Johann Hari: Everything you think you know about addiction is wrong
Johann Hari: Všetko, čo viete o závislosti, je omyl
Johann Hari spent three years researching the war on drugs; along the way, he discovered that addiction is not what we think it is. Full bio
Double-click the English transcript below to play the video.
na ktoré sa pamätám, je,
one of my relatives and not being able to.
rodiny a nepodarilo sa mi to.
so I didn't really understand why,
závislosť na drogách,
drug addiction in my family,
z časti lebo práve uplynulo 100 rokov
partly because it's now exactly 100 years
v USA a Veľkej Británii
in the United States and Britain,
on the rest of the world.
urobili nešťastné rozhodnutie
this really fateful decision
and make them suffer,
it would give them an incentive to stop.
a povzbudí k náprave.
some of the addicts in my life who I love,
závislých v mojom okolí, ktorých mám rád,
if there was some way to help them.
či by sa im dalo nejako pomôcť.
of incredibly basic questions
nepoznal odpoveď na veľa
ktorý zjavne nefunguje,
that doesn't seem to be working,
ktorý by sme mohli skúsiť?
that we could try instead?
the answers I was looking for,
stretnúť sa s ľuďmi z celého sveta,
with different people around the world
či sa od nich niečo dozviem.
if I could learn from them.
musieť precestovať 30 000 km,
going over 30,000 miles at the start,
a spoznal rôznych ľudí,
loads of different people,
v Brownsville v Brooklyne
in Brownsville, Brooklyn,
feeding hallucinogens to mongooses
lebo chcel zistiť, či im chutia...
ale iba za určitých podmienok...
in very specific circumstances --
ktorá dekriminalizovala všetky drogy,
decriminalized all drugs,
that really blew my mind is,
čo ma naozaj prekvapilo,
we know about addiction is wrong,
čo si o závislosti myslíme, je omyl
the new evidence about addiction,
zistenia o závislosti,
a lot more than our drug policies.
viac než len drogovú politiku,
we know, what I thought I knew.
tým, čo som pokladal za fakt.
off and used heroin three times a day.
3-krát denne počas 20 dní.
enthusiastic than others at this prospect.
it's just a thought experiment.
čo by sa stalo.
happen that we've been told for a century.
návykové látky v heroíne,
chemical hooks in heroin,
dependent on those hooks,
skončíte závislí na heroíne.
you'd all be heroin addicts. Right?
po prvýkrát niečo nesedelo hneď,
that something's not right with this story
prešlo auto a zlomilo by mi bedro,
and I get hit by a car and I break my hip,
a podávali by mi veľa diamorfínu.
and I'll be given loads of diamorphine.
than you're going to buy on the streets,
ako ten, čo by ste kúpili na ulici
od dílera, je kontaminovaný.
from a drug dealer is contaminated.
from the doctor is medically pure.
a long period of time.
že požili veľa heroínu.
you've taken quite a lot of heroin.
anywhere in the world, this is happening.
čo si myslíme o závislosti...
about addiction is right --
návykovým látkam...
to all those chemical hooks --
Mali by byť závislí.
They should become addicts.
voperujú umelý bedrový kĺb,
if your grandmother had a hip replacement,
mi to veľmi zvláštne,
it seemed so weird to me,
a čo som si myslel, že viem,
everything I thought I knew,
až kým som nespoznal
until I met a man called Bruce Alexander.
učiteľa psychológie z Vancouru,
of psychology in Vancouver
pomôže závislosť pochopiť.
to understand this issue.
got in our heads, that story,
in the 20th century.
ak máte sadistickú náladu.
if you feel a little sadistic.
a dajte mu 2 fľašky vody.
and you give it two water bottles:
voda s heroínom alebo kokaínom.
laced with either heroin or cocaine.
vyberie vodu s drogami,
prefer the drug water
kill itself quite quickly.
Myslíme si, že takto to funguje.
That's how we think it works.
bližšie pozrel na tento experiment
along and he looks at this experiment
Potkan je v prázdnej klietke.
the rat in an empty cage.
except use these drugs.
ktorú nazval Potkaní park,
that he called "Rat Park,"
they've got loads of colored balls,
kamarátov. Mohli mať veľa sexu.
They can have loads of sex.
s čistou vodou a s vodou s drogami.
the normal water and the drugged water.
like the drug water.
voda s drogami nechutila.
when they're isolated
100 % izolovaných potkanov
have happy and connected lives.
Professor Alexander thought,
po prvýkrát spozoroval, pomyslel si:
they're quite different to us.
nie sú ako my.
but, you know --
ako by sme chceli.“
a human experiment
at the exact same time.
troops were using loads of heroin,
20 % amerických vojakov
reports from the time,
they thought, my God, we're going to have
v uliciach USA budú státisíce
on the streets of the United States
boli odprevadení domov.
loads of heroin were followed home.
uskutočnil veľmi dôslednú štúdiu
did a really detailed study,
Nemali abstinenčné príznaky.
They didn't go into withdrawal.
about chemical hooks,
profesor Alexander začal tušiť,
but Professor Alexander began to think
story about addiction.
s návykovými látkami?
about your chemical hooks?
prispôsobiť sa prostrediu.“
to your environment?
called Peter Cohen in the Netherlands
ani nemali volať závislosť.
even call it addiction.
and innate need to bond,
vrodenú potrebu vzťahov
we'll bond and connect with each other,
nadväzujeme vzťahy s ostatnými,
or beaten down by life,
alebo vám život udelil silný úder,
that will give you some sense of relief.
čo vám prinesie istý pocit úľavy.
that might be pornography,
that might be cannabis,
with something because that's our nature.
lebo to je naša prirodzenosť.
a difficult thing to get my head around,
to think about it is,
a bottle of water, right?
of you have bottles of water with you.
of water could be bottles of vodka, right?
mohla byť vodka, však?
I might after this -- (Laughter) --
ja sa možno aj opijem neskôr, (smiech)
the approximately gazillion pounds
zaplatiť kopec peňazí
myslím, že si môžete dovoliť
I'm guessing you guys could afford
for the next six months.
and the reason you're not going to do that
bonds and connections
You've got people you love.
Osoby, ktoré milujete.
the evidence suggests,
byť prítomní v našom živote.
to be present in your life.
significant implications.
are for the War on Drugs.
v boji proti drogám.
with a group of women
saying, "I was a drug addict,"
„Bola som drogovo závislá“,
while members of the public jeer at them,
kým sa im obecenstvo posmievalo,
they're going to have criminal records
dostane sa to do ich registra trestov,
in the legal economy again.
nebudú môcť legálne pracovať.
obviously, in the case of the chain gang,
čo sa týka reťazí,
everywhere in the world
zapisujeme do ich registra trestov.
We give them criminal records.
aby nemohli znovu nadviazať vzťahy.
veľký človek, mi povedal,
Dr. Gabor Maté, an amazing man,
systém zhoršujúci závislosť,
a system that would make addiction worse,
urobiť presný opak
to do the exact opposite,
obrovský podiel drogovo závislých.
one of the worst drug problems in Europe.
na heroíne, čo je strašne veľa,
to heroin, which is kind of mind-blowing,
uplatňovali americkú metódu.
the American way more and more.
a zahanbovali
and shamed them more,
a líder opozície a povedali si,
the leader of the opposition got together,
ever more people becoming heroin addicts.
of scientists and doctors
úžasného človeka, doktora Joãoa Goulãoa,
genuinely solve the problem.
an amazing man called Dr. João Goulão,
od marihuany po krak, ale“...
from cannabis to crack, but" --
ktoré míňate na izoláciu
on cutting addicts off,
závislých do spoločnosti.
on reconnecting them with society."
as drug treatment
that does have some value.
bol úplný opak toho, čo robíme my:
was the complete opposite of what we do:
pracovných miest
of job creation for addicts,
malých firiem pre závislých.
to set up small businesses.
po uzdravení pôjdete do servisu,
to a garage, and they'll say,
zaplatíme vám polovicu jeho platu.“
we'll pay half his wages.
každému závislému
that every addict in Portugal
of bed for in the morning.
in Portugal,
znovunadobudli svoj cieľ,
as they rediscovered purpose,
kontakty a vzťahy so spoločnosťou.
and relationships with the wider society.
since that experiment began,
v Portugalsku
British Journal of Criminology
Journal of Criminology,
počet predávkovaní a výskyt AIDSu.
HIV is massively down among addicts.
závislých výrazne nižší.
is significantly down.
so well is that almost nobody in Portugal
že v Portugalsku sa skoro nikto
of implications
cítia čoraz náchylnejší
feel really increasingly vulnerable
whether it's to their smartphones
you guys know this --
to have our smartphones on,
sa zatvárili rovnako ako závislí,
looked an awful lot like
was going to be unavailable
a môže to vyznieť zvláštne,
and it might sound weird to say,
je hlavný motor závislosti
is a major driver of addiction
taká prepojená ako v súčasnosti.
society that's ever been, surely.
že kontakty, ktoré máme
that the connections we have
sú niečo ako paródia kontaktov naživo.
of parody of human connection.
niečo si uvedomíte.
you'll notice something.
fanúšikovia z Twitteru.
who come to sit with you.
who help you turn it round.
who you have deep and nuanced
usporiadané vzťahy zoči voči.
relationships with,
Bill McKibben, the environmental writer,
pre životné prostredie Bill McKibben
v ktorej sa o tom veľa hovorí.
ktorým môže údajne priemerný
the average American believes
steadily since the 1950s.
an individual has in their home
doma postupne rástla.
ako komunita spravili.
we've traded stuff for connections,
a vzťahy za veci
loneliest societies there has ever been.
z najsamotárskejších spoločností
the Rat Park experiment, says,
ktorý vytvoril potkaní park, hovorí:
about individual recovery,
ako o vyzdravení u jednotlivca
about social recovery.
o uzdravení v spoločnosti.
not just with individuals but as a group,
ako jednotlivcami aj ako so skupinou.
for a lot of us,
v ktorej sa život
like that isolated cage
why I went into it.
som sa do štúdia závislosti,
the political stuff, the social stuff.
politické či sociálne aspekty,
the people I love.
ktorých mám rád.
long journey and I'd learned all this,
a naučil som sa toto všetko,
it's hard loving an addict,
je ťažké závislých milovať
who know in this room.
taká kontroverzná aj preto,
why this debate is so charged
of each of us, right?
keď si pri pohľade na závislého pomyslia:
that looks at an addict and thinks,
so závislými v našom živote,
to deal with the addicts in our lives
možno ste ju videli.
if you guys have ever seen it.
is defined by reality TV,
the show "Intervention,"
v jeho živote, zhromaždia ich,
in their life, gather them together,
keď sa nedáš dokopy,
and they say, if you don't shape up,
the connection to the addict,
they make it contingent
why that approach doesn't work,
prečo tento postup nefunguje,
the importing of the logic of the Drug War
preniesť logiku boja proti drogám
how could I be Portuguese?
aké by bolo byť Portugalcom?
and I can't tell you I do it consistently
nemôžem povedať, že by som to robil stále,
že by to bolo jednoduché,
the connection with them,
whether you're using or you're not.
či už užívaš drogy alebo nie.
I'll come and sit with you
prídem a pobudnem s tebou,
want you to be alone
každej interakcie so závislými,
of how we respond to addicts,
war songs about addicts.
spievali vojnové piesne.
singing love songs to them,
mali spievať piesne lásky,
is not sobriety.
Johann Hari - JournalistJohann Hari spent three years researching the war on drugs; along the way, he discovered that addiction is not what we think it is.
Why you should listen
British journalist Johann Hari is the author of the New York Times best-selling book Chasing The Scream, from which his talk on addiction was adapted and for which he spent three years researching the war on drugs and questioning the ways in which we treat addiction.
He has written for many of the world’s leading newspapers and magazines, including The New York Times, Le Monde, The Guardian, New Republic, The Nation,, and The Sydney Morning Herald. He was a columnist for the British newspaper The Independent for nine years.
Hari was twice named National Newspaper Journalist of the Year by Amnesty International, was named Gay Journalist of the Year at the Stonewall Awards -- and won the Martha Gellhorn Prize for political writing.
Johann Hari | Speaker |