Sofia Jawed-Wessel: The lies we tell pregnant women
Sofia Jawed-Wessel: Laži koje govorimo trudnim ženama
Sofia Jawed-Wessel's teachings utilize a sex-positive and pleasure-inclusive approach to providing medically accurate, comprehensive sexuality education. Full bio
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a lot of secrets today, you and I,
many of us feel about sex.
po pitanju seksa.
catcalled by a stranger?
nešto dobacio, zazviždao?
was a student of mine.
ono što sam već znala:
what I already knew:
ne bih nikad rekao te stvari."
I would never have said those things."
sve dok nisam bila njegova profesorica.
until I was his professor.
through every aspect of our lives.
u svakom aspektu naših života.
prodaje potpuno nepovezanog proizvoda?
to sell an entirely unrelated product?
as only love interests?
koje samo zanima ljubav?
inconsequential and harmless,
nedosljednima i bezopasnima,
that refuses to see women as people.
koja odbija vidjeti žene kao ljude.
that sends home a 10-year-old girl
kući šalje desetogodišnjakinju
pažnju dječaka koji su pokušavali učiti,
a distraction to boys trying to learn,
to punish men for raping women
kazniti muškarce zbog silovanja žena
grinding on her on the dance floor.
joj prestane dosađivati na plesnom podiju.
the objectification of women.
u ovjekovječivanju objektifikacije žena.
klasičnu romantičnu komediju.
the classic romantic comedy.
to two kinds of women in these movies,
dva tipa žena u ovim filmovima,
with the perfect body.
savršenog tijela.
has no trouble identifying her
our leading man falls in love with
u koju se naš junak zaljubljuje,
of our leading man's future babies.
našeg glavnog junaka.
that women have two roles,
da žena ima dvije uloge,
existing within the same woman.
da postoje u jednoj ženi.
that I share with a new acquaintance
novim poznanicima kažem
the conversation right then,
seksualnog ponašanja
in studying the sexual behaviors
ili su je tek prošli."
a different kind of response.
drugačiji tip odgovora.
u trudnoći spolni odnos?
about studying sexual desire
o proučavanju seksualnih želja
that come to mind
koje Vam padnu na pamet
in a survey of over 500 adults,
anketiranjem preko 500 odraslih ljudi
"trbuh" ili "okruglo"
odrasle kao slatke,
heteroseksualne muškarce
partnered with is pregnant,
zamisle kao trudnicu,
to imagine that they are pregnant,
da se zamisle kao trudnice
the first words that come to mind
prve riječi koje im padnu napamet
"Not worth the risk."
"Nije vrijedno rizika."
pregnant women and moms from sexuality,
trudnice i majke od seksualnosti,
of sexual objectification.
seksualne objektifikacije.
is a different kind of objectification.
drugačiji je tip objektifikacije.
objasnim ovo drugima,
led to the Venus of Willendorf,
sve do Venere iz Willendorfa,
was a goddess of love and beauty,
mislili da je božica ljepote i ljubavi,
autorov očit fokus
the sculptor's obvious focus
considered ideal for nursing;
idealnim za dojenje;
alluding to menstruation or birth.
aludirajući na mjesečnicu ili rođenje.
držala ili stavljala u ležeći položaj
meant to be held or placed lying down
ne dopuštaju samostalno stajanje.
don't allow her to be freestanding.
that she was a representation of fertility
da je bila simbol plodnosti,
of ideal beauty and love
idealne ljepote i ljubavi
who have interpreted her purpose
koji su interpretirali njenu svrhu
of the figurine herself.
of men's sexual desire
muške seksualne želje
and child-rearing role.
i odgojnu ulogu.
but only because she's pregnant. Right?
ali samo zato što je trudna. Zar ne?
the Willendorf effect,
u mnogim aspektima ženinog života.
in many aspects of her life.
bio vidljivo trudan?
ever been visibly pregnant?
touch your belly during pregnancy,
dodirnula trbuh tijekom trudnoće,
your permission first?
što smijete jesti, a što ne,
your medical care provider?
vaš pružatelj medicinske njege?
about your birth plan?
oko planova za rođenje?
those choices are all wrong?
su ti odabiri pogrešni?
to bring you a glass of wine?
donijeti čašu vina?
I know, but stay with me.
ali ostanite sa mnom.
in moderation during pregnancy.
tijekom trudnoće u umjerenim količinama.
pregnant women with this secret --
trudnicama u vezi toga --
or a woman of color.
ili druge boje kože.
it's also classist and racist.
klasistički i rasistički.
the government reminds women
ne dopušta izbor pri pobačaju,
are not her own,
to have sex during pregnancy,
and bodily autonomy
privatnost i pravo na svoje tijelo
njenih vlastitih odluka.
to make her own decisions.
isn't worth the risk during pregnancy,
nije vrijedan rizika tijekom trudnoće,
her sexual pleasure doesn't matter.
njen seksualni užitak nije bitan.
da ona nije bitna,
is that she in fact doesn't matter,
are not at odds with her own needs.
u sukobu s njenim vlastitim potrebama.
of Obstetricians and Gynecologists
opstetričara i ginekologa (ACOG),
about the safety of sex during pregnancy.
spolnog odnosa tijekom trudnoće.
no public official statement
tijekom trudnoće.
is generally positive
have sex throughout pregnancy,
siguran spolni odnos tijekom trudnoće,
to have sex during pregnancy,
spolni odnos tijekom trudnoće
spolni odnos tijekom trudnoće
to have sex during pregnancy,
is society telling women
je da društvo govori ženama
with their bodies.
sa svojim tijelima.
bez identiteta za reprodukciju,
identity-less vessels of reproduction
their sexual pleasure doesn't matter.
njihov seksualni užitak nije važan.
spolni odnos s drugim ženama
that women who have sex with women
want children even exist.
djecu, uopće postoje.
da se pronađe."
to come along."
against society's insistence
her sexual needs is scary,
svoje seksualne potrebe plaši,
her sexual needs prioritizes herself.
seksualnim potrebama daje prednost sebi.
that she be treated as an equal.
da je se tretira jednako.
at the table of power,
the extra space we hold.
dodatnog mjesta kojeg posjeduju.
da redovito govorim
to recognize women as equals
prepoznaju žene kao jednake
vlastitim primjerom to pokazuje,
to reinforce what happens in our home.
ojačamo događaje u našem domu.
or a women's problem.
in dismantling systems of inequality.
u rastavljanju sustava nejednakosti.
to stop telling women
govoriti ženama
with their bodies.
sa svojim tijelima.
like community property.
kao da su društveno vlasništvo.
don't even ask to touch her belly.
da joj dotaknete trbuh.
smije ili ne smije jesti.
what she can and cannot eat.
about her medical decisions.
njenih medicinskih odluka.
personally against abortion,
for a woman's right to choose.
za ženino pravo na izbor.
ne moraju međusobno suprotstavljati.
the two need not oppose one another.
as early as possible,
in the dictionary anymore.
s-e-k-s u rječniku.
those conversations about sex,
o spolnom odnosu,
iz mnogo razloga,
because it feels good.
jer pruža dobar osjećaj.
you have children or not,
koje ne posramljuje tinejdžere.
that doesn't shame our teenagers.
iz posramljivanja tinejdžera
and pregnancy tests.
spolno prenosive bolesti i trudnoću.
we are all given the opportunity
that it's worth the trouble to do so.
da je vrijedno nevolja to i učiniti.
Sofia Jawed-Wessel - Sex researcherSofia Jawed-Wessel's teachings utilize a sex-positive and pleasure-inclusive approach to providing medically accurate, comprehensive sexuality education.
Why you should listen
Dr. Sofia Jawed-Wessel teaches and generates new knowledge in the area of public health through scientific studies. Her research has focused on understanding and improving the sexual health of women and couples as they transition into parenthood by documenting sexual behaviors, sexual function, relationship adjustment and overall sexual changes during pregnancy and after childbirth. Jawed-Wessel's teachings utilize a sex-positive and pleasure-inclusive approach to providing medically accurate, comprehensive sexuality education to undergraduate students as well as in the local Omaha, Nebraska community. She teaches graduate level courses such as Research Methods, Health Behavior Theory, and Leadership and Advocacy. Jawed-Wessel also fights for women's rights and reproductive justice. She has provided expert testimony for the Nebraska Unicameral, the Nebraska School Board of Education and the Omaha Public School Board of Education. She has successfully argued in favor of comprehensive sex education in Omaha Public Schools and fought against restrictive anti-choice legislation in Nebraska.
Jawed-Wessel is an Assistant Professor in the School of Health, Physical Education and Recreation at the University of Nebraska at Omaha (UNO) and the Associate Director of the Midlands Sexual Health Research Collaborative. She also holds a joint appointment with the Women and Gender Studies program at UNO and a courtesy appointment in the College of Public Health at the University of Nebraska Medical Center. Jawed-Wessel holds both a Master of Science in Public Health (MPH) degree and a Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) degree in Health Behavior from the School of Public Health at Indiana University Bloomington.
Sofia Jawed-Wessel | Speaker |