Zeynep Tufekci: Online social change: easy to organize, hard to win
Zeynep Tufekci: Come Internet ha reso i cambiamenti sociali facili da organizzare, difficili da ottenere
Techno-sociologist Zeynep Tufekci asks big questions about our societies and our lives, as both algorithms and digital connectivity spread. Full bio
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how social media helps empower protest,
in multiple social movements,
in molti movimenti sociali,
empowers social movements
aiuta i movimenti
but overcoming it requires diving deep
richiede la comprensione
over the long term.
Gezi Park protests, July 2013,
al parco Gezi del luglio 2013
well, along with a lot of tear gas.
insieme ai gas lacrimogeni.
gotten used to the power of Twitter
conosce il potere di Twitter
about a year before
dell'anno precedente,
bombardarono e assassinarono
near the border region,
censored this news.
to tell them what to do.
dicesse loro cosa fare.
could not take this anymore.
non poté tollerare di più,
where this had occurred.
relatives wailing.
e parenti in lacrime.
che si sentì sopraffatto
how overwhelmed he felt,
and tweeted it out.
and forced mass media to cover it.
a parlare del caso.
Turkey's Gezi protests happened,
ci furono proteste a Gezi
about a park being razed,
per la costruzione di un parco
in una protesta contro il governo.
that media also censored it,
che i media l'abbiano censurata,
was broadcasting live from Istanbul,
fece la diretta da Istanbul
un documentario sui pinguini.
a documentary on penguins.
but that wasn't the news of the day.
ma non era la notizia del giorno.
together and snapped that picture,
le due schermate e scattò questa foto,
the penguin media. (Laughter)
la stampa dei pinguini. (Risate)
and looked for actual news.
la verità sui cellulari.
and take pictures and participate
fece foto
for everything from food to donations.
dal cibo alle donazioni.
con l'aiuto delle nuove tecnologie.
with the help of these new technologies.
and publicize protests
per mobilizzare e protestare
in the southern Chiapas region of Mexico
della regione del Chiapas in Messico
charismatic Subcomandante Marcos?
subcomandante Marco?
thanks to the Internet.
grazie ad Internet.
brought global attention
suscitarono interesse globale
l'Organizzazione Mondiale del Commercio,
the World Trade Organization,
technologies to help them organize.
per organizzarsi.
uno stato dopo l'altro:
to Tunisia to Egypt and more;
dell'Egitto e oltre;
the Gezi Park protests;
e la protesta al parco Gezi;
like the #BringBackOurGirls hashtags.
come l'hashtag "BringbackOurGirls".
can unleash a global awareness campaign.
di informazione.
of a massive mobilization.
il fulcro di una comunicazione di massa.
able to have, their outcomes,
e dell'energia che li hanno ispirati.
to the size and energy they inspired.
are not really matched
con il risultato finale.
as a result in the end.
easier for movements,
le cose per le proteste
become more likely as well?
non sono più probabili?
for activism and politics,
per l'attivismo e la politica
of doing things the hard way?
easier to achieve gains.
non sempre significa risultati facili.
four young college students
network called 140Journos
chiamato 140 Journos
for uncensored news in the country.
non censurata.
use digital connectivity
hanno usato la tecnologia
for 10 field hospitals,
a 10 ospedali,
near Tahrir Square in 2011.
di piazza Tahrir nel 2011.
of this effort, called Tahrir Supplies,
he had the idea to when he got started.
dall'idea al progetto?"
cinque minuti.
or background in logistics.
which rocked the world in 2011.
to 90,000 subscribers in its list.
a 90000 iscritti.
600 ongoing occupations and protests.
physical occupation in Zuccotti Park,
i fatti al parco Zuccotti
in about 82 countries, 950 cities.
in 82 paesi, 950 città.
global protests ever organized.
Movement had to do in 1955 Alabama
sui diritti civili in Alabama del 1955
bus system, which they wanted to boycott.
to swing into action
start the boycott --
quando non c'era Facebook,
texting, Twitter, none of that?
duplicating room
African-American organizations
to distribute those leaflets by hand.
e distribuirono i volantini.
because these were poor people.
era scoraggiante,
o senza boicottaggio,
to keep this carpool going.
available rides and what rides you need,
con i percorsi disponibili e richiesti,
and use texting.
in the United States
of political dangers,
da pericoli politici.
e arrivò a concessioni importanti
won major policy concessions,
attraverso i rischi.
after Occupy sparked
are still in place.
sono ancora presenti.
by anti-austerity protests,
da una protesta contro l'austerità,
non ha cambiato direzione.
didn't shift its direction.
of slow and sustained?
about a year after the Gezi protests
un anno dopo i fatti di Gezi
and the opposition party and movements.
were despairing.
than what they had hoped for.
molto meno di ciò che speravano.
around the world
quel che avevo sentito per il mondo
that I'm in touch with.
that part of the problem
a bit like climbing Mt. Everest
of the slower work.
da un lavoro lento.
tedious logistical tasks
noiosi compiti logistici,
that could think together collectively
che pensava in gruppo
and maybe even more crucially,
e innovava e soprattutto,
le differenze incontrate.
March on Washington in 1963,
del 1963,
Martin Luther King gave his famous
di Martin Luther King
and you don't just hear a powerful speech,
o un discorso importante
long-term work that can put on that march.
della protesta.
the capacity signaled by that march,
della forza di questa protesta,
delle capacità di questa protesta.
signaled by that march, seriously.
at Occupy's global marches
la marcia di Occupy,
can bite over the long term.
che mordono a lungo termine.
innovated tactically
ha inventato tattiche
to pickets to marches to freedom rides.
ai picchetti, alle rivolte
without the organizational base
rapidamente senza organizzazione
that got very big
the depth of capacity
di approfondire
The magic is not in the mimeograph.
stampati a mano.
think together collectively,
di pensare collettivamente,
over time with a lot of work.
e il lavoro duro.
un membro del partito in Turchia
from the ruling party in Turkey,
extensively, so that's not it.
la tecnologia digitale, quindi non è quello.
he never took sugar with his tea.
non mettere zucchero nel tè.
got to do with anything?
getting ready for the next election
si preparava per le elezioni successive
meeting with voters in their homes,
a casa con gli elettori,
circumcision ceremonies,
to compare notes.
e si confrontava.
with tea offered at every one of them,
e con il tè offerto,
perché è scortese,
because that would be rude,
per cup of tea,
per ogni tazza di tè,
he can't even calculate how many kilos,
perché parlava così veloce.
why he was speaking so fast.
and he was already way over-caffeinated.
e aveva già molta caffeina in corpo.
due elezioni importanti
with comfortable margins.
con un vantaggio considerevole.
different resources to bring to the table.
risorse a disposizione
ma le differenze sono istruttive.
but the differences are instructive.
a story just of technology.
qui non si tratta solo di tecnologia.
converging with what we want to do.
rispetto a quello che vogliamo fare.
want to operate informally.
agiscono in modo informale.
they fear corruption and cooptation.
la corruzione e la cooptazione.
are being strangled in many countries
sono asfissiate
makes it hard for them
e una pressione sul sistema
and exert leverage over the system,
protesters dropping out,
frustrati che rinunciano,
without an effective challenge hobbles,
the modern recent movements are crucial.
and potential and economies.
il potenziale e le economie.
many countries.
that the problem is
who take as many risks as before,
and livelihoods on the line.
la propria vita.
as Malcolm Gladwell claimed,
come diceva Malcolm Gladwell,
form weaker virtual ties.
formano cordoni deboli.
just like before,
come prima,
make new friends for life.
global protests more than a decade ago,
di più di dieci anni fa,
are not worthless.
non sono inutili.
gas lacrimogeno a Gezi,
and one another instead of running away.
e stare al sicuro.
each other safe and protected.
è fantastica perché il cambio di mentalità
is the bedrock of changing politics.
participation at great scale very fast
a più di una partecipazione su larga scala
to think together collectively,
creare consensi,
create consensus,
and relate them to leverage,
e relazionarle per sfruttarle,
and bravery and sacrifice by itself
non sono abbastanza.
are developing a platform called Loomio
stanno sviluppando una piattaforma,
decision making at scale.
are holding hack-a-thons
una maratona informatica
as well as citizen journalism.
e il giornalismo partecipativo.
called DemocracyOS
chiamata DemocracyOS
to parliaments and political parties.
al parlamento e ai partiti politici.
e ne abbiamo bisogno,
better online decision-making,
un migliore processo decisionale online,
to need to innovate at every level,
to the political to the social.
alla politica, al sociale.
a lungo termine,
Zeynep Tufekci - Techno-sociologistTechno-sociologist Zeynep Tufekci asks big questions about our societies and our lives, as both algorithms and digital connectivity spread.
Why you should listen
We've entered an era of digital connectivity and machine intelligence. Complex algorithms are increasingly used to make consequential decisions about us. Many of these decisions are subjective and have no right answer: who should be hired, fired or promoted; what news should be shown to whom; which of your friends do you see updates from; which convict should be paroled. With increasing use of machine learning in these systems, we often don't even understand how exactly they are making these decisions. Zeynep Tufekci studies what this historic transition means for culture, markets, politics and personal life.
Tufekci is a contributing opinion writer at the New York Times, an associate professor at the School of Information and Library Science at University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, and a faculty associate at Harvard's Berkman Klein Center for Internet and Society.
Her book, Twitter and Tear Gas: The Power and Fragility of Networked Protest, was published in 2017 by Yale University Press. Her next book, from Penguin Random House, will be about algorithms that watch, judge and nudge us.
Zeynep Tufekci | Speaker | TED.com