Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie: We should all be feminists
Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie: Todos deberíamos ser feministas
Inspired by Nigerian history and tragedies all but forgotten by recent generations of westerners, Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie’s novels and stories are jewels in the crown of diasporan literature. Full bio
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about one of my greatest friends,
dun dos meus grandes amigos,
I would ask Okoloma's opinion.
pedirlle opinión a Okoloma.
Sosoliso plane crash
accidente aéreo de Sosoliso
laugh with and truly talk to.
discutir, rir e verdadeiramente falar.
que me chamou feminista.
to call me a feminist.
estabamos na súa casa rifando.
we were at his house, arguing.
escasos coñecementos obtidos
with half bit knowledge
particular argument was about,
que era a discusión en particular,
that as I argued and argued,
"You know, you're a feminist."
"Ti es unha feminista".
to say something like,
para dicir:
what this word "feminist" meant,
o que significaba "feminista",
to know that I did not know.
que eu non o sabía.
and I continued to argue.
I planned to do when I got home
ao chegar á miña casa
"feminist" in the dictionary.
"feminista" no dicionario.
algúns anos máis tarde,
who among other things beats his wife
entre outras cousas, pegaba á súa muller
the novel in Nigeria,
a novela en Nixeria,
un home ben intencionado,
to give unsolicited advice.
dando consellos non solicitados.
that my novel was feminist
que a miña novela era feminista
sadly as he spoke --
con tristura mentres falaba,
call myself a feminist
dicir que son feminista
are women who are unhappy
son mulleres descontentas
"a happy feminist."
"feminista feliz".
académica díxome
non era da nosa cultura
por "libros occidentais."
by "Western books."
lecturas foron claramente anti-feministas.
were decidedly unfeminist.
Mills & Boon romance published
publicada de Mills e Boon
struggled to finish them.
para terminar de lelos.
o feminismo non era africano,
"a happy African feminist."
"feminista africana feliz".
feminist who does not hate men
africana feliz que non odiaba aos homes
o carmín nos beizos
for herself but not for men.
e non para os homes.
was tongue-in-cheek,
with baggage, negative baggage.
tan pesada, tan negativa.
odias aos suxeitadores,
that sort of thing.
ese tipo de cousas.
that she would give the class a test
que faría unha proba á clase
máis alta sería o delegado da clase.
would be the class monitor.
era moi importante.
the names of noisemakers --
os nomes dos revoltosos,
a cane to hold in your hand
un bastón para soster na túa man
and patrol the class for noisemakers.
controlar aos revoltosos.
actually allowed to use the cane.
realmente usar o bastón.
for the nine-year-old me.
para unha nena de nove anos.
to be the class monitor.
a delegada da clase.
alta na proba.
dixo que o delegado tiña que ser un neno.
that the monitor had to be a boy.
to make that clear earlier
score on the test,
máis alta na proba,
máis interesante nisto
interesting about this
alma cándida
in patrolling the class with the cane,
patrulla-la clase có bastón,
desexando facelo.
is just as obvious to everyone else.
ten que selo para os demais.
and he would tell me,
que el me dicía,
being different or harder for women.
cousas son máis difíciles para a muller.
could not see what seems so self-evident.
o que para min é tan evidente.
Louis and I went out with friends.
e máis eu saímos cuns amigos.
who are not familiar with Lagos,
e que non coñecen Lagos,
pululando arredor dos establecementos
who hang around outside establishments
"help" you park your car.
a aparca-lo teu coche.
with the particular theatrics
cun home en particular
a parking spot that evening.
de aparcamento pola noite.
I decided to leave him a tip.
deixarlle unha propina.
that I had earned from doing my work,
gañara có meu traballo,
very grateful and very happy,
e moi feliz,
e preguntoume
I didn't give him the money."
Eu non lle din o diñeiro."
dawn on Louis' face.
no rostro de Louis.
que eu tivera,
de Louis.
we have different sexual organs,
temos órganos sexuais distintos,
os homes non.
in general physically stronger than women.
en xeral, máis fortes cas mulleres.
than men in the world,
que homes no mundo,
population is female.
é de sexo feminino.
and prestige are occupied by men.
e prestixio están ocupadas por homes.
the fewer women there are."
menos mulleres hai"
of the Lilly Ledbetter law,
moi pendentes da lei Lilly Ledbetter,
alliterative name of that law,
o nome da dita Lei,
e mulleres que,
being equally qualified,
estando igualmente preparados,
because he's a man.
porque é un home.
os homes gobernan o mundo,
vivían entón nun mundo
the most important attribute for survival.
máis importante cara a supervivencia.
was more likely to lead,
probablemente, a que mandaba,
are physically stronger.
fisicamente mais fortes.
in a vastly different world.
nun mundo moi diferente.
is not the physically stronger person;
non é a persoa fisicamente máis forte;
the more intelligent person,
a persoa máis intelixente,
for those attributes.
que unha muller de ser intelixente
to be intelligent,
of gender had not evolved.
de xénero non evolucionaron.
of one of the best Nigerian hotels.
dun dos mellores hoteis de Nixeria.
but I thought I probably shouldn't.
pero probablemente no debería.
and asked me annoying questions,
e fíxome preguntas molestas,
into a hotel alone is a sex worker.
nun hotel é unha traballadora sexual.
focus on the ostensible supply
na oferta ostentosa
into many "reputable" bars and clubs.
a certos bares e clubs "respectables".
if you're a woman alone,
se vas soa,
a Nigerian restaurant with a man,
nixeriano cun home,
e a min ignórame.
felt like, "Yes! I thought that!"
como "Si! Iso pensaba eu!"
are more important than women.
máis importantes cas mulleres.
don't intend any harm.
non pretenden facer dano.
and quite another to feel it emotionally.
e outra moi distinta son as emocións.
I feel invisible.
síntome invisible.
that I am just as human as the man,
tan humana como un home,
that sting the most.
cousas as que máis doen.
to be young and female in Lagos,
xove e muller en Lagos,
is a grave injustice.
é unha grave inxustiza.
of bringing about positive change;
cambios positivos;
I'm also hopeful.
eu tamén estou esperanzada.
na capacidade dos seres humanos
in the ability of human beings
themselves for the better.
en todo o mundo,
and because it is where my heart is.
onde está o meu corazón.
and plan for a different world,
un mundo diferente,
who are truer to themselves.
que son máis fieis a si mesmos.
de maneira diferente.
de maneira diferente.
on how we raise them;
tal e como os educamos;
in a very narrow way,
dun xeito moi limitado,
nunha ríxida e pequena gaiola
of weakness, of vulnerability.
da debilidade, da vulnerabilidade.
o seu verdadeiro ser,
in Nigerian speak, "hard man!"
nixerianos, "homes duros!"
both of them teenagers,
ámbolos dous adolescentes,
of pocket money, would go out
de cartos no peto,
would be expected always to pay,
que o rapaz pagase
to steal money from their parents.
máis probable que rouben aos seus pais?
e as nenas
cós cartos?
was not "the boy has to pay"
"o rapaz ten que pagar"
"o que máis ten, debe pagar?"
unha vantaxe histórica,
of that historical advantage,
os que máis teñan hoxe,
raising children differently,
doutro xeito,
of having to prove this masculinity.
demostrar a súa masculinidade.
lles facemos aos varóns,
that they have to be hard,
teñen que ser duros,
with very fragile egos.
the man feels compelled to be,
obrigado a ser un home,
disservice to girls
moito maior ás nenas
to cater to the fragile egos of men.
ós fráxiles egos dos homes.
to make themselves smaller,
mesmas, a facerse máis pequenas,
but not too successful,
in your relationship with a man,
cun home,
a premisa en si mesma?
the premise itself?
be a threat to a man?
unha ameaza para o home?
to simply dispose of that word,
desfacémonos desa palabra,
I dislike more than "emasculation."
que me desguste máis que "castración".
sentíranse intimidados por min.
would be intimidated by me.
to me to be worried
estar preocupada
intimidado por min
be intimidated by me
I would have no interest in.
que non me interesa.
sorprendida por isto.
que aspire ao matrimonio;
I'm expected to aspire to marriage;
da miña vida
that marriage is the most important.
é o máis importante.
and love and mutual support.
e de apoio mutuo.
a aspirar ao matrimonio
to aspire to marriage
vende-la súa casa
who decided to sell her house
to intimidate a man who might marry her.
ao home que puidera casar con ela.
que, cando vai a congresos,
who, when she goes to conferences,
in the conference to "give her respect."
do congreso lle "teñan respecto"
baixo tanta presión
who are under so much pressure
even from work to get married,
incluso do traballo, para casarse,
decisións terribles.
to make terrible choices.
que non está casada,
to see it as a deep, personal failure.
como un profundo fracaso persoal.
who is unmarried,
que non está casado,
de facer a súa elección.
to making his pick.
dicir non a todo isto."
just say no to all of this."
and more complex.
e máis complexa.
from our socialization.
desa socialización.
and relationships illustrates this.
e as relaciones, ilustra isto.
is often the language of ownership
a linguaxe da propiedade
amosa a un home
amosa a unha muller.
a man shows a woman.
moi divertida-
I'm very amused by --
that they should not be doing anyway.
non debería fixer.
in a kind of fondly exasperated way,
dun xeito claramente exasperado,
proves how masculine they are,
demostra o masculinos que son,
ao club tódalas noites,
I can't go to the club every night,
I do it only on weekends."
só vou a fin de semana ".
"I did it for peace in my marriage,"
"fíxeno polo ben do meu matrimonio,"
about giving up a job,
a un posto de traballo,
ás outras como competidoras,
each other as competitors --
which I think can be a good thing,
logros, o cal pode ser algo bo,
cannot be sexual beings
ser seres sexuais
knowing about our sons' girlfriends.
de coñecer ás súas noivas.
Líbrenos Deus!
the perfect man to be their husbands.
perfecto para que sexa o seu esposo.
we praise girls for virginity,
loamos ás nenas pola súa virxindade,
this is supposed to work out because ...
isto exactamente, porque ...
polo xeral, un proceso que implica...
is usually a process that involves ...
was gang raped in a university in Nigeria,
en grupo nunha universidade de Nixeria,
xa o coñecíamos.
both male and female,
tanto homes como mulleres,
in a room with four boys?"
con catro rapaces?"
the horrible inhumanity of that response,
o inhumano desa resposta,
to think of women as inherently guilty,
nas mulleres como culpables por natureza
to expect so little of men
dos homes
without any control
seres salvaxes sen control
as though by being born female
por naceren femias,
who silence themselves.
a si mesmas.
o que realmente pensan,
who cannot say what they truly think,
we did to girls --
who have turned pretense into an art form.
a simulación nunha forma de arte.
o traballo doméstico,
that to be "good wife material"
"unha boa esposa"
to use that Nigerian word --
-usando esa palabra nixeriana-
began to complain that she had changed.
queixouse de que ela cambiara .
felices seríamos,
our true individual selves,
como verdadeiramente somos,
of gender expectations.
expectativas de xénero.
biolóxicamente diferentes,
undeniably different biologically,
exaggerates the differences
a self-fulfilling process.
propensas ás tarefas de casa que os homes,
to do the housework than men,
are born with a cooking gene?
da cociña?
socialized to see cooking as their role?
para ve-la cociña como o seu encargo?
women are born with a cooking gene,
as mulleres nacen cun xene da cociña,
of the famous cooks in the world,
cociñeiros famosos do mundo,
título de "chefs",
as men when she was growing up.
os homes cando era pequena.
oportunidades para as mulleres
many more opportunities for women
during my grandmother's time
da miña avoa
changes in law,
cambios nas leis,
is our attitude, our mindset,
actitude,o noso xeito de pensar,
and what we value about gender.
sobre o xénero.
en lugar do xénero?
intereses en lugar do xénero?
we focus on interest instead of gender?
e unha filla,
who have a son and a daughter,
the parents say to the girl,
os pais dinlle á nena,
for your brother."
para o teu irmán."
particularly like to cook Indomie noodles,
especialmente cociñar eses fideos,
ten que facelo.
to cook Indomie?
á nena,a cociñar Indomie?
moi útil para os nenos.
is a very useful skill for boys to have.
to leave such a crucial thing,
deixar algo tan crucial,
titulación e traballo que o seu home,
and the same job as her husband.
a meirande parte das tarefas do fogar,
she does most of the housework,
changed the baby's diaper,
o cueiro ao bebé,
algo perfectamente normal e natural
as perfectly normal and natural
care for his child?
o coidado do seu fillo?
many of the lessons of gender
moitas das leccións de xénero
in the face of gender expectations.
aínda fronte ás expectativas de xénero.
de escritura na escola de posgrao,
a writing class in graduate school,
materia a ensinar,
about the material I would teach
what I enjoy teaching.
me gusta ensinar.
pola roupa.
have to prove my worth.
demasiado feminina,
that if I looked too feminine,
my shiny lip gloss and my girly skirt,
labios e a miña saia feminina,
no que se refire á aparencia,
that when it comes to appearance
as the standard, as the norm.
como a norma.
reunión de negocios,
for a business meeting,
about looking too masculine
demasiado masculino
para unha reunión de negocios,
for business meeting,
about looking too feminine
demasiado feminina,
she will be taken seriously.
tomada en serio.
that ugly suit that day.
por certo.
from my closet, by the way.
que teño hoxe,
that I have now to be myself,
aínda máis das miñas ensinanzas,
even more from my teaching,
be apologetic for my femaleness
pola miña non-virilidade
a miña non-virilidade
in all of my femaleness
conversation to have.
to encounter almost immediate resistance.
unha resistencia case inmediata.
are actually thinking,
están pensando en realidade,
actively think about gender
demasiado sobre o xénero,
como o meu amigo Louis,
nada para cambialo.
into a restaurant with a woman
cunha muller
part of a longer version of this talk.
dunha versión máis longa desta charla.
a very uncomfortable conversation to have,
unha conversación moi incómoda,
to close the conversation.
de pecha-la charla.
evolutionary biology and apes,
de bioloxía evolutiva e primates,
bow down to male apes
inclínanse ante os machos,
and have earthworms for breakfast,
comen miñocas no almorzo,
"Well, poor men also have a hard time."
o teñen difícil"
what this conversation is about.
are different forms of oppression.
formas de opresión.
about systems of oppression
dos sistemas de opresión
to a black man about gender
sobre o xénero
'my experience as a woman'?
a miña experiencia como muller?"
about his experience as a black man.
como home negro.
de xeitos diferentes.
experience the world differently.
we experience the world.
en que experimentámo-lo mundo.
o autentico poder,
bottom power is an expression
poder de abaixo é unha expresión
something like a woman
como que unha muller
to get favors from men.
para obter favores dos homes.
poder en absoluto.
que unha muller
from time to time --
de cando en cando,
that somebody else is in a bad mood,
está de mal humor,
being subordinate to a man is our culture.
da muller é parte da nosa cultura.
who are fifteen and live in Lagos.
que teñen quince anos e viven en Lagos.
taken away and killed.
it was our culture to kill twins.
matábase aos xemelgos.
preservation and continuity of a people.
preservación e a continuidade dun pobo.
in the story of who we are,
na nosa historia,
coma min.
is not our culture,
non é a nosa cultura,
que sexa a nosa cultura.
Okoloma Maduewesi.
Okoloma Maduewesi.
who passed away in that Sosoliso crash
accidente de Sosoliso
by those of us who loved him.
que o amábamos.
when he called me a feminist.
cando me chamou feminista.
in the dictionary that day,
ese día,
who believes in the social, political
igualdade social, política
from the stories I've heard,
as historias que oín,
she did not want to marry
con quen non quería casar
que escolleu ela.
the man of her choice.
ela tomou a palabra
of access, of land, that sort of thing.
de algo, da terra, dese tipo de cousas.
did not know that word "feminist,"
que ela non o fora.
recuperar esa palabra.
with gender as it is today,
good-looking, lovely man,
un home encantador,
Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie - NovelistInspired by Nigerian history and tragedies all but forgotten by recent generations of westerners, Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie’s novels and stories are jewels in the crown of diasporan literature.
Why you should listen
In Nigeria, Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie's novel Half of a Yellow Sun has helped inspire new, cross-generational communication about the Biafran war. In this and in her other works, she seeks to instill dignity into the finest details of each character, whether poor, middle class or rich, exposing along the way the deep scars of colonialism in the African landscape.
Adichie's newest book, The Thing Around Your Neck, is a brilliant collection of stories about Nigerians struggling to cope with a corrupted context in their home country, and about the Nigerian immigrant experience.
Adichie builds on the literary tradition of Igbo literary giant Chinua Achebe—and when she found out that Achebe liked Half of a Yellow Sun, she says she cried for a whole day. What he said about her rings true: “We do not usually associate wisdom with beginners, but here is a new writer endowed with the gift of ancient storytellers.”
(Photo: Wani Olatunde)
Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie | Speaker |