iO Tillett Wright: Fifty shades of gay
iO Tillett Wright: Petdeset odtenkov homoseksualnosti
As a child actor, iO Tillett Wright turned his shoes around in the bathroom stall so that people would think he was a boy. As a teenager, he fell in love with both women and men. His life in the gray areas of gender and sexuality deeply inform his work as an artist. Full bio
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Ali je potencialna možnost za navezovanje stikov?
da so te kategorije preveč omejujoče.
da hočem biti fantek.
da bi z njimi igrala košarko.
ki je sledil naokrog in težil Christianu Slaterju.
kaj pomeni biti dekle,
mojega neobičajnega otroštva;
da neprestano rastem in se razvijam.
zgodovino s človekovimi pravicami,
ki je bilo v dekliških oblačilih videti kot fant,
a s punčkastim lakom za nothe
in fantje, ki so jim všeč fantje in dekleta,
našo ljubezen enačili z bestialnostjo.
zavestno spoznali žrtev svoje diskriminacije?
drug drugemu s fotografijami,
da obstajajo, skozi fotografije.
kogarkoli v tej državi,
za katero sem vedela, da bi jih lahko dobila
Kampanjo za človekove pravice.
Rodila sem se in odrasla v New Yorku.
v neheteroseksualen spekter.
da so vsi ljudje ustvarjeni enaki."
samo zaradi njihove spolne usmerjenost.
moje generacije za človekove pravice.
kar se je zgodilo potem.
je hotelo pokazati svoj obraz.
popolnoma pravilna.
ki niso bili heteroseksualni,
Samoumevne resnice.
premalo smo jih imeli.
da je moja misija fotografiranja gejev zelo napačna,
čemur sem sem se celo življenje izogibala:
ki sem ga poimenovala "siv".
da si iz tega sistema odstotkov zapomnite:
ker je ta homoseksualec,
eno ali dve heteroseksualni izkušnji?
eno ali dve homoseksualni izkušnji?
ki sem se jo naučila iz mojih potovanj in projekta,
z zakonom zvezano za hrbtom,
Facebook straneh, ohranjevalnikih zaslona ...
iO Tillett Wright - PhotographerAs a child actor, iO Tillett Wright turned his shoes around in the bathroom stall so that people would think he was a boy. As a teenager, he fell in love with both women and men. His life in the gray areas of gender and sexuality deeply inform his work as an artist.
Why you should listen
iO Tillett Wright thanks his parents for not asking him to define himself as a child. His experience of growing up without having check boxes like “female,” “male,” “gay” or straight” thoroughly infuses his art.
iO’s photography can be seen regularly in two features in The New York Times: Notes from the Underground and The Lowdown. He is also the creator of Self Evident Truths—an ongoing project to document the wide variety of experiences in LGBTQ America. So far, he has photographed about 2,000 people for the project. His goal: 10,000 portraits and a nationwide rethinking of discriminatory laws.
iO had his first solo show at Fuse gallery in New York City in 2010, and exhibited his work at The Hole Gallery in early summer of 2012. He has published three books of photographs; Lose My Number, KISSER, and Look Ma’, No Hands. He has directed several music videos, and spent nineteen years acting in films.
iO Tillett Wright | Speaker |