Michael Kimmel: Why gender equality is good for everyone — men included
La igualtat de gènere es bona per a tothom: homes inclosos.
The author of "Angry White Men," Michael Kimmel is a pre-eminent scholar of men and masculinity. Full bio
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to support gender equality.
que defensin la igualtat de gènere.
with gender equality?
la igualtat de gènere?
fa referència a les dones.
as a middle class white man.
blanc de classe mitjana.
a middle class white man.
blanc de classe mitjana.
when I was in graduate school,
quan anava a l'escola de postgrau,
got together one day,
vam juntar-nos un dia
there's an explosion
in feminist theory,
sobre teories feministes
typically do in a situation like that.
uns estudiants en una situació així.
11 women and me got together.
ens juntàvem 11 dones i jo.
and have a conversation about it.
i en parlàvem.
that changed my life forever.
que em va canviar la vida.
and one was black.
very anachronistic now --
face the same oppression as women.
la mateixa opressió.
situated in patriarchy,
la patriarquia
of intuitive solidarity or sisterhood."
o germanor entre nosaltres."
"I'm not so sure.
"Jo no n' estic tan segura.
says to the white woman,
and you look in the mirror,
et mires al mirall,
"You see, that's the problem for me.
Aquest es el problema.
and I look in the mirror," she said,
race is invisible. You don't see it."
és invisible. No la pots veure"
something really startling.
molt sorprenent.
to those who have it."
to the white people sitting in this room,
que és un luxe
every split second of our lives.
cada segon de les vostres vides.
to those who have it.
pels qui ho tenen.
the only man in this group,
home d'aquell grup,
vaig pensar "Oh, no."
"Well what was that reaction?"
"cóm reacciones tú?"
in the morning and I look in the mirror,
jo em llevo i miro al mirall,
I have no race, no class, no gender.
No tinc raça, classe ni gènere.
I became a middle class white man,
un home blanc de classe mitjana
were not about other people,
o el gènere no eren coses alienes;
kept it invisible to me for so long.
invisible per a mi durant molt de temps.
this story ends 30 years ago
hagués acabat fa 30 anys
at my university where I teach.
a la universitat on ensenyo.
both teach the sociology of gender course
de gènere i sociologia,
for me when I teach.
quan jo ensenyo.
for her when she teaches.
to give a guest lecture,
per fer una ponència,
looks up and says,
em va mirar i va dir:
my colleague opened her mouth,
la meva col·lega parlava,
based on gender in the United States,"
estructural als Estats Units",
you'd say that.
"Wow, is that interesting.
"Ostres, què interessant.
How do you spell 'structural'?"
Com s'escriu 'estructural'?"
men so often wear ties.
porten corbata de vegades.
disembodied Western rationality,
incorpòria occidental tingui cos,
of disembodied Western rationality
occidental incorpòria
and the other end points to the genitals?
i una punta que senyala els genitals?
to support gender equality.
defensin la igualtat de gènere.
about gender equality,
de gènere" per primer cop,
that's fair, that's just,
the lightning bolt goes off,
yes, gender equality,"
to mansplain to you your oppression.
opressió d'una manera sexista i pedant.
something akin to the cavalry,
com una cosa semblant a la cavalleria,
to our attention, ladies,
fer-nos-ho veure,
to call 'premature self-congratulation.'
"auto-felicitació prematura"
that actively resists gender equality,
activa a la igualtat de gènere,
as something that is detrimental to men.
opposite four white men.
devant de quatre homes:
I wrote, 'Angry White Men.'
(Homes blancs i enfadats)
white men in America,
homes blancs d'Amèrica,
in the workplace.
positiva al treball.
about how they were qualified for jobs,
qualificacions per a treballs,
they were really angry.
cosa que els cabrejava.
is I want you to hear the title
és per què sabeu el títol
qualified for promotions,
treballs i promocions
just one question for you guys,
per a vosaltres,
one word in the title.
del títol.
it was your job?
'A Black Woman Got the Job?'
'Una negra va aconseguir el treball?'
men's sense of entitlement,
de propietat dels homes,
why so many men resist gender equality.
es resisteixen a la igualtat.
is a level playing field,
en les mateixes condicions,
even a little bit,
les alteri una mica
water's rushing uphill.
ha girat en contra.
i dels Estats Units
greatest affirmative action program
d'acció afirmativa més important
some of the obstacles to engaging men,
per a comprometre els homes,
la igualtat de gènere?
it's right and it's just.
i està justificada.
in our interest as men.
about what they want in their lives,
què volen a la vida,
for us to get the lives we want to live.
aconseguir les vides que volem.
that are the most gender equal
igualtat de gènere
on the happiness scale.
en l'escala de felicitat.
they're all in Europe.
siguin tots a Europa.
that are more gender equal
més igualtat de gènere
has shown conclusively
entre d'altres, ha demostrat
They have lower levels of attrition.
Tenen menys nivell de desgast físic.
higher job satisfaction,
i de satisfacció al treball
in companies is,
em fan a les empreses és
that's really going to be expensive, huh?"
serà molt car, oi?"
what you have to start calculating
començar a pensar
is already costing you.
la desigualtat de gènere.
we want to live,
have changed enormously,
that are animated
with their children.
their spouses, their wives,
to their careers as they are.
amb els seus treballs com ells.
an illustration of this change --
una imatge d'aquest canvi:
there was a riddle that was posed to us.
feien una endevinalla.
to remember this riddle.
are driving on the freeway,
condueixen per l'autopista
to the hospital emergency room,
d'urgències de l'hospital,
into the hospital emergency room,
sees the boy and says,
with my 16-year old son.
amb el meu fill de 16 anys.
hanging out at the house
this riddle to them,
and said, "It's his mom." Right?
"És la seva mare. Oi?"
"Well, he could have two dads."
o potser té dos pares.
of how things have changed.
cóm han canviat les coses.
to be able to balance work and family.
que podràn equilibrar família i treball.
dual-carer couples.
càrrec de la família tots dos.
work and family with their partners.
amb les seves parelles.
our relationships,
siguin les nostres relacions,
are quite persuasive here.
són molt persuasives en aquest sentit.
the data, to prove to men
fan veure els homes
is not a zero-sum game, but a win-win.
o es perd; sinó on es guanya sempre.
the process of engaging
that we use to describe what we do.
something a little bit more radical,
of absenteeism,
to be diagnosed with ADHD.
que desenvolupin el TDAH.
to see a child psychiatrist.
que necessitin ajuda psiquiàtrica.
to be put on medication.
que necessitin medicació.
to see a therapist,
que necessitin un terapeuta,
with depression,
more likely to go to the gym,
probable que vagin al gimnàs,
of marital satisfaction.
de satisfacció matrimonial.
take recreational drugs less often.
i prenen menys drogues recreatives.
l'alliberament prolongat
for routine screenings.
per a revisions rutinàries.
with depression,
prescription medication.
Men's Health magazine put on its cover?
de la revista Men's Health?
over a really long period of time,
durant molt de temps,
I'll do the dishes tonight."
over a really long period of time.
un període ben llarg.
put it on their cover,
la Men's Health,
you'll love this, "Choreplay."
"el joc de les tasques".
is something really important,
una cosa molt important;
is not a zero-sum game.
that women have identified
que volen les dones,
they say they want to live
que diuen que volen viure,
that we say we want to live.
la vida que desitgem.
of the great suffrage demonstrations
les grans demostracions sufragistes
wrote an article in a magazine,
un article per a una revista,
of that article:
línia d'aquell article:
for the first time for men to be free."
els homes per primer cop"
Michael Kimmel - SociologistThe author of "Angry White Men," Michael Kimmel is a pre-eminent scholar of men and masculinity.
Why you should listen
Sociologist Michael Kimmel is among the leading researchers and writers on men and masculinity in the world. He's the executive director of the Center for the Study of Men and Masculinities at Stony Brook University, where he is also Distinguished University Professor of Sociology and Gender Studies.
He is the author of many books, including Manhood in America, Angry White Men, and the best seller Guyland: The Perilous World Where Boys Become Men. An activist for gender equality for more than 30 years, he was recently called "the world's preeminent male feminist" by the Guardian.
Michael Kimmel | Speaker | TED.com