Fredy Peccerelli: A forensic anthropologist who brings closure for the "disappeared"
Fredy Peccerelli: Un antropolog care aduce lumină în cazul celor „dispăruți”
Fredy Peccerelli works with families whose loved ones “disappeared” in the 36-year armed conflict in Guatemala. The executive director of the Guatemalan Forensic Anthropology Foundation, he helps locate bodies and give back identities to those buried in mass graves. Full bio
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după un conflict armat de 36 de ani,
a 36-year armed conflict.
during the Cold War.
în timpul Războiului Rece.
a small leftist insurgency
doar o mică insurgență de stânga
din partea statului.
is 200,000 civilian victims,
200.000 de victime civile,
killed in the communities:
the elderly even.
chiar și persoane în vârstă.
about 40,000 others, the missing,
are Mayan victims,
originari ai Americii Centrale
Central America.
sunt de origine europeană.
European descent.
care ar trebui să ne apere,
defend us, the police, the military,
care au comis cele mai multe crime.
most of the crimes.
they want information.
Vor trupurile celor dragi.
what they want is they want you,
doresc ca voi,
that their loved ones did nothing wrong.
că cei dragi lor n-au făcut nimic rău.
received death threats in 1980.
amenințări cu moartea în 1980.
Am plecat și am venit aici.
de fapt, in Brooklyn,
and I went to New Utrecht High School
și am absolvit Colegiul Brooklyn.
ce se întâmpla în Guatemala.
was happening in Guatemala.
to do something about it.
să fac ceva în privința asta.
to look for the bodies,
pentru a căuta cadavrele,
and to look for part of myself as well.
și pentru a căuta o parte din mine.
să le oferim oamenilor informații.
we give people information.
and we let them choose.
și îi lăsăm să aleagă.
us the stories,
să ne spună despre cei dragi.
să împărtășească o parte din ei înșiși.
give us a piece of themselves.
going to compare
cu ADN-ul care vine de la schelete.
from the skeletons.
we're looking for the bodies.
happened 32 years ago.
s-au petrecut acum 32 de ani.
scoatem pământul
the body, document it, and exhume it.
îl documentăm și îl dezgropăm.
skeleton out of the ground.
we take them back to the city, to our lab,
le ducem în oraș, în laboratorul nostru,
to understand mainly two things:
prin care să înțelegem două lucruri:
wound to the back of the head
în spatele a capului
is who they are.
este cine sunt.
with that analysis
luăm un mic fragment de os
fragment of the bone
cu ADN-ul familiilor, bineînțeles.
DNA of the families, of course.
is by showing you two cases.
e prin intermediul a două cazuri.
of the military diary.
out of somewhere in 1999.
de undeva, în 1999.
is the state following individuals,
e statul urmărind oamenii,
wanted to change their country,
au vrut să-și schimbe țara,
down is when they executed them.
pe care le-au notat e data execuției.
you see a code,
vedeți un cod, un cod secret: 300.
means when they were executed.
și data este cea a execuției.
into play in a second.
an exhumation in 2003,
from 53 graves in a military base.
din 53 de morminte dintr-o bază militară.
cu familia lui Sergio Saul Linares.
of Sergio Saul Linares.
at the university.
to change his country.
pentru a-și schimba țara.
February 23, 1984.
executed on March 29, 1984,
a fost executat în 29 martie 1984.
information and their DNA,
despre familie și ADN-ul lor,
that told us exactly what happened.
care ne spuneau exact ce s-a întâmplat.
two weeks later,
că două săptămâni mai târziu,
cu ADN-ul acestei familii.
also matched the DNA of that family.
that he was also in the diary.
also executed on March 29, 1984.
a fost executat pe 29 Martie, 1984.
how many bodies were in the grave?
câte corpuri erau în mormânt?
were executed on March 29, 1984?
fuseseră executați pe 29 Martie 1984?
Moises and Zoilo.
Hugo, Moises și Zoilo.
all captured at different locations
și la momente diferite.
was the DNA of those four families
era ADN-ul celor patru familii.
and we found them.
and gave them back to the families.
și le-am înapoiat la familiile lor.
called CREOMPAZ.
but the acronym really means
dar de fapt acronimul înseamnă
Pentru Operații de Menținerea Păcii.
for Peacekeeping Operations.
trains peacekeepers from other countries,
forțele străine de menținerea păcii,
și se duc în țări precum Haiti și Congo.
like Haiti and the Congo.
within this military base,
au existat corpuri, au existat morminte.
and about two hours after we went in,
și cam la două ore după ce am intrat,
a total of 533 bodies.
un total de 533 de corpuri.
on top of bodies.
deasupra cadavrelor.
hands tied behind their backs,
cu mâinile legate la spate,
cu tot felul de traume.
who were being executed.
care au fost executați.
was a grave full of women and children,
era un mormânt plin de femei și copii,
a case like this?
that happened on May 14, 1982,
petrecut în 14 Mai 1982,
in helicopters to an unknown location.
la o locație necunoscută.
clothing from the region
se potrivea cu îmbrăcămintea
fuseseră luate aceste persoane
were taken from.
and guess what?
și pe Manuel Chen,
and Manuel Chen.
and now we could prove it.
acum puteam dovedi.
proves that this happened
că acest lucru se întâmplase,
were taken to this base.
fuseseră aduse la această bază.
clothes, and she left him with a neighbor.
și l-a lăsat cu un vecin.
a helicopter and never seen again
și n-a mai fost văzut
with anthropology, with genetics,
antropologie, genetică,
giving a voice to the voiceless.
Furnizăm dovezi pentru procese,
evidence for trials,
last year in Guatemala
de anul trecut în Guatemala,
of genocide and sentenced to 80 years.
a fost găsit vinovat de genocid
that this is happening everywhere --
că asta se întâmplă peste tot.
right in front of us today --
chiar în fața noastră, astăzi.
și să decidem
any more missing.
să avem persone dispărute.
Fredy Peccerelli - Forensic anthropologistFredy Peccerelli works with families whose loved ones “disappeared” in the 36-year armed conflict in Guatemala. The executive director of the Guatemalan Forensic Anthropology Foundation, he helps locate bodies and give back identities to those buried in mass graves.
Why you should listen
In Guatemala’s brutal civil war, 200,000 civilians were killed — and more than 40,000 of them were never found. They are referred to as the “disappeared,” and since the end of the conflict, their bodies have been found in unmarked mass graves with very little information to identify them.
Fredy Peccerelli has a personal connection to this tragic story. He was born in Guatemala, but when his father received threats from a death squad, his family left for the United States. It was 1980 and Peccerelli was 9. He quickly adapted to life in Brooklyn, New York. But in 1994, while a college student, he heard a presentation on the emerging field of forensic anthropology. The speakers talked about exhuming bodies from mass graves in Guatemala, and Peccerelli was fascinated. He wanted to help.
Peccerelli founded the Guatemalan Forensic Anthropology Foundation, which meets with the families of the “disappeared,” listens to their stories and takes DNA samples to match to exhumed bodies. In this way, they are able to piece together narratives of what happened — in order to give families closure and to provide evidence for the trials of those involved in the deaths.
Pecerrelli has been profiled on PBS, in The New York Times and more. He recently launched the “No More Missing” campaign to raise money for an interactive website to tell the stories of the Guatemalan "disappeared" on the global stage. He wants people across the world to see the connection between what happened Guatemala and what is happening today in countries like Mexico.
Fredy Peccerelli | Speaker |