Linda Liukas: A delightful way to teach kids about computers
Linda Liukas: Čudovit način, kako otroke naučiti o računalnikih
Linda Liukas wants to create a more diverse and colorful world of technology, starting with the poetry of code. Full bio
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that drove the whole generation.
vodila punk glasba.
to our imagination and our world.
naši domišljiji in našemu svetu.
more diverse set of people
and lonely and boring and magic,
osamljene, dolgočasne in magične,
that they can tinker
s katerimi se lahko ukvarjajo,
and so forth.
in tako naprej.
of programming and technology
svet programiranja in tehnologije
rosnih štirinajstih letih.
je bil starejši moški
on an older man,
just happened to be
of the United States, Mr. Al Gore.
gospod Al Gore.
teenage girl would want to do.
kar bi storila vsaka najstnica.
pokazati vso svojo ljubezen,
express all of this love,
ki jo vidite tukaj.
there was no Pinterest.
all of this longing and loving.
vso hrepenenje in ljubezen.
started for me.
za samoizražanje.
I would use crayons and legos.
in sem uporabila voščenke in lego kocke.
guitar lessons and theater plays.
ure učenja kitare in gledališke igre.
to get excited about,
ki sem se jih veselila
nepravilnih glagolov
are boring and technical and lonely.
dolgočasni, tehnični in osamljeni.
are not supposed to like computers.
da jim računalniki ne smejo biti všeč.
at concentrating on things
v koncentriranju na stvari
amazing questions like,
izjemna vprašanja kot
and "How?" and "What if?"
in "Kako?" in "Kaj pa če?"
are not supposed to like computers.
ne bi smeli biti všeč.
is this esoteric, weird science discipline
abstraktna, čudna znanstvena disciplina,
from everyday life
and controls and data structures
kontrol in podatkovnih struktur
we've made computers smaller and smaller.
of abstraction on top of each other
med človekom in strojem eno vrh druge
have any idea how computers work
kako računalniki delujejo,
how the human body works,
kako deluje človeško telo,
the combustion engine functions
motorjev z notranjim izgorevanjem,
that if you want to really be an astronaut
da če hočejo biti astronavti,
what happens when I press 'play,'
ko jaz pritisnem na tipko 'Play',
really, really, really fast.
these amazing, beautiful machines,
te osupljive, prelepe stroje,
very, very foreign to us,
nam zelo zelo tuje
s katerim govorimo z njimi,
to the computers
how to speak to the computers anymore
kako se pogovarjati s računalniki,
posebne uporabniške vmesnike.
French irregular verbs,
francoske nepravilne glagole,
my pattern recognition skills.
spretnosti prepoznavanja vzorcev.
a sequence of symbolic commands
zaporedju simboličnih zahtev,
between English and mathematics
angleščino in matematiko
v notranjosti računalnika.
a tega nihče ni vedel.
and pinch their way through the world.
in pritiskajo svojo pot skozi svet.
to build with computers,
da gradijo z računalniki,
instead of creators.
namesto ustvarjalcev.
led me to this little girl.
me je pripeljala do tega dekleta.
imaginative and a little bit bossy.
polna domišljije in malo ukazovalna.
I would run into a problem
naletim na problem, kot recimo
myself programming like,
or what is garbage collection?",
ali kaj je zbirka smeti?",
little girl would explain the problem.
pojasnilo problem.
and I illustrated it
jo ilustrirala
Ruby taught me go like this.
not supposed to be afraid
žuželk pod posteljo.
stuck together.
zlepljenih skupaj.
me to her friends,
predstavila svojim prijateljem
to play with the other kids.
se ne želi igrati z ostalimi otroci.
that are really friendly but super messy.
ki so zelo prijazni, ampak zelo neurejeni.
but somewhat hard to understand.
ampak precej težko razumljiv.
technology through play.
se o tehnologiji učiš skozi igro.
are really good at repeating stuff,
dobri v ponavljanju stvari
loops goes like this.
it goes, "Clap, clap, stomp, stomp
ki gre: "Plosk, plosk, topot, topot.
by repeating that four times.
da to štirikrat ponoviš.
by repeating that sequence
s ponavljanjem tega zaporedja,
by repeating that sequence
s ponavljanjem tega zaporedja,
that there are no ready answers.
da ni nikjer pripravljenih odgovorov.
for Ruby's world,
za Rubyjin svet,
how they see the world
kako oni vidijo svet
play testing sessions.
seanse testnih iger.
these four pictures.
otrokom pokazala te štiri slike.
do you think is a computer?"
misliš, da je računalnik?"
very conservative and go,
zelo konzervativno in rekli:
spends way too much time."
preživi preveč časa."
that actually, a car is a computer,
tudi avto računalnik,
might not be a computer,
a computer inside of it.
so many different kinds of computers,
različnih računalnikov,
and the burglar alarms.
in protivlomni alarmi.
ki vdirajo vanje.
with an on/off button on them.
z gumbom on/off
čarovniško sposobnost,
"Today you have this magic ability
into a computer."
spremeniš v računalnik."
I don't know the right answer for this."
ne poznam pravega odgovora na to."
the right answer, either.
pravilnega odgovora.
to hear about this thing
you are going to be the ones
where everything is a computer."
kjer je vse računalnik.
who came to me
if it were a computer,
what else could it do?"
kaj bi še lahko počela?"
were a computer,
with my father
could also be a movie projector."
filmski projektor."
is definitely not ready yet,
of making the world more ready
kako še bolj pripraviti svet,
can be a part of that change.
lahko del te spremembe.
and the helpful RAM and ROM
in ustrežljiva RAM in ROM,
our computer together,
is to be an astronaut.
these huge headphones on
in his tiny paper computer
v svoj tanek papirnati računalnik,
navigation application.
navigacijsko aplikacijo.
in the Martian orbit,
v Marsovi orbiti,
safely back to earth.
varno nazaj na Zemljo.
a profoundly different view of the world
precej drugačen pogled na naš svet
the more inclusive,
we make the world of technology,
svet tehnologije naredimo,
the world will look like.
ki jih govorimo o tem,
don't only include
ne vključujejo samo
Silicon Valley boys,
fantov iz Silikonske doline,
and Norwegian librarians.
in norveške knjižničarke.
the little Ada Lovelaces of tomorrow,
kjer male Ade Lovelaces prihodnjih dni,
reality of 1s and 0s,
resničnosti enic in ničel,
and brave about technology.
zrejo v tehnologijo.
and the opportunities
that is wonderful, whimsical
in Moominvalley.
I would roam around the Tatooines.
I would go to sleep in Narnia.
to be the perfect profession for me.
kot popoln poklic zame.
and paradigms and practices.
in paradigmami in praksami.
with the pure power of logic.
s čisto močjo logike.
Linda Liukas - Programmer, storyteller and illustratorLinda Liukas wants to create a more diverse and colorful world of technology, starting with the poetry of code.
Why you should listen
Linda Liukas is a programmer, storyteller and illustrator. Her children's book, Hello Ruby, is the "world’s most whimsical way to learn about technology, computing and coding.” Liukas founded Rails Girls, which has organized workshops in over 230 cities, teaching the basics of programming to more than 10,000 women. Linda worked at Codeacademy, which she left to write stories that teach children about software and programming. She won the 2013 Ruby Hero prize and was named the Digital Champion of Finland by the EU Commissioner for Digital Agenda.
Linda Liukas | Speaker |