Uri Hasson: This is your brain on communication
Uri Hasson: Este é o teu cerebro en comunicación
Why do great thoughts and stories resonate so strongly with so many people, and how do we communicate them? Using fMRI experiments, Uri Hasson is looking for the answers. Full bio
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technology, right?
possess this device,
ese dispositivo,
este dispositivo,
in a slightly different manner.
dun xeito lixeiramente distinto.
with my memories and ideas
that enable us to communicate.
que nos permiten comunicarnos.
physically coupled to the sound wave
fisicamente acoplados ás ondas sonoras
cara a eles.
a common neural protocol
protocolo neural común
and we scan their brains
e escaneamos os seus cerebros
or listening to real-life stories.
historias da vida real.
of the stimulus we are using,
dos estímulos que usamos,
from a story that we used,
dun dos relatos que usamos,
my story and I know it's good,
o meu relato e sei que vai ser bo,
"inventar da nada".
against crossing that line.
between a high-powered dean
entre un poderoso decano
let's look into your brain
"miremos" nos seus cerebros
when you listen to these kinds of stories.
escoitan este tipo de relatos.
with one listener and one brain area:
Empecemos cun oínte e unha área cerebral:
the sounds that come from the ear.
os sons que chegan ao ouvido.
in this particular brain area,
nesta área cerebral en particular,
as the story is unfolding.
segundo transcorre o relato.
in other listeners
across all listeners?
de todos os ouvintes son similares?
before the story starts,
antes de que empece o relato,
and waiting for the story to begin.
agardando que comece a historia
in each one of them,
en todos eles,
as the story is starting,
and I know it's good,
e sei que vai ser bo,
that the responses in all of the subjects
as respostas de todos os suxeitos
in a very similar way
de xeito moi parecido
what is happening now in your brains
agora nos seus cerebros
"sincronización neural".
what is neural entrainment,
que é a sincronización física.
what is physical entrainment.
as five brains.
before the story starts,
que empezara o relato
when I connect them together
cando os poño en contacto
is going through the wood
transmítese pola madeira
all the metronomes together.
physical entrainment.
sincronización física.
sincronización neural?
that the speaker is producing?
que produce o falante?
that the speaker is trying to convey.
que o relator tenta transmtir.
the following experiment.
os seguintes experimentos.
and played it backwards.
e reproducímolo ao revés.
of the original auditory features,
características auditivas orixinais,
very similarly across people.
de modo moi similar en todo o mundo.
or alignment in all of the brains
aliñamento en todos os cerebros
that process the sounds,
deeper into the brain.
and build words out of it.
e construír palabras con eles.
and scramble the words,
do relato de Jim O'Grady
assorted facts ...
... surtido de sucesos... e dereito
potentially ... my stories
potencialmente... meus contos
empezan a inducir un aliñamento
start to induce alignment
but not more than that.
pero non máis alá.
and start to build sentences out of them.
e empezamos a facer frases con elas.
against crossing that line.
non cruzar ese límite.
Good story. Nice details.
Un bo conto. Fermosos detalles.
about him through me?"
en todas as áreas lingüísticas
in all the language areas
en todos os oíntes.
across all listeners.
the full, engaging, coherent story
o relato completo, interesante, coherente
deeper into the brain
and the parietal cortex,
o córtex parietal,
respond very similarly.
de xeito moi similar.
in higher-order areas are induced
nas áreas de orde superior son inducidas
conveyed by the speaker,
transmitido polo falante,
there's a strong prediction over here
disto derívase unha sólida predición:
will still be similar.
han ser similares.
the following experiment in my lab.
fixemos o seguinte experimento:
and linguistic systems
lingüísticos diferentes
to the English listeners
aos ouvintes ingleses
to the Russian listeners,
aos ouvintes rusos,
across the groups.
as respostas nos dous grupos.
responses that are similar
respostas iguais
nas áreas lingüisticas,
and sound are very different.
son moi distintos.
that the responses in high-order areas
nas áreas de orde superior
across these two groups.
the story in a very similar way,
entenden o relato de xeito semellante,
after the story ended.
un test ao remate do conto.
is necessary for communication.
é necesario para a comuniciación.
of you in the audience.
de moitos de vostedes.
because we have this common code
temos este código común
what's happening in the listener's brain,
do que ocorre no cerebro do ouvinte,
you're listening to talks.
mentres escoitan o que lles conto.
in the speaker's brain, in my brain,
no cerebro do falante, no meu,
to go into the scanner,
que se metese no escáner,
to the brain responses of the listeners
coas dos ouvintes
and comprehending speech
e a comprensión da fala
Canto se parecen?
patterns within the listeners
padróns de resposta nos ouvintes
rely on very similar processes.
asentan en procesos moi similares.
between the listener's brain
entre o cerebro do ouvinte
are completely confused now,
están agora totalmente confusos,
serán distintas das miñas.
are very different than mine.
están a me entender,
understand me now,
... and your brain
e o seu...
this information together and ask:
información e preguntémonos:
a memory that I have
transmitir un recordo meu
for the first time in their life,
por primeira vez na súa vida,
"Sherlock," while we scanned their brains.
mentres escaneábamos os seus cerebros.
to go back to the scanner
volveran meterse no escáner
that never watched the movie.
que nunca vira a serie.
the cab in London
in my brain when I watch it.
cando a estou a ver.
I can reactivate in my brain again
no meu cerebro de novo
Sherlock, London, murderer.
Sherlock, Londres, asasino.
these words to your brains now,
estas palabras aos seus cerebros,
emerging now in your brains.
emerxendo nos seus cerebros.
now in your brains
agora nos seus cerebros
I had when I watched this movie
tiña eu mentres vía a película
about the mechanism
and transmit information.
e transmitir información.
and trying to understand what I'm saying.
e tratan de entender o que lles conto.
in the talk we clicked, and you got me.
na charla nos conectemos, e me sigan.
a few days, a few months,
uns días, uns meses,
about this lecture,
he is standing now here with us.
estivese agora connosco.
how we can take this mechanism
podemos usar este mecanismo
and knowledge across people,
e coñecementos á xente,
relies on our ability
aséntase na nosa capacidade
with most of you in the audience.
con moitos de vostedes, da audiencia.
non só da nosa capacidade
not only on our ability
common ground and understanding
unha base común
o sistema de crenzas.
same story in very different ways.
a mesma historia.
we did the following experiment.
fixemos o seguinte experimento.
of his wife in the middle of a party,
á súa muller durante unha festa,
"Did you see my wife?"
"Viches á miña muller?"
an affair with the best friend.
a ter unha aventura co mellor amigo.
and the husband is very jealous.
e o home moi ciumento.
the wife was having an affair
estaba a ter unha aventura
áreas de orde superior
to make your brain similar
que os seus cerebros se parezan
that think differently than you,
to be amplified in real life,
este efecto na vida real,
to the exact same news item
exactamente as mesmas noticias
day after day after day
like Fox News or The New York Times,
ou o New York Times,
perspectives on reality.
moi distintas da realidade.
to be coupled to your brains.
para acoplarme cos seus cerebros.
with my memories and ideas
asociados cos meus recordos e ideas
the hidden neural mechanism
o mecanismo neural oculto
it will enable us to improve
isto hanos permitir mellorar
on a common ground.
nunha base común.
really worried as a society
and our ability to speak with people
e a nosa capacidade para falar coa xente
media channels
medios de comunicación
the way we all think.
a nosa forma de pensar.
porque só son un científico.
because I'm only a scientist.
natural way of communication,
mais natural de comunicación,
speaking to you now,
falándolles a vostedes,
máis natural de conversar,
to a common ground and new ideas.
a unha base común e a novas ideas.
define who we are.
acoplados definen quen somos.
to another brain
acoplados a outro cerebro
that starts at a very early age.
a unha idade moi temperá.
from my own private life
cun exemplo da miña vida privada
of how coupling to other people
como acoplarnos con outros
cando era moi noviño.
a vocal game together with my wife,
un xogo vocal coa miña muller,
of being coupled to another human being.
de estar acoplado con outro ser humano.
capacidade do meu fillo
and other people in his life
con outra xente na súa vida
he is going to become.
que chegará a ser no futuro.
cambian diariamente
to other people in your life.
con outras persoas na súa vida.
a espallar as súas ideas,
xuntos, acoplados,
together, coupled,
Uri Hasson - NeuroscientistWhy do great thoughts and stories resonate so strongly with so many people, and how do we communicate them? Using fMRI experiments, Uri Hasson is looking for the answers.
Why you should listen
Rather than purging real-world complexity from his experiments, Uri Hasson and his Princeton lab collaborators use messy, real-life stimuli to study how our brains communicate with other brains.
Using fMRI to peer into his subjects’ brain activity, Hasson has discovered that a great storyteller literally causes the neurons of an audience to closely sync with the storyteller’s brain -- a finding that has far-reaching implications for communicators, teachers, performers, and scientists alike.
Uri Hasson | Speaker | TED.com