Clint Smith: The danger of silence
Clint Smith: Nevarnost tišine
Double-click the English transcript below to play the video.
je v svojem govoru leta 1968,
upon the Civil Rights Movement,
za državljanske pravice, izjavil:
besed naših sovražnikov,
spremljamo posledice tišine,
življenj skozi poezijo.
have to be sources of shame.
zaupnosti svoje lastne tišine,
at the beginning of the year:
na začetku leta podpiše:
načelu - povej svojo resnico.
da spregovorijo,
povedati svojo resnico,
o časih, ko mi to ni uspelo.
med odraščanjem v New Orleansu,
v postnem času, vedno učili,
lahko naredi, da se nečemu odreče.
da razumeš njegovo svetost.
francoskim poljubom in vsemu vmes.
kar bi jo lahko žrtvoval,
da sem to storil že dolgo nazaj.
kar so želeli slišati,
nikogaršnja vest,
ne potrebuje besed, da obstaja.
zaradi homoseksualnosti, sem dal roke v žep
down as if I didn't even notice.
kot da nisem opazil.
because the bolt on the lock
na tisto na mojih ustih.
pogledal in iskal potrditev,
touching the screen on my Apple
na mojem Applu (op. p. Jabolko),
na dobrodelni prireditvi rekla:
those poor, unintelligent kids,"
neinteligentne otroke."
we needed her money
potrebujemo njen denar bolj,
svoje dostojanstvo.
ki jih ne povejo.
Tišina je Katrina.
aren't enough body bags left.
vreč za posmrtne ostanke.
vratu že zategnjena.
Je privilegij. Je bolečina.
okrog moje neodločenosti.
kako mu je ime
da moji učenci lahko govorijo
kot da se pišejo Thoreau,
one episode of "The Wire"
epizodo Skrivnih navez,
o mojih otrocih.
pod jezikom mikrofon,
potreboval, tvoj glas?
Clint Smith - Poet, educatorClint Smith's work blends art and activism.
Why you should listen
Clint Smith is a writer, teacher and doctoral candidate at Harvard University studying education, incarceration and inequality. Previously, he taught high school English in Prince George’s County, Maryland where, in 2013, he was named the Christine D. Sarbanes Teacher of the Year by the Maryland Humanities Council.
Clint is a 2014 National Poetry Slam champion, an Individual World Poetry Slam Finalist, and author of the poetry collection Counting Descent. He has received fellowships from the National Science Foundation, Cave Canem and the Callaloo Creative Writing Workshop. His writing has appeared in The New Yorker, The Guardian, Boston Review, American Poetry Review, Harvard Educational Review and elsewhere. He was born and raised in New Orleans, LA.
Clint Smith | Speaker |