Judson Brewer: A simple way to break a bad habit
Judson Brewer: Paprastas būdas atsikratyti blogo įpročio
Psychiatrist and addiction expert Judson Brewer researches mindfulness techniques that effectively help quell cravings of all kinds. Full bio
Double-click the English transcript below to play the video.
pay attention to my breath,
į savo kvėpavimą,
to bring it back.
tose tylos buveinėse
in the middle of winter.
nors buvo žiema.
because it was really hard work.
nes būdavo tikrai labai sunku.
really important.
trying to pay attention to something --
į ką nors sutelkti dėmesį –
will drift off into a daydream,
nuklys į apmąstymus
to check our Twitter feed.
of the most evolutionarily-conserved
vienu labiausiai per evoliuciją išlaikytų
currently known in science,
nervous systems known to man.
mums žinomų nervų sistemų.
and negative reinforcement,
gerai atrodantį maistą,
„Kalorijos! ... Išlikimas!“
į smegenis, kuris sako:
to our brain that says,
and where you found it."
ir kur tai radai.“
kūrybingosios mūsų smegenys sako:
our creative brains say,
than just remembering where food is.
kur maistas.
something good so you'll feel better?"
kad pasijaustum geriau?“
when we're mad or sad,
kai pykstame ar liūdime,
coming from our stomach,
ateinančio is skrandžio,
rūkančius lauke galvodavome:
outside smoking and we think,
nebuvo keistuolis
and that was no accident.
that urge to smoke a cigarette
surūkyti cigaretę
smegenų procesus
with these habits.
šiais įpročiais.
of morbidity and mortality in the world.
ir mirtingumo priežasčių pasaulyje.
su savo smegenimis
to pay attention,
reward-based learning process ...
atlygiu paremtu mokymosi procesu...
kas vyksta čia ir dabar?
in our momentary experience?
galėtų padėti žmonėms mesti rūkyti.
could help people quit smoking.
to pay attention to my breath,
sutelkti dėmesį į savo kvėpavimą,
themselves to quit smoking.
mesti rūkyti.
had tried this before and failed --
tai daryti anksčiau –
mes atsisakėme forsavimo
and instead focused on being curious.
„Pirmyn, rūkykite,
kaip jaučiatės tai darydami.“
about what it's like when you do."
from one of our smokers.
that smoking was bad for her,
kad rūkymas jai kenkia,
curiously aware when she smoked
rūkydama ji išsiaiškino,
that smoking was bad for her
kad rūkymas kenkia,
disenchanted with her behavior.
from an evolutionary perspective,
jauniausia smegenų dalis –
that we shouldn't smoke.
neturėtumėme rūkyti.
to help us change our behavior,
pakeisti savo elgesį,
that third, that fourth cookie.
trečio ar ketvirto sausainio.
to control our behavior.
siekdami kontroliuoti savo elgesį.
išsijungia pati pirmoji,
when we get stressed out,
in our own experience.
su savo patirtimi.
rėkti ant sutuoktinių ar vaikų,
like yell at our spouse or kids
it's not going to be helpful.
smegenų žievė išsijungia,
is so important.
juos apipynusias iliuzijas.
at a deeper level --
ourselves to hold back
savęs riboti
in doing it in the first place.
when we get caught up in our behaviors,
mūsų veiksmų pasekmės,
veiksmus gaubiančių iliuzijų
naturally letting go.
savaime išsilaisvinti.
magically we quit smoking.
ir mes stebuklingai mesime rūkyti.
to see more and more clearly
vis aiškiau matyti
ir formuojame naujus.
about being really interested
stiprus susidomėjimas
in our bodies and minds
kūnuose ir mintyse
to turn toward our experience
cravings go away as quickly as possible.
nemalonius troškimus.
to turn toward our experience
atsiverti savo patirčiai
kai mes pradedame smalsauti?
are simply made up of body sensations --
sudaro paprasčiausi kūno pojūčiai:
sensations come and go.
sukyla ir atslūgsta.
by this huge, scary craving
šio didžiulio, baisaus troškimo,
fear-based, reactive habit patterns,
atsakomųjų įpročių struktūrų
that next data point.
naujos informacijos.
too simplistic to affect behavior.
kad galėtų pakeisti elgesį.
kad dėmesingumo treniravimas
we found that mindfulness training
nei terapija
at helping people quit smoking.
the brains of experienced meditators,
medituotojų smegenis,
of self-referential processing
savireguliacinio informacijos apdorojimo
vadinamo numatytojo režimo tinklu.
is that a region of this network,
šio tinklo regionas,
by craving itself
when we get sucked in,
kai mus įtraukia
of what's happening --
kas vyksta –
internetinės formos
mindfulness training programs
į šiuos esminius mechanizmus
that's driving us to distraction
naudoja tą pačią technologiją
of our unhealthy habit patterns
savo žalingų įpročių sistemų:
and other addictive behaviors.
kitokio priklausomybę sukeliančio elgesio.
about context-dependent memory?
su kontekstu surištą atmintį?
to peoples' fingertips
žmonėms tiesiai į rankas
to be curiously aware
būti smalsiai sąmoningiems,
or stress eat or whatever arises.
impulsyviai valgyti ar panašiai.
patirdami stresą,
to check your email when you're bored,
pasitikrinti el. paštą,
yourself from work,
to that text message when you're driving,
į trumpąją žinutę, kai vairuosite,
this natural capacity,
šiais natūraliais gebėjimais,
and mind in that moment.
tą akimirką.
and exhaustive habit loops ...
įvairiausių įpročių ciklų...
compulsively text back,
kompulsyviai atsakai,
Judson Brewer - Mindful addiction doctorPsychiatrist and addiction expert Judson Brewer researches mindfulness techniques that effectively help quell cravings of all kinds.
Why you should listen
Psychiatrist Judson Brewer is a thought leader in the "science of self mastery," having combined nearly 20 years of experience with mindfulness and scientific research therein. An expert in mindfulness training for addictions, Judson has developed novel treatments to help individuals with substance abuse and eating disorders. He has also studied the neural mechanisms of mindfulness using standard and realtime fMRI, and is translating these findings into clinical use.
In 2012, Judson founded Claritas MindSciences to combine mindfulness and neurofeedback techniques for a variety of conditions; the latest apps are Craving to Quit and Eat Right Now. Judson is currently an Associate Professor of Psychiatry and Medicine at University of Massachusetts School of Medicine, where he is Director of Research at the Center for Mindfulness.
In 2017, Brewer published a book, The Craving Mind: From Cigarettes to Smartphones to Love – Why We Get Hooked and How We Can Break Bad Habits, that unpacks the topic of his TED Talk.
Judson Brewer | Speaker | TED.com