Jaap de Roode: How butterflies self-medicate
Jaap de Roode: Cum se îngrijesc fluturii singuri
Jaap de Roode studies the ecology and evolution of parasites, focusing on those that attack the monarch butterfly. Full bio
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are still the main cause
cauza principală
around the world.
și a decesului la nivel mondial.
of diseases such as T.B., malaria, HIV,
mor de TBC, malarie, SIDA,
and even in the United States.
chiar și în Statele Unite.
die of seasonal flu.
mor de gripa de sezon.
we are creative. Right?
împotriva acestor boli.
ourselves against these diseases.
we learn from our experiences
din experiențele noastre
but now we know we're not.
dar acum știm că nu-i așa.
out there that can do it too.
fac același lucru,
sunt cimpanzeii.
to treat their intestinal parasites.
pentru paraziții intestinali.
that other animals can do it too:
că și alte animale pot să o facă:
oile, caprele, multe alte animale.
sheep, goats, you name it.
că descoperirile recente ne indică
is that recent discoveries are telling us
smaller brains can use medication too.
cu creierul mai mic,
după cum știm cu toții,
as we all know,
continuă să evolueze,
that we have developed
fabricate își pierd efectul.
to find new ways to discover drugs
de a produce medicamente
should look at these animals,
how to treat our own diseases.
cum să ne îngrijim.
monarch butterflies for the last 10 years.
fluturii monarh în ultimii 10 ani.
pentru migrații lor spectaculoase
for their spectacular migrations
down to Mexico every year,
pentru care îi studiez.
They get sick like me.
ne poate ajuta mult
can tell us a lot about drugs
pe care le fabricăm pentru oameni.
that monarchs get infected with
a mouthful.
on the outside of the butterfly
pe fondul solzilor fluturilor,
in between the scales of the butterfly.
to the monarch.
pentru monarh.
before they're even adults.
de a deveni adulți.
in the greenhouse growing plants,
în seră, unde cultiv plante
are extremely picky eaters.
sunt niște mâncăcioși pretențioși.
species of milkweed that they can use,
de iarba-fiarelor preferate
have cardenolides in them.
animale, dar nu și pentru monarhi.
but not to monarchs.
can take up the chemicals,
și corpul le devine toxic
and it makes them toxic
cum ar fi păsările.
is advertise this toxicity
warning colorations
de portocaliu, negru și alb.
is grow plants in the greenhouse,
am cultivat plante de seră,
the tropical milkweed,
de cardenolide,
of these cardenolides.
nu s-au îmbolnăvit,
They had no disease.
some of these milkweeds are medicinal,
dintre aceste plante sunt medicinale,
in the monarch butterflies,
bolilor monarhilor,
mai mult atunci când, odată infectați,
when they are infected
am avut o idee,
it was a crazy idea,
what if monarchs can use this?
se folosesc de acest lucru?
as their own form of medicine?
pentru propria lor îngrijire?
started doing experiments.
care puteau alege
and gave them a choice:
non-medicinal milkweed.
și cea ne-medicinală.
of each species over their lifetime.
din fiecare specie în timpul vieții.
in science, was boring:
în știință ne-a dezamăgit:
Fifty percent was not.
anything for their own welfare.
pentru propria lor stare de bine.
that can medicate their offspring.
medicamente puilor lor.
on medicinal milkweed
în iarba-fiarelor medicinală
future offspring less sick?
vulnerabili urmașii în viitor?
over several years,
timp de mai mulți ani
aceleași rezultate.
a monarch in a big cage,
a non-medicinal plant on the other side,
o plantă non-medicinală în alta
that the monarchs lay on each plant.
is always the same.
iarba-fiarelor medicinală.
strongly prefer the medicinal milkweed.
what these females are doing
of their eggs in the medicinal milkweed.
în iarba-fiarelor medicinală.
is they actually transmit the parasites
parazitul când depun ouăle,
can lay their eggs on medicinal milkweed
depun ouăle pe iarba-fiarelor medicinale
future offspring less sick.
un pic mai sănătoși.
important discovery, I think,
o descoperire foarte importantă,
something cool about nature,
ceva interesant despre natură
more about how we should find drugs.
cum ar trebui să găsim medicamente.
as very simple.
very sophisticated medication.
în acest mod sofisticat.
most of our drugs
majoritatea medicamentelor
including plants,
naturale, inclusiv plante,
vracii, de multe ori,
at animals to find new drugs.
pentru a găsi noi medicamente.
how to treat stomach upset,
cum să tratăm un stomac deranjat,
how to treat bloody diarrhea.
cum să tratăm diarea cu sânge.
though, is to move beyond
să mergem mai departe,
and give these guys more credit,
și să dăm mai mult credit
despre care, de obicei, presupunem
that we tend to think of
with tiny little brains.
având creierul mic.
can also use medication
pot să se îngrijească singure,
we will be treating human diseases
bolile umane se vor putea trata
discovered by butterflies,
worth pursuing.
care merită să fie investigată.
Jaap de Roode - BiologistJaap de Roode studies the ecology and evolution of parasites, focusing on those that attack the monarch butterfly.
Why you should listen
At his lab at Emory University, Jaap de Roode and his team study parasites and their hosts. Some of the questions that intrigue them: If a parasite depends on its host's survival for its own well-being, why do so many of them cause harm? In what ways are hosts able to self-medicate in order to make themselves less desirable to parasites? And are the abilities to harm hosts — and the ability of hosts to self-medicate — favored by natural selection?
The De Roode Lab focuses on the monarch butterfly and its parasites. The team has made a fascinating discovery: that female butterflies infected by a parasite choose to lay their eggs on a specific variety of milkweed that helps their offspring avoid getting sick. De Roode hopes that this insight could lead to new approaches in medications for human beings in the future.
Jaap de Roode | Speaker | TED.com