Bill Gross: The single biggest reason why start-ups succeed
Билл Гросс: Гарааны бизнес амжилтанд хүрдэг гол шалтгаан
Bill Gross founded Idealab, an incubator of new inventions, ideas and businesses. Full bio
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succeed the most,
for startup success.
та бүхэнтэй хуваалцах гэж байгаадаа.
to make the world a better place.
нэг гэдэгт итгэдэг.
зөв хувьцаа эзэмшүүлж,
with the right equity incentives
in a way never before possible.
цоо шинээр нээж байгаа юм.
unbelievable things.
organization is so great,
тийм гайхалтай юм бол
actually matters most
мэдэхийг хүссэн.
to be systematic about it,
хийхийг хүссэн ба
and maybe misperceptions I have
буруу ойлголт, зөн совингоосоо
I've seen over the years.
хүссэн учир нь
since I was 12 years old
in junior high school,
чихэр зарахаас эхлэн,
solar energy devices,
нарны энергийн төхөөрөмж бүтээн,
I started software companies.
компаниа байгуулсан.
Айдиалаб-г эхлүүлж,
I started Idealab,
we started more than 100 companies,
100 гаруй компани байгуулж,
success and failure.
олж харахыг зорьсон.
5 зүйлийг харсан.
the idea was everything.
for how much I worship
мөчийг зүйрлүүлсэнд юм.
come up with the idea.
the execution, adaptability,
дасан зохицох чадвар нь
boxer Mike Tyson on the TED stage,
боксчин Майк Тайсоныг ишлэнэ гэж бодоогүй.
punched in the face." (Laughter)
Нүүрэн дундуураа цохиулах хүртлээ"
about business as well.
гэсэн үнэн гэж боддог.
дасан зохицох чадварын тухай юм.
in the face by the customer.
was the most important thing.
гэж бодох болсон.
at the business model.
харж эхэлсэн.
generating customer revenues?
зам нь нээлттэй юу?
in my thinking
дээгүүр байр эзлэх болсон.
most for success.
intense amounts of funding.
хөрөнгө оруулалт авдаг.
the timing.
Дэлхий үүнд бэлэн биш байна уу?
the world's not ready for it?
хүмүүст мэдлэг олгох хэрэгтэй юу?
and you have to educate the world?
already too many competitors?
Хэтэрхий олон өрсөлдөгч байна уу?
at these five factors
Idealab companies,
something scientific about it.
гаргалгаа олох гэж хичээсэн.
NetZero, --
Desktop Factory, Peoplelink --
Desktop Factory, Peoplelink
but didn't succeed.
бүтэлгүйтсэн юм.
of those attributes
on each of those dimensions.
үзэхийг хичээсэн.
I looked at wild successes,
хамгийн амжилттай нь болох
and Youtube and LinkedIn.
зэргийг авч үзсэн.
in some cases,
actually accounted the most
all of these companies,
харахыг хичээсэн ба
амжилт, дампуурлын зөрүүний
between success and failure.
the uniqueness of the idea,
the idea isn't important,
гэсэн үг биш юм.
the idea wasn't the most important thing.
биш байсан нь намайг гайхшруулсан.
энэ илүү чухал байсан.
it was actually timed.
made sense to me actually.
хөрөнгө оруулалт нь ойлгомжтой.
makes sense to be that low
without a business model
are demanding what you're creating.
нэмж болдогт байгаа юм.
but you're gaining traction,
хэрэглэгч нэмэгдэх тусам
intense funding.
examples about each of these.
тодорхой жишээ өгье.
that everybody knows about.
Airbnb аваад үзье.
passed on by many smart investors
in their home to a stranger."
түрээслүүлэхгүй" гэж бодсон.
хүмүүс батлаад өгсөн.
нэг шалтгаан нь
a good idea, great execution,
гүйцэтгэлээс гадна
right during the height of the recession
гарч ирсэн бөгөөд
бодлоос нь салгаж чадсан.
their own home to a stranger.
incredible business model,
гайхалтай бизнес загвар.
into the system.
it was very, very important.
энэ нь тун чухал.
came out when people needed web pages.
хүмүүст цахим хуудас хэрэг болоход үүссэн.
actually at TED in 1998,
зарлаж байсан нь
cost-effective ways to get traffic.
гарц хайж байхад гарсан.
maybe more important.
it was an online entertainment company.
энтертайнмент компани байгуулсан.
we had a great business model,
Сайн загвартай байв.
Hollywood talent to join the company.
бүртгэлдээ оруулсан.
was too low in 1999-2000.
сүлжээний оролт хэтэрхий муу байсан.
video content online,
and do all this stuff,
олон үйлдэл хийдэг байсан учир
went out of business in 2003.
was solved by Adobe Flash
асуудлыг шийдэж,
crossed 50 percent in America,
50 хувиар нэмэгдэхэд
a business model when it first started.
бизнесийн загваргүй байсан.
that would work out.
beautifully timed.
consumers are really ready
any results that you see,
you want to push it forward,
үүнийгээ гаргаж ирмээр байвал
about that factor on timing.
мэдэх зайлшгүй хэрэгтэй.
and make the world a better place.
чадна гэж би боддог.
have a slightly higher success ratio,
come to the world
you've been a great audience.
Та нар гайхалтай үзэгчид байлаа.
Bill Gross - Idea guyBill Gross founded Idealab, an incubator of new inventions, ideas and businesses.
Why you should listen
Bill Gross is the founder of Idealab, a business incubator focused on new ideas. (He's now the chair and CEO.) He helped create, the first sponsored search company. He also created the Snap! search engine, which allows users to preview hyperlinks.
Gross has been an entrepreneur since high school, when he founded a solar energy company. In college, he patented a new loudspeaker design, and after school he started a company that was later acquired by Lotus, and then launched an educational software publishing company. Now, he serves on the boards of companies in the areas of automation, software and renewable energy.
Bill Gross | Speaker |