Barry Schwartz: The way we think about work is broken
Бери Шворц (Barry Schwartz): Начин на који доживљавамо посао је погрешан
Barry Schwartz studies the link between economics and psychology, offering startling insights into modern life. Lately, working with Ken Sharpe, he's studying wisdom. Full bio
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and answer is this:
и да одговорим на њега је -
out of bed every morning
TED-like adventure to another?
од једне до друге авантуре налик TED-овим?
that very question.
исто то питање.
we have to make a living,
морамо да зарадимо за живот,
that that's the answer to the question,
да је то одговор на питање
the work we do is challenging,
посао који радимо је пун изазова,
it's meaningful.
сврсисходан је.
it might even be important.
може бити чак и важан.
if we didn't get paid,
да нисмо плаћени,
послове које радимо.
are a pretty bad reason
прилично лош разлог
that he's "in it for the money,"
да је „у томе због пара”,
потпуно очигледно,
raises what is for me
тера ме да поставим
majority of people on the planet,
has none of the characteristics
нема ниједну од особина
and off to the office every morning?
и терају да идемо на посао сваког јутра?
the majority of people on the planet
већини људи на планети
meaningless and soul-deadening?
бесмислен и умртвљујући?
капитализам створио
of goods and services,
добара и услуга,
that might come from work were eliminated?
која потичу из рада елиминисана?
in call centers,
позивним центрима
to do what they do except for pay.
ни један други разлог на свету
screws people, blah blah --
уништава људе, бла, бла;
the kind of technology
and that people come to TED to hear about.
због које људи долазе у TED
the technology of things,
science creates ideas.
наука ствара и идеје.
are ways of understanding ourselves.
начини су разумевања нас самих,
on how we think, what we aspire to,
на начин нашег размишљања,
is God's will, you pray.
божја воља - молите се.
of your own inadequacy,
резултат ваше неадекватности,
the result of oppression and domination,
резултат угњетавања и доминације,
is resignation or revolution,
одустајање или револуција
the sources of your poverty.
изворе свог сиромаштва.
in shaping us as human beings,
при обликовању нас као људских бића,
the most profoundly important technology
коју нам наука пружа.
about idea technology,
у вези идејне технологије
from the technology of things.
од технологије ствари.
will not go away
неће нестати
that they're true,
and institutions
with these very false ideas.
са овим погрешним идејама.
created a factory system
створила систем машинске производње
could possibly get out of your day's work,
да избегнете свакодневни посао,
one of the fathers
један од оснивача
Adam Smith --
Адам Смит,
по природи лења
were by their very natures lazy,
unless you made it worth their while,
ако то исто не учините исплативим,
био је подстицај,
by giving them rewards.
anyone ever did anything.
због ког је ико икада нешто урадио.
with that false view of human nature.
систем машинске производње
о људској природи.
of production was in place,
for people to operate,
за људе да функционишу,
with Adam Smith's vision.
у складу са визијом Адама Смита.
can create a circumstance
могу да створе околности,
да постају истините.
good help anymore."
добити добру помоћ”.
that is demeaning and soulless.
који је понижавајући и бездушан.
this incredible invention
овај невероватан изум
in assembly lines,
на покретним тракама,
на покретним тракама, каже:
in assembly lines, he says:
possible for a human being to become."
колико људско биће то може постати.”
possible for a human being to become."
колико људско биће то може постати.”
what Adam Smith was telling us there,
оно што нам Адам Смит овде говори је
within which people work
у оквиру које људи раде
to the demands of that institution
захтевима те институције
from their work that we take for granted.
коју узимамо здраво за готово.
natural science --
природним наукама -
theories about the cosmos,
фантастичне теорије о космосу
indifferent to our theories.
на наше теорије.
we have about the cosmos.
имамо о космосу.
the theories we have of human nature,
о теоријама које имамо о људској природи
by the theories we have
кроз теорије које имамо,
and help us understand human beings.
и помогну да разумемо људска бића.
Clifford Geertz, said, years ago,
Клифорд Гирц, рекао је пре много година
are the "unfinished animals."
was that it is only human nature
да је само у људској природи
of the society in which people live.
друштва у ком људи живе.
that is to say our human nature,
то јест, наша људска природа,
than it is discovered.
него што је откривена.
within which people live and work.
у којима људи живе и раде.
to being with masters of the universe --
господарима свемира -
yourself a question,
to run your organizations.
да бисте водили своје организације -
do you want to help design?
желите да подржите?
Barry Schwartz - PsychologistBarry Schwartz studies the link between economics and psychology, offering startling insights into modern life. Lately, working with Ken Sharpe, he's studying wisdom.
Why you should listen
In his 2004 book The Paradox of Choice, Barry Schwartz tackles one of the great mysteries of modern life: Why is it that societies of great abundance — where individuals are offered more freedom and choice (personal, professional, material) than ever before — are now witnessing a near-epidemic of depression? Conventional wisdom tells us that greater choice is for the greater good, but Schwartz argues the opposite: He makes a compelling case that the abundance of choice in today's western world is actually making us miserable.
Infinite choice is paralyzing, Schwartz argues, and exhausting to the human psyche. It leads us to set unreasonably high expectations, question our choices before we even make them and blame our failures entirely on ourselves. His relatable examples, from consumer products (jeans, TVs, salad dressings) to lifestyle choices (where to live, what job to take, who and when to marry), underscore this central point: Too much choice undermines happiness.
Schwartz's previous research has addressed morality, decision-making and the varied inter-relationships between science and society. Before Paradox he published The Costs of Living, which traces the impact of free-market thinking on the explosion of consumerism -- and the effect of the new capitalism on social and cultural institutions that once operated above the market, such as medicine, sports, and the law.
Both books level serious criticism of modern western society, illuminating the under-reported psychological plagues of our time. But they also offer concrete ideas on addressing the problems, from a personal and societal level.
Schwartz is the author of the TED Book, Why We Work.
Barry Schwartz | Speaker |