our lungs,
a memory of this skin.
karstais ir cementu.
not casket or concrete.
padaryti geresniais už kitus,
would make us better than anyone else
norėjo, jog būtume gyvi.
to keep us alive.
su tokia pat mintimi,
with the same message,
when we became old enough
to be hammered to the ground,
kaip vinis įkalti į žemę,
synonymous with something to be feared.
negali būti vaiku?
cannot simply be a child?
per daug pavojingos tavo kvėpavimui,
are too dangerous for your breath,
of making a mistake,
kitą rytą.
wake up in the morning.
kurie užaugino mus,
who raised us to understand
mūsų kūnai sutverti ne kulkų reversui,
for the backside of a bullet,
and laughing until our stomachs burst.
how to raise our hands in class,
pakelti ranką klasėje,
turėtume pasiduoti,
aren't worthy of this world.
verti šio pasaulio.
it's not because others don't,
yra svarbios,
are worthy of existing without fear,
the moment he is born,
pat jo gimimo,
for anything other than a toy.
niekaip kitaip kaip žaislas.
negalime pakeisti
build this world into something new,
on a t-shirt, or a tombstone,
than the fact that they had lungs,
turi plaučius,
one of us can breathe.
gali kvėpuoti.
Clint Smith - Poet, educatorClint Smith's work blends art and activism.
Why you should listen
Clint Smith is a writer, teacher and doctoral candidate at Harvard University studying education, incarceration and inequality. Previously, he taught high school English in Prince George’s County, Maryland where, in 2013, he was named the Christine D. Sarbanes Teacher of the Year by the Maryland Humanities Council.
Clint is a 2014 National Poetry Slam champion, an Individual World Poetry Slam Finalist, and author of the poetry collection Counting Descent. He has received fellowships from the National Science Foundation, Cave Canem and the Callaloo Creative Writing Workshop. His writing has appeared in The New Yorker, The Guardian, Boston Review, American Poetry Review, Harvard Educational Review and elsewhere. He was born and raised in New Orleans, LA.
Clint Smith | Speaker |