Lucianne Walkowicz: Let's not use Mars as a backup planet
Lucianne Walkowiczová: Mars nie je záchranná planéta Zeme
Lucianne Walkowicz works on NASA's Kepler mission, studying starspots and "the tempestuous tantrums of stellar flares." Full bio
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ľudskej histórie.
and losing the planet we call home.
planétu, ktorú nazývame domovom.
sme rozšírili naše vedomosti
we've greatly expanded
within the context of our universe.
vôkol ostatných hviezd,
around other stars,
z miliárd planét v našej galaxii.
of billions of planets in our galaxy.
ktorý zachytáva jemné clonenie hviezd,
as planets pass in front of them,
ktoré sa k nám dostáva.
of that light from reaching us.
from their parent star.
malé a skalnaté
whether these planets are small and rocky,
v našej slnečnej sústave.
in our own Solar System,
od domovského slnka.
from their parent sun.
či by mohli byť objavené planéty
these planets that we discover
skrytý poklad
as we're discovering this treasure trove
pod ťarchou ľudstva.
under the weight of humanity.
najhorúcejším rokom v histórii.
ktoré tu mali byť celé tisícročia
been with us for millennia
in a matter of decades.
ktoré sme uviedli do pohybu,
changes that we have set in motion
zmeniť ich priebeh.
to alter their course.
I'm an astronomer.
Som astronómka.
pod vplyvom hviezd
as influenced by stars
the places in the universe
život mimo našej planéty.
life beyond our own planet.
o mimozemské nehnuteľnosti.
choice alien real estate.
in the search for life in the universe,
do výskumu života vo vesmíre,
hľadáme planétu podobnú Zemi,
you look for planets like Earth,
our own planet itself.
nám ponúka porovnanie
invites a comparison
and the planets we know best:
a planétami, ktoré dôverne poznáme,
and though it's a bit far from the Sun,
a keďže nie je ďaleko od Slnka,
za potenciálne obývateľnú planétu,
a potentially habitable world
was habitable in the past,
štúdiu planéty Mars.
we study Mars so much.
sa presúvajú po povrchu
crawl across its surface,
ako ho poznáme.
of life as we know it.
sample the Martian atmosphere,
sa skúmala atmosféra Marsu,
might have lost its past habitability.
prísť o obývateľnosť v minulosti.
ponúkajú vesmírne lety
not just a short trip to near space
ale lákajú možnosťou žiť na Marse.
of living our lives on Mars.
of our own home world,
to ideas about pioneering and frontiers,
s miestami na okraji sveta.
we have not colonized
ktoré sme neobývali,
v porovnaní s Marsom.
by comparison with Mars.
a najvyšších miestach na Zemi
highest places on Earth,
dažďové pralesy.
by our rainforests.
about colonizing Mars and other planets
Marsu alebo inej planéty
from the self-inflicted destruction
pred nami spôsobenou skazou
we know of, the Earth.
interplanetary exploration,
to go to Mars,
will be there to back up humanity
je záchrannou planétou nášho ľudstva,
telling you that the real party
že skutočná zábava
a planetárnej ochrany
exploration and planetary preservation
rovnakého cieľa.
of the same goal:
and improve life into the future.
život v budúcnosti.
pripomínajú výlet do mimozemského svet.
of our own world are alien vistas.
and maintain habitable spaces
obývateľné miesta
spaces here on Earth,
of both preserving our own environment
pripomenúť jeden experiment.
thought experiment:
asked that, given the fact
si fyzik Enico Fermi kládol otázku.
nás obklopuje už veľmi dlhú dobu
for a very long time
are many planets within it,
o mimozemskom živote.
for alien life by now.
na Ferminiho paradox je,
to Fermi's paradox
natoľko technicky vyspelou,
technologically advanced enough
that advancement to begin with.
že medziplanetárna kolonizácia sama o sebe
that interplanetary colonization alone
and interplanetary exploration
a medziplanetárny prieskum
for human habitation,
na obývateľné pre ľudstvo,
the far easier task of preserving
prekonať úlohy uchovania
Lucianne Walkowicz - Stellar astronomerLucianne Walkowicz works on NASA's Kepler mission, studying starspots and "the tempestuous tantrums of stellar flares."
Why you should listen
Lucianne Walkowicz is an Astronomer at the Adler Planetarium in Chicago. She studies stellar magnetic activity and how stars influence a planet's suitability as a host for alien life. She is also an artist and works in a variety of media, from oil paint to sound. She got her taste for astronomy as an undergrad at Johns Hopkins, testing detectors for the Hubble Space Telescope’s new camera (installed in 2002). She also learned to love the dark stellar denizens of our galaxy, the red dwarfs, which became the topic of her PhD dissertation at University of Washington. Nowadays, she works on NASA’s Kepler mission, studying starspots and the tempestuous tantrums of stellar flares to understand stellar magnetic fields. She is particularly interested in how the high energy radiation from stars influences the habitability of planets around alien suns. Lucianne is also a leader in the Large Synoptic Survey Telescope, a new project that will scan the sky every night for 10 years to create a huge cosmic movie of our Universe.
Lucianne Walkowicz | Speaker |