Alexander Betts: Why Brexit happened -- and what to do next
Alexander Betts: Kuidas sai Brexit juhtuda ja mida nüüd teha?
Alexander Betts explores ways societies might empower refugees rather than pushing them to the margins. Full bio
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tekitanud niipalju haletsust.
"I am British" elicited so much pity.
paljudele meeldib uskuda,
where many of us like to believe
jooksul eriti muutnud.
over the last thousand years.
teisi sundinud muutuma,
imposed change on others
had voted to leave the European Union,
Euroopa Liidust väljaastumise poolt,
oma eksistentsi lõpetaks.
the very existence of the United Kingdom.
shock for many people,
that, over the following several days,
tekitas Suurbritannias
vastaselt nõuda uut mängu.
et too oli referendumi korraldanud.
in the first place.
et ta võidelnud piisavalt.
for not fighting it hard enough.
the less well-educated.
tegi veelgi hullemaks
in the streets of Britain
ilmingud Suurbritannia tänavatel,
on muutumas Väikeseks Inglismaaks,
my country is becoming a Little England,
nostalgiline teemapark
a 1950s nostalgia theme park
that we've experienced since?
olema nüüd nii šokeeritud?
that took place overnight?
strukturaalsed põhjused,
that have led us to where we are today?
and ask two very basic questions.
meie ühiskonna kohta
about our society
kõikjal maailmas.
piinlikult pimedad oleme olnud
that we seem embarrassingly unaware of
education, class and geography.
klassist ja elukohast.
to vote in great numbers,
polnud teab mis suur,
hääletasid jäämise poolt.
to leave the European Union.
Euroopa Liidust välja astuda.
that most strongly committed
there was very strong ambivalence.
oli seis märksa vastuolulisem.
tunnistada ja tõsiselt võtta.
need to recognize and take seriously.
võtta kui õppetundi
the vote teaches us something
ei jagune rangelt parem- ja vasakpoolseks.
is no longer just about right and left.
maksudes ja kulutustes.
between those that embrace globalization
miks siis osad eelistasid lahkuda -
those who wanted to leave --
ja teisi jääjateks,
as opposed to "Remainers" --
tõusis eristavana esile kaks teemat.
ja teine suveräänsus,
and the second sovereignty,
to take back control of their own lives
are unrepresented by politicians.
ei seisa nende huvide eest.
märk hirmust ja võõrandumisest.
that signify fear and alienation.
back towards nationalism and borders
is more complicated than that,
on keerulisemad, kui paistab,
kindlalt selle maailmavaate esindajaks,
include myself in that picture,
back into the picture
how we've got to where we are today.
praeguse olukorrani jõudnud.
Suurbritannias tervikuna,
across the United Kingdom,
was the very little time in my life
käinud neis piirkondades,
in many of the red areas.
looking at the top 50 areas in the UK
50 suurimat Suurbritannia piirkonda,
of four days of my life in those areas.
elu jooksul kokku vast 4 päeva.
ma ei teadnudki.
of the voting districts.
as inclusive, open and tolerant,
avatuks ja tolerantseks,
ega siinseid inimesi
our own countries and societies
is we need to find a new way
globaliseerumine ka nende inimesteni,
have not necessarily been to university,
ehk õppinud ülikoolis,
kasvanud üles Internetiga,
grown up with the Internet,
by the narrative that we find persuasive
senisest suuremat osa ühiskonnast.
more broadly and understand.
the politics of fear and hatred,
the idea that the vote on Europe
and asylum-seekers coming to Europe,
had nothing to do with immigration
referendumil polnud vähematki pistmist
of the Leave voters
poolt hääletanute jaoks
poliitikas ja poliitikutes.
with the political establishment.
a political party that spoke for them,
parteid, mis kaitseks nende huve
that political establishment.
poliitilise eliidi vastu.
and much of the liberal democratic world.
demokraatlikes riikides.
populaarsuse kasv USAs,
of Donald Trump in the United States,
of Viktor Orbán in Hungary,
of Marine Le Pen in France.
kasv Prantsusmaal.
kõigis meie ühiskondades.
is in all of our societies.
küsida minu teist küsimust:
is my second question,
collectively respond?
üheskoos reageerida?
liberal, open, tolerant societies,
avatud ja salliva ühiskonna loomine,
inclusive globalization,
kaasavamast globaliseerumisest,
rather than leaving them behind.
mitte ei jätaks maha.
of the positive benefits of globalization.
positiivsete külgede nägemisest.
the movement of capital,
inimeste vaba liikumine,
international relations scholars
on ühel nõul selles,
brings interdependence,
vastastikkuse sõltuvuse,
ümberjaotamise efekt.
also has redistributive effects.
for the economy as a whole
peaaegu alati positiivne mõju,
redistributive consequences,
oskustega inimeste sisseränne
for the most impoverished in our societies
vähekindlustatud ühiskonnagruppides,
mõju siiski positiivne,
from the fact that it's positive,
have to share in those benefits
ÜRO peasekretär Kofi Annan
of the United Nations, Kofi Annan,
of inclusive globalization.
kaasav globaliseerumine.
in which he coined that term.
has to be open to all
peab olema kõikidele avatud,
ja vastandumist peegeldav inetu pale.
and antagonistic globalization."
was briefly revived in 2008
kontseptsioon tõusis uuesti päevakorrale
riigivalitsemise konverentsil,
of European countries.
riikide valitsusjuhid.
and the financial crisis of 2008,
kärped ja finantskriis,
almost without a trace.
peaaegu jäljetult.
eelkõige neoliberaalset maailmavaadet.
to support a neoliberal agenda.
part of an elite agenda
on a far more inclusive basis
oluliselt kaasavamana,
how can we achieve that goal?
kuidas seda eesmärki saavutada.
arvestada hirme ja võõrandumist
addressing fear and alienation
refusing vehemently
offers some places to start.
siin heaks lähtepunktiks.
nii mõtlemist kui ka materiaalset külge
both ideas and about material change,
as a starting point.
neli ideed, kust võiks alustada.
of civic education.
puudutab kodanikuharidust.
and empirical reality.
ja tegeliku reaalsuse vahel.
post-faktuaalsesse ühiskonda,
to a postfactual society,
to the clarity of evidence.
and evidence into our liberal democracies?
taastada austuse tõe ja faktide vastu?
that there are huge gaps.
on attitudes to immigration,
arvamusküsitluse tulemused,
of immigrants increase,
sisserändajate arv kasvab,
immigratsiooni suhtes,
with immigration also increases,
ei saanud välja tuua,
didn't unpack causality,
not so much with numbers
mitte sisserändajate arvust,
and media narrative around it.
sellest, kuidas meedia asjast räägib.
about the nature of immigration.
in the United Kingdom,
sisserännanute hulgas märksa rohkem,
of immigration than they were,
the levels of educational migration
tulevate välismaalaste osakaal
madalam, kui see tegelikult on.
of overall migration
on key aspects of globalization.
ja tegelikkuse vahel
that's left to our schools,
to begin at an early age.
civic participation
that we all encourage as societies.
kõik oma ühiskonnas püüame toetada.
võimalikku lahendust
that I think is an opportunity
across diverse communities.
läbikäimise soodustamine.
for me very strikingly,
Suurbritannias silma hakanud
in the United Kingdom,
et need piirkonnad,
the regions of my country
kõige tolerantsemad,
on kõige enam.
have the highest numbers of immigrants,
Londonis ja riigi kaguosas,
the most tolerant areas.
tunduvalt tolerantsemad.
osakaal on kõige madalam
that have the lowest levels of immigration
and intolerant towards migrants.
who maybe can't travel
inimesed, kes ehk ei saa reisida,
nii kohalikul kui ka riigi tasandil,
even on a local and national level,
with people who we don't know
not necessarily agree with.
alati sama meelt olla.
arust võtmetähtsusega,
is crucial, though,
post-Brexit is really striking.
avaldatud pilt on rabavalt kõnekas.
kes hääletasid lahkumise poolt
who voted to leave the European Union
kõige enam said kasu
benefited the most materially
that those people in those areas
et nende piirkondade elanikud
to be beneficiaries.
et nad midagi kasu on saanud.
nende võimalused paremad
were actually getting access
and increased mobility around the world.
ja inimeste lihtsamale liikumisele.
puudutavate teemadega
predominantly to do with refugees,
I spent a lot of my time preaching,
ikka ja alati kõigile räägin,
around the world,
the integration of refugees,
paremaks integreerimiseks
asjade tegemisest,
the refugee populations,
kuhu sisserändajad elama asuvad.
of the host communities in local areas.
võtta aluseks lähenemine,
is that we have to provide
education facilities, health facilities,
nii koolide kui ka ka tervishoiu osas,
kus on rohkem sisserändajaid,
of those local populations.
around the developing world,
olulisusest mujal maailmas,
to really take seriously
saavutada tulemusi,
in the economic benefits,
kasu jõudmine inimesteni,
need a model of globalization
olema globaliseerumise mudel,
have to take people with them.
inimesi sellesse teemasse kaasata.
millest tahaksin teha,
I want to put forward
more responsible politics.
poliitika järele.
social science evidence
väga vähe uurimusi,
across different countries
hoiakutes ja sallivuse tasemes
erinevatel ajahetkedel
ja liikuvuse suhtes
and mobility on the one hand
from a cursory look at that data
vaadates selgelt välja tuleb, on see,
are far less tolerant of globalization.
globaliseerumise suhtes vähem tolerantsed.
varasemalt Rootsis
like Sweden in the past,
towards globalization.
suhtes positiivseid hoiakuid.
is a tragic polarization,
traagilist polariseerumist,
between the extremes in politics,
poliitiliste jõudude vahel
of that liberal center ground
lähenemise puudumist,
and a shared understanding.
ja ühisele arusaamale jõudmist.
ei õnnestu seda saavutada,
upon our politicians and our media
oma poliitikuid ja meediat
ja olema üksteise vastu palju sallivam.
and be far more tolerant of one another.
kaasav ja ühine ettevõtmine.
to be an inclusive and shared project.
are not mutually exclusive,
ei ole üksteist välistavad,
takes everyone with us
meid kõiki kaasa
democracy and globalization.
demokraatia ja globaliseerumine.
Alexander Betts - Social scientistAlexander Betts explores ways societies might empower refugees rather than pushing them to the margins.
Why you should listen
In media and in public debate, refugees are routinely portrayed as a burden. Professor Alexander Betts argues that refugees, who represent a wide spectrum of professional backgrounds, are in fact an untapped resource that could benefit nations willing to welcome them into their economies.
Betts is the director of the Refugee Studies Centre at the University of Oxford, where he spearheads research on refugee and other forced migrant populations. His book, Survival Migration, explores the predicaments of people who are fleeing disaster yet fall outside legal definitions of refugee status.
Alexander Betts | Speaker |