Julie Lythcott-Haims: How to raise successful kids -- without over-parenting
Julie Lythcott-Haims: Kuidas kasvatada edukaid lapsi kasvatamisega liialdamata
Julie Lythcott-Haims speaks and writes on the phenomenon of helicopter parenting and the dangers of a checklisted childhood -- the subject of her book, "How to Raise an Adult." Full bio
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lapsevanemaks olemise eksperdiks.
to be a parenting expert.
in parenting, per Se.
lapsevanemad käituma viisil,
of parenting these days
to develop into theirselves.
of parenting these days
on lastele pärssiv.
being very concerned
in the lives of their kids
oma laste harimise ja kasvatamisega,
going on there as well,
a kid can't be successful
et laps ei suuda olla edukas ilma,
ei kaitseks ja hoolitseks,
and preventing at every turn
and micromanaging every moment,
ära ei korraldaks,
some small subset of colleges and careers.
eliitülikoolide ja karjääri suunas.
in raising my two teenagers,
tegevuste nimekirja täitmiseks.
a kind of checklisted childhood.
lapsepõlv näeb välja selline:
childhood looks like.
õiges koolis ja õiges klassis
they go to the right schools,
at the right schools,
klassis saama õigeid hindeid.
in the right classes in the right schools.
olema head eksamitulemused,
muud saavutused ja kiituskirjad,
but the accolades and the awards
the activities, the leadership.
ise algatama mõne ringi,
want to see that.
kuivõrd sa teistest hoolid.
you care about others.
hoped-for degree of perfection.
teeksid kõike perfektselt,
to perform at a level of perfection
to perform at ourselves,
have to argue with every teacher
treeneri ja kohtunikuga,
isiklik asjaajaja ja sekretär.
juhendada, innustada, abistada,
nagging as the case may be,
ja vajadusel ka näägutada,
to be a kid in this checklisted childhood.
ärakorraldatud lapsepõlv välja nii:
no time for free play.
niisama olemist ja mängimist
has to be enriching, we think.
every quiz, every activity
for this future we have in mind for them,
jaoks määrava tähtsusega,
of helping out around the house,
of getting enough sleep
the items on their checklist.
mis on selles nimekirjas.
et lapsed saaksid õnnelikuks,
we say we just want them to be happy,
kõige esimesena seda,
mis hindeid nad said.
at the Westminster Dog Show --
koeratreener Westminsteri koerashow'l
kõrgemale ja kargama veidi kaugemale
and soar a little farther,
mis ained võiks endale huvi pakkuda
be interested in studying
to get into the right college?"
hinded natuke langema
start to roll in in high school,
sõnumeid saatma küsides,
into the right college with these grades?"
hinnetega heasse ülikooli saanud.
keskkooli lõppu lähevad,
at the end of high school,
oleksid neile öelnud,
had said, "What you've done is enough,
in childhood is enough."
piisavalt pingutanud.
ärevushäirete ja depressiooni käes
under high rates of anxiety and depression
oma elus jõuavad kuhugi,
to have been worth it?
täiesti veendunud selles,
it's all worth it.
et neil pole mingit tulevikku,
they will have no future
valitud ülikooli või ihaldatud erialale,
tiny set of colleges or careers
on the backs of our cars.
mida me tegelikult oleme teinud,
to really look at it,
ei ole hakanud arvama,
think their worth comes
hinnetest ja saavutustest,
their precious developing minds
neile pähe istutanud
nagu filmis “Olles John Malkovich”,
of the movie "Being John Malkovich,"
ilma minuta midagi saavutada.”
achieve any of this without me."
suunamise ja käehoidmisega
and overdirection and hand-holding,
of the chance to build self-efficacy,
usk oma hakkamasaamisesse,
of the human psyche,
tõeliseks alustalaks,
than that self-esteem they get
that one's own actions lead to outcomes,
kui inimese enda tegudest sünnib midagi,
lapse eest midagi ära teeb,
actions on one's behalf,
midagi ära teha.
lead to outcomes.
õpiksid ise hakkama saama,
self-efficacy, and they must,
of the thinking, planning, deciding,
planeerida, otsustada,
katsetada ja eksida,
et iga laps on töökas ja motiveeritud
sekkumist või huvitundmist,
or interest in their lives,
lasta asjadel omasoodu minna?
saavutusi, kiituskirju ja auhindu
grades and scores and accolades and awards
ülikoolidesse sissesaamise
admission to a tiny number of colleges
of success for our kids.
jaoks liiga piiratud definitsioon.
achieve some short-term wins
saavutada mõningast lühiajalist edu,
mida oleme aidanud ära teha,
if we help them do their homework,
tekkinud pikem lapsepõlve CV,
childhood résumé when we help --
comes at a long-term cost
we should be less concerned
to apply to or might get into
ja sisse saada,
the habits, the mindset, the skill set,
hoiakud, oskused ja meelekindlus,
wherever they go.
kuhu tulevik nad viib.
tegeleda hinnete ja tulemustega
less obsessed with grades and scores
a foundation for their success
vundament nende edukusele,
Did I just say chores? I really did.
of humans ever conducted
success in life,
kas lapsena tehti kodutöid,
comes from having done chores as a kid,
and-pitch-in mindset,
ja hakka pihta suhtumine,
there's some unpleasant work,
töid, mis lihtsalt tuleb ära teha,
it might as well be me,
to the betterment of the whole,
in the workplace.
mis aitab oma töös edasi jõuda.
Sina tead seda ka.
ei ole kodutöid arvatud
in the checklisted childhood,
tegevuste nimekirja.
the work of chores around the house,
as young adults in the workplace
oma esimeses töökohas
kätte tegevuste nimekiri
lacking the impulse, the instinct
käised üles käärida ja pihta hakata,
how can I be useful to my colleagues?
kolleegidele kasulik olla.
to what my boss might need?
mida ülemusel vaja oleks?
suur avastus oli see,
from the Harvard Grant Study
our friends, our family.
lastel õppida armastama
our kids how to love,
if they don't first love themselves,
kui meie neid tingimusteta ei armasta.
if we can't offer them unconditional love.
hinnete ja tulemuste pärast,
with grades and scores
come home from school,
put away our phones,
nutiseadmed ja telefonid,
the joy that fills our faces
for the first time in a few hours.
et lõuna, nagu minu oma ütles,
says, "Lunch," like mine did,
matemaatika kontrolltöö, mitte lõunasöök,
take an interest in lunch.
huvi selle lõunasöögi kohta.
about lunch today?"
see tänane lõuna nii hea oli?
they matter to us as humans,
meile olulised lihtsalt inimestena,
chores and love,
et tore on, kodutööd ja armastus,
but give me a break.
top scores and grades
hinded ja eksamitulemused,
and I'm going to tell you, sort of.
see pole mingi uudis, tõepoolest.
just seda noortelt eeldavad,
are asking that of our young adults,
edetabeli-diktatuur sunnib meid arvama
rankings racket would have us believe --
kõige kuulsamates ülikoolides,
of the biggest brand name schools
went to state school,
käisid tavalises koolis,
no one has heard of,
suvalises väikeses koolis,
and flunked out.
ja kukkusid sealt isegi välja.
et meie ühiskonnas täpselt nii see ongi.
is in our communities,
at a few more colleges,
from the equation,
eest oma ego upitada,
this truth and then realize,
reaalsusele ja mõista
of those big brand-name schools.
mõnda eliitülikooli.
according to a tyrannical checklist
rangelt järgima kohustuslikku kava,
vastavalt oma otsusele,
on their own volition,
soovidest ja eelistustest,
seal edukad olema.
Sawyer and Avery.
nimetasin, Sawyer ja Avery.
oma Sawyeri ja Averyga
to carefully clip and prune
form of a human
to warrant them admission
saaksid kindlasti sisse
highly selective colleges.
lastevanemate lastega, olen mõistnud,
with thousands of other people's kids --
neile toetavat keskkonda,
a nourishing environment,
koduste toimetuste abil
love others and receive love
armastada ja armastust vastu võtta,
what I would have them become,
kellena mina tahan neid näha,
in becoming their glorious selves.
saaksid kasvada imeliseks iseendaks.
Julie Lythcott-Haims - Academic, authorJulie Lythcott-Haims speaks and writes on the phenomenon of helicopter parenting and the dangers of a checklisted childhood -- the subject of her book, "How to Raise an Adult."
Why you should listen
Julie Lythcott-Haims is the author of the New York Times best-selling book How to Raise an Adult: Break Free of the Overparenting Trap and Prepare Your Kid for Success. The book emerged from her decade as Stanford University's Dean of Freshmen, where she was known for her fierce advocacy for young adults and received the university's Lloyd W. Dinkelspiel Award for creating "the" atmosphere that defines the undergraduate experience. She was also known for her fierce critique of the growing trend of parental involvement in the day-to-day lives of college students. Toward the end of her tenure as dean, she began speaking and writing widely on the harm of helicopter parenting. How to Raise an Adult is being published in over two dozen countries and gave rise to her TED Talk and a sequel which will be out in 2018. In the meantime, Lythcott-Haims's memoir on race, Real American, will be out in Fall 2017.
Lythcott-Haims is a graduate of Stanford University, Harvard Law School, and California College of the Arts. She lives in Silicon Valley with her partner of over twenty-five years, their two teenagers and her mother.
Julie Lythcott-Haims | Speaker | TED.com