Patrícia Medici: The coolest animal you know nothing about ... and how we can save it
Patrícia Medici: Najcool životinja o kojoj ništa ne znate… i kako je možemo spasiti
Patrícia Medici leads the longest running conservation project to protect the threatened lowland tapir. Full bio
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on the face of the Earth.
životinja na Zemlji.
in the animal kingdom.
u životinjskom carstvu.
the past 20 years of my life
posljednjih 20 godina svojega života
of tapirs in Brazil,
tapira u Brazilu,
I've been thinking really, really hard
uistinu mnogo razmišljam
about the real contributions I have made
o stvarnim doprinosima koje sam postigla
of these animals I love so much.
ovih životinja koje toliko volim.
and contributing to their conservation,
i pridonosim njihovu očuvanju
so many different conservation crises.
krizama uzrokovanim očuvanjem vrsta.
It's all over the news every day.
Svaki dan je na vijestima.
are being destroyed,
se uništavaju,
on the brink of extinction:
pred izumiranjem:
nosorozi, tapiri.
the tapir species I work with,
vrsta tapira s kojom radim,
of South America.
Južne Amerike.
in tropical forests such as the Amazon,
u tropskim šumama kao što je Amazonska,
large patches of habitat
stanište velike površine
they need to reproduce and survive.
za razmnožavanje i preživljavanje.
parts of their geographic distribution.
geografske distribucije izlovljeni.
very, very unfortunate
veoma, veoma nesretan slučaj
for the habitats where they are found.
za staništa u kojima se nalaze.
consists of fruit,
čini voće
they swallow the seeds,
progutaju sjemenke,
the habitat through their feces.
in shaping and maintaining
u oblikovanju i održavanju
as gardeners of the forest.
kao vrtlari šume.
would seriously affect
ozbiljno bi utjecalo
still very young, fresh out of college,
još mlada, nedavno završena fakulteta,
and conservation program.
i program za očuvanje.
zero information about tapirs,
nikakve informacije o tapirima,
so difficult to study.
tako teško proučavati.
very elusive animals,
vrlo nedostižne životinje
very basic data about these animals.
temeljne podatke o ovim životinjama.
that a conservationist does?
čini konzervator?
to support conservation action,
kako bismo poduprli akciju očuvanja,
are very hard to study,
vrlo teško proučavati,
on indirect methods to study them.
na indirektne metode proučavanja.
around their necks
oko vrata
other conservationists around the world.
konzervatori svuda u svijetu.
about how they use space,
o tome kako koriste prostor,
svijetu na to što smo naučili.
how many people around the world
koliko ljudi na svijetu
this is a tapir.
da je ovo tapir.
training, capacity building.
uvježbavanje, povećanje kapaciteta.
the conservationists of the future.
buduće konzervatore.
conservation battles,
bitaka za očuvanje,
radili to što radimo,
and they need the passion to do that.
trebaju strast kako bi to radili.
primijeniti naše podatke,
stvarnu akciju očuvanja.
biomes in the world.
bioma na svijetu.
first arrived in Brazil,
prvi put došli u Brazil
in the eastern part of South America.
istočnog dijela Južne Amerike.
and the construction of cities,
stočarstvo i gradnju gradova,
of the Atlantic forest
Atlantske šume
isolated, disconnected populations.
izoliranim, nepovezanim populacijama.
that tapirs move through open areas
tapiri kreću preko otvorenih dijelova
to patch of forest.
do drugog.
to identify the potential places
kako bi identificirali potencijalna mjesta
of wildlife corridors
koridora za životinje
could cross the landscape safely.
sigurno mogu prelaziti te predjele.
conservation efforts to the Pantanal
za očuvanje tapira na Pantanal
freshwater floodplain in the world,
slatkovodno poplavno područje na svijetu,
for lowland tapirs in South America.
za nizinske tapire u Južnoj Americi.
has been extremely refreshing
je bio vrlo osvježavajući
healthy tapir populations in the area,
zdrave populacije tapira u tom području,
we'll ever find,
koje ćemo ikad naći,
we are using another technique:
koristimo još jednu tehniku:
with a movement sensor
senzor za pokrete
when they walk in front of it.
kad prođu ispred njega.
to gather precious information
prikupiti vrijedne informacije
and social organization
i socijalnoj organizaciji
pieces of the puzzle
dijelovi slagalice
those conservation strategies.
strategije za očuvanje vrste.
we are expanding our work once again
još jednom proširujemo svoj rad
in the central part of Brazil.
raslinja u središnjem dijelu Brazila.
of economic development in my country,
ekonomskog razvoja moje zemlje,
and wildlife populations
te populacije divljih životinja
by several different threats,
zbog nekoliko različitih prijetnji,
ali to su samo neke.
this new program in the Cerrado
novog programa u Cerradu
along the highways
uz autoceste
in the middle of sugarcane plantations
usred plantaža šećerne trske
that they know how tapir meat tastes
da znaju kakvog je okusa meso tapira
ilegalno love i jedu,
made me realize --
me natjerala da shvatim –
two decades of hard work
dvama desetljećima napornog rada
we still have so much work to do
imamo još toliko puno posla
from disappearing.
njihovo nestajanje.
to solve all these problems.
da riješimo sve te probleme.
in the conservation world
u svijetu konzervacije
than we are right now.
nego što smo sada.
for tapirs in the Cerrado,
problem za tapire u Cerradu,
of putting reflective stickers
da stavljamo reflektirajuće naljepnice
used on big trucks
na velikim kamionima
help drivers see this shining thing
vozačima da vide tu stvar koja svijetli
slow down a little bit.
malo usporiti.
reduce the amount of tapir roadkill.
se smanjiti broj nesreća na cesti.
the kind of stuff that needs to be done.
način na koji moramo djelovati.
with all these questions
s mnogim pitanjima
of supporters behind me,
pobornika iza sebe,
I'm ever going to stop.
da ikad prestanem.
most probably for the rest of my life.
vrlo vjerojatno do kraja svog života.
for Patrícia, my namesake,
za Patríciu, moju imenjakinju,
and monitored in the Atlantic Forest
i pratili u Atlantskoj šumi
in the Pantanal.
u Pantanalu.
a baby tapir we captured
bebu tapira kojeg smo ulovili,
also in the Pantanal.
također u Pantanalu,
that I've had the pleasure to meet
koje sam imala zadovoljstvo upoznati
I will encounter in the future.
sresti u budućnosti.
da se brine o njima.
deserve to live in a world
zaslužujemo živjeti u svijetu
and see and benefit from
i vidjeti i imati koristi od,
Patrícia Medici - Wildlife conservationistPatrícia Medici leads the longest running conservation project to protect the threatened lowland tapir.
Why you should listen
Patrícia Medici is a Brazilian conservation biologist whose main professional interests are tapir conservation, tropical forest conservation, metapopulation management, landscape ecology and community-based conservation.
For the past 20 years, Patrícia has been working for a Brazilian non-governmental organization called IPÊ, Instituto de Pesquisas Ecológicas (Institute for Ecological Research), of which she was one of the founding members together with Cláudio and Suzana Padua. Since 1996, Patrícia has coordinated the Lowland Tapir Conservation Initiative in Brazil. Since 2000, Patrícia has been the Chairperson of the IUCN/SSC Tapir Specialist Group (TSG), a network of over 120 tapir conservationists from 27 different countries worldwide.
Patrícia has a Bachelor’s Degree in Forestry Sciences from the São Paulo University (USP – Universidade de São Paulo), a Masters Degree in Wildlife Ecology, Conservation and Management from the Federal University of Minas Gerais (UFMG – Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais), Brazil, and a Ph.D. Degree in Biodiversity Management from the Durrell Institute of Conservation and Ecology (DICE), University of Kent, United Kingdom.
Patrícia has been honored with three very prestigious conservation awards: Harry Messel Conservation Leadership Award from the International Union for Conservation of Nature in 2004, Golden Ark Award from the Golden Ark Foundation in the Netherlands in 2008, and Whitley Award from the Whitley Fund for Nature in the United Kingdom also in 2008. Patrícia received the 2011 Research Prize from the Durrell Institute of Conservation and Ecology (DICE) of the University of Kent in the United Kingdom.
Patrícia Medici | Speaker |