Adam Galinsky: How to speak up for yourself
Adam Galinsky: Cum să-ţi expui punctul de vedere
Adam Galinsky teaches people all over the world how to inspire others, speak up effectively, lead teams and negotiate successfully. Full bio
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of this phrase exactly one month ago,
exact acum o lună
am devenit părinți.
when we got home from the hospital,
am ajuns acasă de la spital
enough nutrients from breastfeeding.
destui nutrienți prin alăptare.
to make a bad first impression
o impresie proastă din prima,
neurotic parent.
the next day,
la cabinetul medical,
because he was pretty dehydrated.
fiindcă era deshidratat.
we can always contact her.
că putem să o chemăm la orice oră.
dar nu am făcut-o.
when we shouldn't,
deşi n-ar trebui,
când l-am dezamăgit pe fratele meu geamăn.
when I let my twin brother down.
is a documentary filmmaker,
un regizor de documentare
from a distribution company.
companie de distribuție.
about this dilemma of speaking up:
despre impunerea punctul de vedere:
are varied and diverse,
a universal tapestry.
when they make a mistake?
dacă face o greşeală?
who keeps stepping on my toes?
care mă tot calcă pe picioare?
insensitive joke?
de prost gust a unui prieten?
my deepest insecurities?
cel mai mult îndoielile mele majore?
I've come to recognize
am ajuns să recunosc
a range of acceptable behavior.
câmp de comportament acceptabil.
we push ourselves too much.
ne forțăm limitele.
his range of acceptable behavior.
câmpul lui de comportament acceptabil.
de comportamente acceptabile,
we're rewarded.
we get punished in a variety of ways.
pedepsiți în diverse feluri,
or even ostracized.
chiar şi ostracizați.
or that promotion or that deal.
o promovare sau afacere.
să-l ştim este:
our range isn't fixed;
based on the context.
în funcţie de context.
that range more than anything else,
mai mult decât orice altceva:
in the form of alternatives.
to a country, like an immigrant,
ca şi noi părinţi.
and someone's the subordinate.
than the other person.
decât cealaltă.
we have lots of power,
câmpul se îngustează.
our range narrows,
care se îngustează
the low-power double bind.
dublă constrângere de putere joasă.
este situația în care
we go unnoticed,
nu suntem observați,
the phrase the "double bind"
„dublă constrângere”
and that's gender.
who don't speak up go unnoticed,
nu se exprimă nu sunt băgate în seamă,
the same need as men to speak up,
de exprimare ca şi bărbaţii,
over the last two decades
a arătat că, se pare,
like a gender difference
de sexe,
de putere joasă.
differences in disguise.
de putere mascate.
between a man and a woman
între un bărbat şi o femeie,
There's something fundamentally different
Sunt diferențe fundamentale între sexe.”
for many sex differences
pentru multe diferenţe dintre sexe
means that we have a narrow range,
înseamnă că avem un câmp îngust
to expand our range.
pentru a ne lărgi câmpul.
two things really matter.
care chiar contează.
in your own eyes.
in the eyes of others.
în ochii celorlalți.
our range of acceptable behavior.
câmpul de comportament acceptabil.
a set of tools today.
your risk of speaking up.
vă vor minimiza acest risc.
got discovered in negotiations
descoperită în negocieri,
less ambitions offers
mai puţin ambiţioase
at the bargaining table.
la masa negocierilor.
and Emily Amanatullah have discovered
şi Emily Amanatullah au descoperit
where women get the same outcomes as men
femeile obțin acelaşi rezultat ca bărbaţii
and expand it in their own mind.
și îl lărgesc în minte.
"the mama bear effect."
„ursoaică cu pui.”
we can discover our own voice.
ne putem descoperi propria voce.
to advocate for ourselves.
să ne susţinem propria persoană.
we have to advocate for ourselves
ce le putem folosi pentru noi înşine
este foarte simplă:
through the eyes of another person.
prin ochii unei alte persoane.
we have to expand our range.
pentru lărgirea propriului câmp.
cel mai mult,
what I really want.
ceea ce vreau eu.
your hand just like this:
a capital letter E on your forehead
pe frunte
draw this E in one of two ways,
acest E în două feluri
as a test of perspective-taking.
ca test de luare de perspectivă.
an E to another person.
ca un E pentru o altă persoană.
from someone else's vantage point.
unei alte persoane.
is the self-focused E.
pe noi înșine.
self-focused in a crisis.
about a particular crisis.
particular de criză
in Watsonville, California.
Watsonville, California.
up with a bomb."
didn't give him the money.
really important.
is going to be evicted
va fi evacuat
to rob the bank --
să jefuiești banca,
fill out the paperwork."
defused a volatile situation.
a dezamorsat o situație volatilă.
and assertive, but still be likable.
şi totuși plăcuți.
but still be likable,
dar totuși plăcuți
and you want to sell someone a car.
și trebuie să vindeţi o maşină cuiva.
if you give them two options.
dacă veniţi cu două opţiuni.
and a five-year warranty.
şi o garanţie de cinci ani.
people a choice among options,
că propunerea unor opțiuni
to accept your offer.
work with salespeople;
and rejected everything.
şi respingea totul.
had a brilliant idea.
o idee genială.
posibilitatea alegerii?
and without resistance.
şi fără a opune rezistenţă.
around the world
să se exprime,
in my audience; when I have allies."
când am aliaţi.”
and the eyes of others,
şi în ochii celorlalți,
especially in high places,
în special în locurile sus-puse,
they like us because we flatter them,
fiindcă îi măgulim
another double bind.
o altă dublă contradicție.
de promovare de sine.
our accomplishments,
nimeni nu ne observă realizările.
about one of our accomplishments,
in their eyes but also be likeable.
dar şi plăcuţi.
when I have been forewarned
the advice to come ask me for advice.
a fost sfătuită să-mi ceară sfatul.
three things about this:
to come ask me for advice.
să-mi ceară sfatul.
on the strategic benefits
beneficiile strategice
because they asked for advice.
pentru că mi-au cerut sfatul.
more confident speaking up
we already have credibility.
avem și credibilitate.
we don't have the credibility.
nu avem credibilitate.
we can come across as an expert
putem deveni experți
to go up to friend of theirs
pe la prieteni și să le spuneți:
a passion of yours to me."
about the other person
au devenit mai mari.”
hands were coming at me."
veneau către mine.”
with a little higher pitch."
as if telling me a secret."
mi-ar spune un secret.”
as you listened to their passion?"
despre pasiunea lor?”
in our own eyes, to speak up,
pentru a ne exprima cu voce tare,
from others to speak up.
pentru a ne exprima.
when we come across as too weak.
şi când suntem percepuţi ca şi slabi.
at work when they shed tears.
când plâng la locul de muncă.
we frame our strong emotions as passion,
expunem emoțiile puternice cu pasiune,
disappears for both men and women.
atât la femei, cât şi la bărbaţi.
from my late father
ale tatălui meu decedat,
brother's wedding.
fratelui meu geamăn.
passion was cinema,
a fost cinematograful,
for my brother's wedding
pentru nunta fratelui meu
in the human comedy.
în comedia umană.
and enriching your performance.
îmbogățirea performanței personale.
and work to improve their performance
la îmbunătăţirea performanţei personale
ranges and roles in this world.
câmpuri şi roluri pe lumea asta.
the essence of this talk:
acestei discuţii este:
expanding and evolving.
şi evoluează continuu.
perspectivele cu pasiune.
can use these tools --
poate folosi aceste unelte –
of acceptable behavior,
a comportamentelor
cu precădere fericite.
Adam Galinsky - Social psychologistAdam Galinsky teaches people all over the world how to inspire others, speak up effectively, lead teams and negotiate successfully.
Why you should listen
Adam Galinsky is currently the chair of the management division at Columbia Business School. He co-authored the critically acclaimed and best-selling book, Friend & Foe, which distills his two decades of research on leadership, negotiations, diversity, decision-making and ethics. The New York Times says the book performed "a significant public service" and the Financial Times declared that Friend & Foe "fulfills its promise of handing the reader tools to be a better friend and a more formidable foe."
Galinsky has received numerous national and international awards for his teaching and research. He is only the second psychologist to ever to receive the two most important mid-career Awards in Social Psychology. In 2015, he was named one of the top 50 Thinkers on Talent by Thinkers50. In recognition of the quality of his teaching and research, he was selected as one of the World's 50 Best B-School Professors by Poets and Quants (2012).
Galinsky has consulted with and conducted executive workshops for clients across the globe, including Fortune 100 firms, non-profits and local and national governments. He has served as a legal expert in multiple defamation lawsuits, including a trial where he was the sole expert witness for a plaintiff awarded $37 million in damages.
Outside of his professional life, Galinsky is the associate producer on four award-winning documentaries, including Horns and Halos and Battle for Brooklyn, which were both short-listed for Best Documentary at the Academy Awards.
Adam Galinsky | Speaker |