Michele L. Sullivan: Asking for help is a strength, not a weakness
Michelle L. Sullivan: Paprašyti pagalbos yra stiprybė, o ne silpnybė
Michele L. Sullivan is known for her sustainable and collaborative approach to philanthropic investing. Full bio
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that we remember so vividly.
kuriuos atsimename itin ryškiai.
was when I was entering kindergarten.
kai pradėjau lankyti darželį.
and by golly, it was my time.
ir man tikrai jau buvo laikas.
kad vos nepridariau į kelnes.
with a warm welcome,
little cubbyholes, don't we --
ar ne? –
„Eik į ratą
until class starts."
kol prasidės užsiėmimas.“
and plopped down like I owned the place,
ant žemės lyg man priklausytų ši vieta.
with blue shorts.
ir mėlynus šortus.
ir paklausė:
I didn't think he was talking to me.
nes nemaniau, kad kalba su manim.
Let's just play. We're happy.
Žaiskime toliau. Mes laimingi.
and about a minute later,
o po minutės
in a white shirt and a pink skirt,
su baltais marškinėliais ir rausvu sijonu
why do you look so different?"
kodėl tu taip keistai atrodai?“
Again, let's just play."
Taigi, žaiskime.“
all around the circle I was in,
kuriame sėdėjau,
and they were all looking at me.
ir ėmė žiūrėti į mane.
it would be "OMG" or "WTF."
„O, dieve“ ar „Kas per velnias“.
that I went in with that morning
su kuriuo atėjau iš ryto,
before I went home,
prieš man einant namo,
outside of the circle.
kiekvieną kikenimą,
like nobody could see me.
lyg ten manęs nematytų.
another child's curiosity,
that the real world was not built
kad tikrasis pasaulis nėra sukurtas
both literally or figuratively.
tiesiogine ir netiesiogine prasme.
as you can probably tell,
aš neturiu anonimiškumo.
through our lifetime.
per savo gyvenimus.
with a mental illness,
nuo psichikos sutrikimo,
with their gender identity,
or what I go through.
ar ką aš išgyvenu.
walk in someone else's shoes,
a new way of giving of ourselves.
naują būdą kaip save pateikti.
what it's like to be you
nesuprasiu, ką reiškia būti tavimi,
what it's like to be me.
ką reiškia būti manimi.
ar siekti tavo svajonių,
or chase your dreams,
in each other's shoes,
of giving of ourselves.
naują būdą, kaip save pateikti.
different than most people,
aš turiu daryti kitaip,
I was on equal footing with,
aš turėjau tokias pačias sąlygas
I excelled in the classroom.
klasėje aš pranokau kitus.
I discovered as I grew older
to do a physical job.
kad negalėsiu atlikti fizinių užduočių.
of everyone for employment,
pralenkti kitus darbo rinkoje
an advanced university degree,
What am I going to wear?
Ką vilkėti?
tvirto rankos paspaudimo.
who I've known all my life
the building you're going in has steps."
„Michele, tame pastate yra laiptų.“
about how am I going to get there?
and got in and had a great interview.
patekau vidun ir pokalbis pavyko.
for the day and that's OK.
ką patyriau tą dieną. Nieko tokio.
challenge that day was the interview,
tądien buvo darbo pokalbis
without getting run over.
ir nebūti suvažinėtai.
in certain situations:
tam tikrose situacijose:
stovėjimo aikštelėse,
I travel quite a bit.
aš turiu nemažai keliauti.
for all of us these days.
run through security, get to the gate.
nubėgat prie vartų.
Did I get my upgrade?
Ar gausiu pagerinimą?
I don't run through anything.
the personal patdown.
that my parents said I was born with,
tėvai sakė, kad jau gimiau su tokiu –
"By the way, my scooter weighs this much,
„Beje, mano vežimėlis sveria tiek,
to the door of the plane."
the city where I'm traveling to
į miestą, į kurį keliauju
in case mine gets broken on the way.
jei maniškis sugestų.
it's a little bit different.
yra šiek tiek kitoks.
to put my bag up, and they graciously do.
o jos su malonumu tai padaro.
get up and walk on the plane,
iki tualeto,
it knocked and I answered.
I can't reach the lock."
nes nepasiekiu užrakto.
and the door flies open.
ir durys staiga atsidaro.
that he was sitting right across from me,
absoliučiai susinepatoginęs.
taip pat ilgai kaip ir aš?“
as much as I am?"
not talking about it publicly, I am.
O aš kalbu.
our families, sports, work,
sportą, darbą,
kad kažkas užkėlė jūsų krepšį.
someone put your bag up.
with that embarrassment,
in certain ways.
moteris vežimėlyje.
I start to talk to the agent.
oro uosto darbuotoju.
about their culture and so forth,
ir panašius dalykus,
kad nėra tiltelio į lėktuvą.
pakelti mano vežimėlį,
getting up the steps."
lipant laiptais.“
while we waited for the flight,
laukdami skrydžio
for both of us that day.
and wished me well,
ir palinkėjo sėkmės,
to remember that experience more
kad jis šį patyrimą atsimins geriau
and there was a bit of hesitation.
ir buvo kilusios dvejonės.
aš gaunu daug pagalbos.
my friends, my colleagues
that we all have a support system.
savo palaikymo sistemą.
tam tikrais gyvenimo momentais,
of other people's support systems.
in our own successes,
in other people's successes,
kad darom įtaką ir kitų žmonių sėkmei
every single day.
that we help each other,
padėti vieni kitiems,
placing people in silos
that you cannot see.
kitiems nematomas problemas.
those experiences together
I mentioned earlier in my stories.
į mano XXS dydžio kailį,
courage and understanding,
on only what you can see.
Michele L. Sullivan - Social innovatorMichele L. Sullivan is known for her sustainable and collaborative approach to philanthropic investing.
Why you should listen
Michele L. Sullivan has held various globally influential leadership positions at Caterpillar during her 29-year career. She currently is Caterpillar's Director of Corporate Social Innovation and President of the Caterpillar Foundation, the philanthropic arm of Caterpillar Inc.
Throughout Sullivan's career, she has dramatically grown the reach, influence and impact of each role. Her time with the Caterpillar Foundation is no different. She has taken the Caterpillar Foundation from a transactional Foundation into a global and strategic Foundation. She has moved the Foundation from Corporate Social Responsibility into Corporate Social Innovation. This strategy places the human need first, not as an afterthought of profit. Sullivan is well known for her global expertise and sustainable and collaborative approach to philanthropic investing.
Sullivan strongly believes monumental and sustainable change in our largest global challenges can only happen through partnerships and collaboration between public, private and non-profit entities. This strategy resulted in the Caterpillar Foundation's transformation into one of the most influential corporate foundations and, ultimately, the launch of the Foundation's collaborative impact platform, Together.Stronger.
Determination and resilience have been present throughout Sullivan;s life. She endured many years of orthopedic surgeries and other challenges. She provided leadership starting in the Little Prairie Chapter of Little People of America as a teenager. She was named by Inside Philanthropy as one of the 50 most powerful women in philanthropy and she served as a US delegate to the United Nations Commission on the Status of Women. She is a member of the ONE board of directors and chairs the Greater Peoria Local Initiatives Support Corporation (LISC) Advisory Board. She earned her MBA from Bradley University, and she is the first woman to be President of the Caterpillar Foundation.
Michele L. Sullivan | Speaker | TED.com