David Eagleman: Can we create new senses for humans?
David Eagleman: Kas inimesele on võimalik tekitada uusi meeli?
David Eagleman decodes the mysteries of the tangled web of neurons and electricity that make our minds tick -- and also make us human. Full bio
Double-click the English transcript below to play the video.
a very large cosmos,
very good at understanding reality
täielikult mõista tegelikkust
ei ole piisavalt arenenud,
the world at that scale.
universumi kogu tema rikkuses.
very thin slice of perception
väga kitsast lõiku maailmast
selles reaalsuses, mida teame,
that slice of reality that we call home,
of the action that's going on.
osa meie ümber toimuvast.
radiation that bounces off objects
elektromagnetilise kiirgusega,
silmapõhjas asuvate retseptoriteni.
in the back of our eyes.
all the waves out there.
olemasolevaid valguslaineid.
vaid üks 10 triljondikku osa sellest,
of what's out there.
mikrolained ja raadiolained,
passing through your body right now
the proper biological receptors
bioloogilised retseptorid,
läbivad praegu teie keha,
of cell phone conversations
are inherently unseeable.
nagu olekski nähtamatu.
in their reality,
teatavat infrapunakiirgust,
in their view of the world,
armatuurlaua sisse ehitanud süsteemi,
in the dashboards of our cars
in the radio frequency range,
võimeline signaale eristama,
to pick up on the X-ray range.
mis töötavad röntgenkiirtega.
any of those by yourself,
võimelised ise tajuma,
with the proper sensors.
vajalikke sensoreid.
our experience of reality
bioloogilisest ülesehitusest
the common sense notion
and our fingertips
the objective reality that's out there.
just a little bit of the world.
üks killuke ümbritsevast maailmast.
on different parts of reality.
reaalsuse erinevaid aspekte.
and deaf world of the tick,
are temperature and butyric acid;
temperatuur ja butaanhape,
by electrical fields;
väga kirev ja mitmevärviline
liikuva nahkhiire jaoks
out of air compression waves.
that they can pick up on,
ökosüsteemist, mida nad tajuvad,
konkreetset mõistet.
for the surrounding world.
mis tähistab ümbritsevat maailma.
objective reality out there,
objekiivne reaalsus,
what we can sense.
peale tajutava maailma.
is we accept reality
200 million scent receptors in it,
200 miljonit lõhnaretseptorit
that attract and trap scent molecules,
tõmbavad ligi ning püüavad lõhnaosakesi
so you can take big nosefuls of air.
et saaks suuremate sõõmudega hingata.
with a revelation.
and you think,
nii armetu ninaga nagu inimesed?
impoverished nose of a human?
tõmmata vaid kahvatu sõõmukese õhku?
a feeble little noseful of air?
a cat 100 yards away,
et 90 meetri kaugusel on kass
this very spot six hours ago?"
tagasi siin samas kohas?
that world of smell,
into our umwelt.
do we have to be stuck there?
pelgalt sellega leppima?
in the way that technology
kuidas saaksime tehnoloogia abil
the experience of being human.
olemiseks kogemust muudaks.
our technology to our biology,
tehnoloogiat inimorganismiga,
of people walking around
kasutavad igapäevaselt
and artificial vision.
a microphone and you digitize the signal,
signaali, digitaliseerib selle
directly into the inner ear.
asuvasse elektroodiribasse.
you take a camera
and then you plug an electrode grid
ja ühendab elektroodide võrgustiku
these technologies wouldn't work.
speak the language of Silicon Valley,
räägib Silicon Valley keeles,
as our natural biological sense organs.
loodusliku ülesehituse keelest.
how to use the signals just fine.
töötlemisega suurepäraselt toime.
or seeing any of this.
and darkness inside your skull.
kambris sinu kolju sees.
electrochemical signals
on elektrokeemilised signaalid,
and nothing more.
mille põhjal aju toimib.
osav signaalide vastuvõtmises,
at taking in these signals
and assigning meaning,
and puts together a story
and it doesn't care,
it just figures out what to do with it.
sellele koheselt kasutust.
kind of machine.
computing device,
what it's going to do with it,
emakesele loodusele võimaluse
sorts of input channels.
infosisestamise kanaleid.
KP evolutsioonimudeliks.
model of evolution,
too technical here,
that all these sensors
and our ears and our fingertips,
plug-and-play devices:
siis on kõik vajalik olemas.
with the data that comes in.
informatsiooniga peale hakata.
the animal kingdom,
with which to detect infrared,
paiknevad infrapunaretseptorid,
22 näsaga lisaorgan
sellest kolmemõõtmelise pildi loob.
a 3D model of the world,
so they can orient
nature doesn't have to continually
käigus aju pidevalt ümberehitama.
of brain operation established,
uute lisaseadmete väljatöötamine.
is designing new peripherals.
bioloogilises ülesehituses,
really special or fundamental
antud on, midagi väga erilist.
come to the table with.
mida me täiendada ei võiks
sensory substitution.
information into the brain
what to do with it.
selle teabe töötlemiseks.
published in the journal Nature in 1969.
avaldati 1969. aastal ajakirjas Nature.
oma katses pimedatel istuda
in a modified dental chair,
in front of the camera,
kujutise vajutust oma seljal
with a grid of solenoids.
in front of the camera,
kuju oma seljal.
got pretty good
uurimisalused kiiresti ning
what was in front of the camera
kaamera ees olevaid objekte
in the small of their back.
tundsid neid oma alaseljal.
modern incarnations of this.
kasutatud ka uuemal ajal.
right in front of you
lähemale või kaugemale,
and get closer and farther,
start getting pretty good
through the ears:
paigutatud elektrotaktiilse võrgu.
on the forehead,
you're feeling it on your forehead.
muundatakse puudutuseks laubal.
using it for much else.
is called the brainport,
mis asetatakse keele peale
that sits on your tongue,
these little electrotactile signals,
keelel tuntavateks impulssideks.
nii hästi kasutama,
that they can throw a ball into a basket,
complex obstacle courses.
nägemine pole midagi muud,
coursing around in your brain.
elektrokeemilised signaalid.
need signaalid pärinevad,
where the signals come from.
is sensory substitution for the deaf,
koos doktorant Scott Novichiga,
in my lab, Scott Novich,
helisid oleks võimalik tõlkida nii
sound from the world gets converted
can understand what is being said.
and ubiquity of portable computing,
nutiseadmete levikut,
would run on cell phones and tablets,
kui ka tahvelarvutis
ning riiete all kanda.
to make this a wearable,
under your clothing.
is getting captured by the tablet,
tahvelarvuti heli kinni
that's covered in vibratory motors,
to a pattern of vibration on the vest.
and I'm wearing the vest right now.
into dynamic patterns of vibration.
with deaf people now,
just a little bit of time,
they can start understanding
He has a master's degree.
of his umwelt that's unavailable to him.
ei ole talle kättesaadav.
for four days, two hours a day,
iga päev kaks tundi vesti kanda
Jonathan feels it on the vest,
sõna ja Jonathan tunneb seda vestil
this complicated pattern of vibrations
keerulise vibratsioonide mustri
of what's being said.
because the patterns are too complicated,
sest mustrid on liiga keerulised,
the pattern that allows it to figure out
aru saama mustri loogikast
after wearing this for about three months,
helist tulenev tajukogemus,
perceptual experience of hearing
passes a finger over braille,
without any conscious intervention at all.
ilma igasuguste vahelülideta.
to be a game-changer,
kaasa murranguline muutus,
for deafness is a cochlear implant,
sisekõrvaimplantaadi paigaldamine,
40 korda odavam kui implantaat,
than a cochlear implant,
kättesaadav ka vaesemates riikides.
even for the poorest countries.
by our results with sensory substitution,
on olnud väga lootustandvad,
is sensory addition.
mõelnud tajulisanduse teemal.
to add a completely new kind of sense,
tehnoloogiat täiesti uue meele loomiseks
real-time data from the Internet
infot otse inimese ajju suunata
perceptual experience?
luua otsese tajukogemuse?
mida me laboris teeme.
we're doing in the lab.
streaming feed from the Net of data
and he has to make a choice.
ta peab valiku langetama.
and he gets feedback after one second.
sekundi pärast tagasisidet.
need mustrid tähendavad,
what all the patterns mean,
millist nuppu tuleb vajutada.
at figuring out which button to press.
reaalajas aktsiaturu infot.
ostmise või müümise otsus.
whether he did the right thing or not.
tegi õige või vale otsuse.
can we expand the human umvelt
after several weeks,
of the economic movements of the planet.
globaalsetest majandushoovustest.
to see how well this goes.
kui hästi see katse õnnestus.
we've been automatically scraping Twitter
Twitteris filtreerinud
an automated sentiment analysis,
words or negative words or neutral?
või neutraalseid sõnu.
vesti abil tundnud.
to the aggregate emotion
because now I can know
and how much you're loving this.
kui inimesele tavaliselt osaks saab.
than a human can normally have.
nine different measures
üheksa olulist infokildu
and orientation and heading,
suund ja kurss on juhile tuntavad
this pilot's ability to fly it.
võimekust õhusõiduki juhtimisel.
his skin up there, far away.
tajupikendusega õhuruumis.
kokpit täis mõõdikuid.
a modern cockpit full of gauges
to read the whole thing, you feel it.
piloot tunneb seda.
between accessing big data
to the possibilities
ei ole mingeid piire.
being able to feel
kes on võimeline tunnetama
of the International Space Station,
üldist seisundit
the invisible states of your own health,
oma tervise nähtamatuid näitajaid,
and the state of your microbiome,
ja mikrobioomi seisundit.
or seeing in infrared or ultraviolet.
ja näha UV- ja infrapunakiirgust.
As we move into the future,
kaugemale me areneme,
to choose our own peripheral devices.
for Mother Nature's sensory gifts
poolt antud meeltele tema mõõtkavas.
she's given us the tools that we need
meile andnud vajalikud tööriistad,
ja ise oma tee valida.
and experience your universe?
avardamiseks valime?
DE: Yeah.
I felt applause on the vest.
aplausi esimest korda vestil.
Twitter's going mad.
inimesed on täiesti pöörased.
that secures its funding forevermore,
mille rahastusega probleeme ei teki,
have to write to NIH anymore.
taotlusi Riiklikule Terviseinstituudile
skeptical for a minute,
but isn't most of the evidence so far
kuid kas katsed ei näita mitte,
that sensory addition works?
blind person can see through their tongue
keelega näha seepärast,
ready to process,
on tegelikult olemas ja töökorras
We actually have no idea
ajus info vastuvõtmisel on.
kind of data the brain can take in.
is that it's extraordinarily flexible.
what we used to call their visual cortex
ajukoorest, kus oli nägemiskeskus
by touch, by hearing, by vocabulary.
kõnelemise ja muu poolt.
the cortex is kind of a one-trick pony.
ei ole spetsiifilist funktsiooni.
of computations on things.
at things like braille, for example,
punktkirja lugemist,
through bumps on their fingers.
infot saada ka sõrmeotste kaudu.
to think there's a theoretical limit
mingisugune teoreetiline piir
you're going to be deluged.
teil tööd väga pikaks ajaks.
possible applications for this.
tohutult palju väljundeid.
excited about, the direction it might go?
a lot of applications here.
võimalikke rakendusi.
the things I started mentioning
enne põgusalt kosmonaute kosmosejaamades,
they spend a lot of their time
seadmeid jälgides,
just get what's going on,
tunnetada jaamas toimuvat.
is multidimensional data.
mitmemõõtmelise teabe tarbeks.
are good at detecting blobs and edges,
vaid tähtsaima hoomamiseks,
at what our world has become,
with lots and lots of data.
with our attentional systems.
oma tajuga ühendama.
feeling the state of something,
tunnetamiseks samamoodi,
of your body as you're standing around.
feeling the state of a factory,
seire on valdkonnad,
it'll go right away.
mind-blowing talk. Thank you very much.
erakordne kõne, suur aitäh!
David Eagleman - NeuroscientistDavid Eagleman decodes the mysteries of the tangled web of neurons and electricity that make our minds tick -- and also make us human.
Why you should listen
As the creator of stacks of compelling research, books and now the 6-part PBS series The Brain, grey matter expert David Eagleman is our most visible evangelist for neuroscience. He has helmed ground-breaking studies on time perception, brain plasticity and neurolaw. His latest research explores technology that bypasses sensory impairment -- such as a smartphone-controlled vest that translates sound into patterns of vibration for the deaf.
Eagleman is also the author of Sum, an internationally bestselling short story collection speculating on life, death and what it means to be human. Translated into 28 languages, Sum has been turned into two separate operas at the Sydney Opera House and the Royal Opera House in London.
David Eagleman | Speaker | TED.com