Melissa Fleming: A boat carrying 500 refugees sunk at sea. The story of two survivors
Melissa Fleming: Člun s 500 uprchlíky se potopil na moři. Příběh dvou, kteří přežili
Melissa Fleming sheds light on their devastating plight and remarkable resilience of refugees. Full bio
Double-click the English transcript below to play the video.
of people fleeing for their lives,
kteří utíkají, aby si zachránili život,
and unfriendly seas.
that keeps me awake at night,
ale nemohu v noci spát
in Egypt working day wages.
Pracovala ze dne na den.
of his thriving business back in Syria
který míval v Sýrii
was still raging in its fourth year.
zuřila tehdy čtvrtým rokem.
that once welcomed them there
tried to kidnap her.
muži na motorkách.
thinking only of her future,
přemýšlející jen o své budoucnosti,
with a fellow Syrian refugee named Bassem.
Do syrského spoluuprchlíka jménem Bassem.
and he said to Doaa,
a tak řekl Doaa:
tam najdeme azyl a bezpečí."
the promise of a new life."
-- příslib nového života."
for her hand in marriage.
they had to risk their lives,
musí riskovat své životy
notorious for their cruelty.
proslulých svou krutostí.
She never learned to swim.
and already 2,000 people had died
all the way to Northern Europe,
a dostala se až do severní Evropy,
jestli by mohli jet,
they consented,
2,500 dollars each --
-- 2 500 dolarů za každého --
when the call came,
hundreds of people on the beach.
Stovky lidí na jedné pláži.
onto an old fishing boat,
do starého rybářského člunu,
Africans, Muslims and Christians,
muslimové a křesťané,
little Sandra, six years old --
-- malé šestileté Sandry --
crammed together shoulder to shoulder,
namačkané na sebe rameno na rameno,
crammed up to her chest,
they were sick with worry
jim bylo zle z úzkosti
from the rough sea.
"I fear we're not going to make it.
"Bojím se, že to nezvládneme.
"Please be patient.
"Buď trpělivá, prosím.
we will get married
vezmeme se
were getting agitated.
začali být pasažéři rozrušení.
"When will we get there?"
"Kdy se tam dostaneme?"
and he insulted them.
a nadával jim.
the shores of Italy."
a smaller boat, 10 men on board,
-- menší člun, s deseti muži na palubě,
hurling insults,
to all disembark
Říkali jim, ať se všichni vylodí
more unseaworthy boat.
zchátralejšího člunu.
for their children,
refused to disembark.
in the side of Doaa's boat,
aby mu udělal díru do boku,
and Bassem were sitting.
kde ona a Bassem seděli.
as the boat capsized and sank.
když se člun převrhával a potápěl.
of the boat as it sank,
was cut to pieces by the propeller.
rozsekal na kusy lodní šroub.
will kill you, too."
tě zabije také."
her arms and her legs,
rukama a nohama
Bassem found a life ring.
Bassem našel záchraný kruh.
in swimming pools and on calm seas.
nebo na klidném moři.
dangling by the side.
in groups, praying for rescue.
a modlit se o pomoc.
a nikdo nepřicházel,
life vests off and sank into the water.
záchranné vesty a tonou.
with a small baby perched on his shoulder,
s malým děckem posazeným na rameni,
to stay afloat, and he said to them,
aby zůstal na hladině, a řekl jim:
the courage anymore."
Už nemám odvahu."
over to Bassem and to Doaa,
Bassemovi a Doaa,
na kraj záchranného kruhu.
Doaa, Bassem and little Malek.
Doaa, Bassem a malá Malek.
in this story right here
v tomto příběhu
take these kinds of risks?
podstupují takováto rizika?
in exile, in limbo.
v provizoriu.
from a war that has been raging
have been completely destroyed.
byly úplně zničeny.
into neighboring countries,
do sousedních zemí
for them in the desert.
uprchlické tábory v poušti.
live in camps like these,
millions, live in towns and cities.
žijí ve městech a velkoměstech.
that once welcomed them
water systems, sanitation.
čističek odpadu.
could never handle such an influx
by nemohly zvládnout takový příliv
four million people over the borders,
skoro čtyři miliony lidí za hranice,
are on the run inside the country.
je na útěku uvnitř této země.
the Syrian population
obyvatel Sýrie
countries hosting so many.
které tolika z nich poskytují přístřeší.
has done too little to support them.
toho zatím udělal na jejich podporu málo.
months into years.
to be temporary.
and Bassem was getting very weak.
a Bassem rychle slábnul.
to say to Bassem,
aby řekla Bassemovi:
to our future. We will make it."
na naši budoucnost. Zvládneme to."
that I put you in this situation.
že jsem tě dostal do této situace.
as much as I love you."
jako miluji tebe."
drowned before her eyes.
utonula před jejíma očima.
small 18-month-old daughter, Masa.
s osmnáctiměsíční dcerou -- s Masou.
in the picture earlier,
co jsem vám předtím ukázala na fotce,
everything in her power
co je v jejích silách,
"Please take this child.
"Prosím tě, vezmi si to dítě.
I will not survive."
Já nepřežiju.
who was terrified of the water,
která se bála vody,
of two little baby kids.
dvě malé děti.
and they were agitated,
a byly rozrušené
jak nejlépe uměla,
to them from the Quran.
and turning black.
this is how Doaa probably looked
takhle Doaa asi vypadala
and approached her
přiblížila se k ní
and the mother drowned,
a jeho matka se utopila,
to find you water and food."
sehnat ti nějakou vodu a jídlo."
the little boy into the water.
pustit do vody.
crossing in the sky.
křižující oblohu.
hoping they would see her,
a doufala, že ji uvidí,
as the sun was going down,
zapadalo slunce,
let them rescue me."
ať se jim podaří mě zachránit."
like she shouted for about two hours.
že křičí snad dvě hodiny.
but finally the searchlights found her
ale pomocí reflektorů ji nakonec našli
clutching onto two babies.
svírající dvě malé děti.
they got oxygen and blankets,
dali jim kyslík a přikrývky
to pick them up
je přiletěla vyzvednout
"What of Malek?"
"Co je s Malek?"
did not survive --
že to děťátko to nepřežilo --
in the boat's clinic.
been pulled up onto the rescue boat,
vytahovali do záchranného člunu,
that wreck, of the 500.
jenom 11 lidí z 500.
investigation into what happened.
mezinárodní vyšetření toho, co se stalo.
about mass murder at sea,
o masové vraždě na moři,
hospital on Crete,
Her kidneys were failing.
Selhávaly jí ledviny.
in their medical power to save them,
aby je zachránili,
se nehnuly od jejího lůžka,
singing her words.
zpívaly jí.
and said pretty words to her in Arabic.
a říkali jí milá arabská slůvka.
about the miracle baby,
o zázračném dítěti,
without food or anything to drink,
bez jídla a pití
from all over the country.
adoptovat ji.
was in another hospital on Crete,
v jiné krétské nemocnici,
home as soon as she was released.
k sobě domů, jakmile ji pustili.
about Doaa's survival,
že Doaa přežila,
was published on Facebook.
telefonní číslo.
what happened to my brother?
Do you know if they survived?"
Nevíš, jestli přežili?
my little niece, Masa."
mou malou neteř, Masu."
to Sweden with his family
do Švédska se svou rodinou
with him in Sweden,
shledá ve Švédsku
in a beautiful orphanage in Athens.
v pěkném sirotčinci v Athénách.
about her survival, too.
se také rozšířila.
about this slight woman,
she could survive all this time
jak mohla celou tu dobu přežít
most prestigious institutions,
nejprestižnějších řeckých institucí,
with her family there.
and her father and her younger siblings
a své mladší sourozence
or a politician
fight injustice.
v boji proti nespravedlnosti.
for her to study in Europe?
jak studovat v Evropě?
an airplane to Sweden?
do Švédska letět letadlem?
program for Syrian refugees,
přesídlení pro syrské uprchlíky,
in the 1970s. Why not now?
v sedmdesátých letech. Proč ne teď?
in the neighboring countries
do sousedních zemí,
tolika uprchlíkům?
the wars, the persecution
so many people
their economies, the changes of culture.
o své hospodářství, bojí se změn kultury.
than saving human lives?
než záchrana lidských životů?
fundamental here
nebo pronásledováním,
crossing a sea to reach safety.
cestou přes moře do bezpečí.
on those dangerous boats
by nebyli na těch nebezpečných člunech,
kde jsou.
that dangerous journey
na tu nebezpečnou cestu,
for themselves and their children.
pro sebe a své děti.
jak se přistěhovat.
who drowned with them,
kteří se utopili,
did not die in vain?
aby nezemřeli zbytečně?
in which every life matters?
ve kterém záleží na každém životě?
Melissa Fleming - Voice for refugeesMelissa Fleming sheds light on their devastating plight and remarkable resilience of refugees.
Why you should listen
Almost 60 million people in the world today have been forcefully displaced from their home - a level not seen since WWII. As many as four million Syrian refugees have sought refuge in neighboring countries. In Lebanon, half of these refugees are children; only 20 percent are in school.
Melissa Fleming, Head of Communications and Spokesperson for the High Commissioner at UN's High Commission for Refugees (UNHCR), calls on all of us to make sure that refugee camps are healing places where people can develop the skills they'll need to rebuild their hometowns. Investing in this, she says, may well be the most effective relief effort there is. This inspires her and the teams at the UNHCR to tell stories of the individuals who are displaced.
Fleming's 2017 book, A Hope More Powerful Than the Sea, was born out of the story of Doaa Al Zamel, told her in TED Talk.
Fleming was named senior advisor and spokesperson for UN Secretary-General, António Guterres, in October 2016.
Melissa Fleming | Speaker |