Kang Lee: Can you really tell if a kid is lying?
Kang Lee: A mund ta dalloni me te vertete nese nje femije po genjen?
Kang Lee has devoted his career to understanding the development of social cognition and behavior. Full bio
Double-click the English transcript below to play the video.
raise your hand?
group of people I've ever met.
i njerezve qe kam takuar ndonjehere.
how children learn to tell lies.
femijet te genjejne
a story from Mr. Richard Messina,
nga Z. Richard Messina,
school principal.
drejtor i nje shkolle fillore.
will not come to school today
nuk do te vije ne shkolle sot
three common beliefs we have
tre gjera qe besojme
lehte genjeshtrat e tyre.
at a very young age,
ne nje moshe shume te vogel,
character flaws with them,
karakterin e tyre,
pathological liars for life.
patologjike per gjithe jeten.
to guess the numbers on the cards.
te gjejne numrat ne letra.
dhe largohemi nga dhoma.
to win the game is so strong,
eshte shume e forte,
do ti shohin letrat
of gender, country, religion,
gjinise, vendit, fese,
about their transgression.
per shkeljen.
tell the truth.
50 perqind thone te verteten.
of development.
e zhvillimit.
te thone genjeshtra
at the younger children.
femijet e vegjel.
young children lie?
femijet e vegjel genjejne?
two key ingredients.
dy perberes kyc.
is theory of mind,
eshte teoria e mendjes,
per te ditur
different knowledge about the situation
kane njohuri te ndryshme per situaten
between what I know
cfare di une
per te genjyerin
eshte qe une di
for good lying is self-control.
te genjyerin si duhet eshte vetkontrolli.
your facial expression
te folurin, mimiken
nje genjeshter bindese.
and self-control abilities
leximit te mendjes dhe vetkontrollit
are also essential for all of us
thelbesore per te gjithe ne
and self-control abilities
te mendjes dhe vetkontrollit
developmental problems,
is telling his or her first lie,
qe po thote genjeshten e tij/saj te pare,
has arrived at a new milestone
ka arritur ne nje etape te re
detect their lies?
e tyre lehte?
to a researcher's question,
se nje kerkuesi,
I rrituri: A e pe letren? Femija: Jo.
I rrituri: A e pe letren? Femija: Jo.
child number one is lying,
qe femija numer nje po genjen,
is lying, please raise your hand.
po genjen, ju lutem ngrini doren.
detectors of children's lies.
jo te mire te genjeshtrave te femijeve.
from all walks of life.
nga te gjithe drejtimet e jetes.
the children told the truth.
femijet thonin te verteten.
how these adults performed.
as truth tellers,
tregues te se vertetes,
you're going to get it right.
eshte rreth 50 perqind,
of children's lies.
te genjeshtrave te femijeve.
and law school students,
dhe studentet e jurisprudencens,
limited experience with children.
eksperieca te kufizuara me femijet.
genjeshtrat e femijeve.
and child-protection lawyers,
qe mbrojne femijet,
genjeshtrat e femijeve?
genjeshtrat e femijeve?
genjeshtrat e femijeve te tjere?
detect their own children's lies?
genjeshtrat e femijeve te tyre?
are so difficult to detect.
jane kaq te veshtira per t'u dalluar.
with my own son, Nathan.
me djalin tim, Nathan.
is typically neutral.
a lot of emotions,
shume emocione,
are either fleeting or hidden.
ose shume te befta ose te fshehta.
e padukshme per ne.
to reveal these hidden emotions.
nxjerre ne pah keto emocione te fshehura.
me kapilare gjaku.
ndryshon lehtas,
by the autonomic system
nga sistemi autonom
te ndergjegjshem.
ne rrjedhen e gjakut ne fytyre
te njerezve.
facial blood flow changes
e gjakut ne fytyre te lidhura me emocionet
me sy te lire.
people's facial emotions,
ne pah emocionet e fytyres,
"imazhi optik transdermik".
video camera to record people
te zakonshme per te rregistruar njerezit
various hidden emotions.
te ndryshme.
processing technology,
te perpunimit te imazhit,
of facial blood flow changes.
ndryshimit te rrjedhes se gjakut ne fytyre.
with the various hidden emotions.
te lidhura me emocionet e fshehura.
associated with lying,
qe lidhen me te genjyerit,
genjeshtrat e njerezve.
a Pinocchio effect.
nje efekt Pinoku.
on the cheeks decreases,
on the nose increases.
hunde rritet.
nuk eshte i vetmi rast
we can help this mathematics teacher
mund te ndihmojme kete mesues matematike
ne klasen e tij
about the topic he's teaching
me temem qe ai po u shpjegon
kujdesin shendetesor.
me prinderit,
what's going on in their lives
c'po ndodh ne jeten e tyre
their heart rate, their stress level,
rrahjet e zemres, nivelin e stresit,
they are experiencing pain.
apo nuk po perjetojne dhimbje.
or hypertension.
politicians' emotions?
emocionet e politikaneve?
the politicians' heart rate,
se politikaneve,
whether or not they are lying to us.
po na genjejne apo jo.
in marketing research,
ne marketing,
certain consumer products.
disa produkte per konsumatoret.
ne takim po ju buzeqesh,
te percaktosh
that we don't know today.
te cilat nuk i njohim sot.
be the same again.
(Faleminderit)- kineze
Kang Lee - Developmental researcherKang Lee has devoted his career to understanding the development of social cognition and behavior.
Why you should listen
With an international team based at the University of Toronto, Kang Lee investigates the neurological and social basis of emerging social behaviors in young children. His two-pronged research focuses first on how and when children develop the capacity to lie, to detect liesand to feel guilty about it afterwards.
The second focus of Lee's research is facial recognition, which has led to revelations of when children develop the ability to distinguish races and has helped explain why some people occasionally see Jesus' face on a piece of toast.
Kang Lee | Speaker | TED.com